Most new features in translate5 can and should be written as plug-ins. This space gives you an overview of existing plug-ins. For information on how to write a plug-in, please visit the translate5 architecture documentation.
Every user is welcomed to add a plug-in to this page.
Available Translate5 plugins
- AcrossHotfolder
- ArchiveTaskBeforeDelete
- DeepL
- DeleteUserAssociations
- Dummy Pseudo Translator
- GlobalesePreTranslation
- GroupShare
- InstantTranslate
- IpAuthentication
- LockSegmentsBasedOnConfig
- ManualStatusCheck
- Match-analysis
- MatchResource [Deprecated]
- ModelFront
- MT-ComparEval
- NoMissingTargetTerminology
- Okapi
- OpenAI
- PangeaMT
- SegmentStatistics
- SpellCheck
- TermImport
- TermTagger
- TextShuttle
- TildeMT
- Transit