Page tree

  • Thomas Lauria finalize the document and link on user changement form.

Caution: System roles define, what rights a user has in the application. They should not be mixed up with workflow roles.

The following system roles selectable for users are available in translate5:

EditorHas the right to see, open and edit the tasks associated to the user having that role.

Gives access to InstantTranslate, accessing the language resources belonging to the same clients as the user is associated to.

If this is the only role, InstantTranslate is the start page after login.

  • Only evaluated and works with write TM API route - editor/instanttranslateapi/writetm

Documentation for this role can be found here: InstantTranslate#:~:text=Auto%20creation%20of%20memory

TermPortal roles. See more details here TermPortal: User roles
termCustomerSearchRead-only access to TermPortal - search terms and view attributes

termProposerCreate terms/attributes; update/delete certain terms/attributestermCustomerSearch
termReviewerUpdate certain terms/attributes; Update processStatus from unprocessed to provisionallyProcessed or rejected.termCustomerSearch
termFinalizerUpdate certain terms/attributes; Update processStatus from provisionallyProcessed to finalized to rejected.termCustomerSearch
termPMFull read and write access to terms and attributes from termCollections belonging to the clients associated to the user.termCustomerSearch
termPM_allClientsSame as termPM, but termCollections of ALL clients are accessibletermPM
Client restricted PM roles
clientpmPM restricted to certain clients. Usually assigned with combination of the clientpm overview roles (see bellow list)clientpm
clientpm_usersClient restricted PM  who is able to manage users.clientpm
clientpm_projectsClient restricted PM   who is able to create and manage project. But only for the clients he is assigned to.clientpm
clientpm_langresourcesClient restricted PM   who is able to create and manage resources. But only for the clients he is assigned to.clientpm
clientpm_customersClient restricted PM who is able to manage clients he is assigned to:
    • define default user assignments per customer
    • define match ranges and pricing for the analysis
    • define and manage segmentation roles (via bconf) - customer level
    • manage customer level configurations
    • OpenID connect configuration

  • Light project manager which may only administrate its own projects and tasks and has no access to user management or language resources management.
  • is allowed to create new project for all customers and assign all available language resources
  • will only see by him created projects or the projects where he is assigned as project manager
  • can assign new users to his projects/tasks
  • can assign language resources to his projects/tasks
  • can run analysis and pre-translation to his project/tasks
  • can run pivot pre-translation  to his project/tasks
  • trigger QA  to his project/tasks
  • import and export packages  to his project/tasks
  • change task level configurations  to his project/tasks
  • allowed create and manage tasks for all clients
  • create and manage language resources
  • create and manage users. Is able to create another PM but not able to create users with admin roles
  • create and manage clients
    • define default user assignments per customer
    • define match ranges and pricing for the analysis
    • define and manage segmentation roles (via bconf) - customer level
    • manage customer level configurations
    • OpenID connect configuration
  • define and manage segmentation roles (via bconf) - system level
  • define and manage Custom task fields
  • define match ranges and pricing for the analysis on system level
  • can cancel importing task and has access to the task logs
  • Notification emails
    • All users did close the job of a workflow role
    • Task with competitive job type taken over by user in the workflow
    • If there are errors when excel task is re-imported
    • Task deadline is approaching
    • Error summary for importing task
    • When new task is assigned as PM
    • When new task is assigned as workflow role
    • When one user finish his workflow
    • When deadline date is overdue
  • Config: access to the system configuration and edit configurations on level "instance"
  • Is allowed to add non filebased languageresources (mostly MTs)
  • use and maintain the Deepl Glossary
  • Is allowed cancelling a task in status import
  • task leaving in UI is possible, although we are in editor only mode (useful for sysadmins etc.)
  • Is allowed to set other users as "admin" and all included roles
  • Receives an e-mail with the changelog, when translate5 is updated
Editor, PM, termFinalizer, termPM, termPM_allClients
  • Config: access to the system configuration and edit configurations on level "system"
  • Allowed to access and modify the configured languages (via API)
  • Plugin Across Hotfolder: Allowed to trigger the check for new files manually
  • Is allowed to impersonate other users (via API)
  • Is allowed to access and modify user API access tokens (via UI and API)
  • Is allowed to read the Job based access tokens
  • Is allowed to read the whole application state from the corresponding endpoint (everybody is allowed to call the endpoint for pinging the application without receiving data)
  • Initial default task type: Instanttranslate Pre Translation Tasks
  • Delete Sessions also by InternalID
Editor, PM, Admin

TODO by Thomas (currently same as admin + receiving daily syslog summary and access to system log in the UI + set the API role)

Same as Admin, additionally:

  • System Status in UI
  • Sytem Log in UI
  • Is allowed to access and modify user API access tokens (via UI and API)
  • Get available translate5 update notification toast in the UI
  • Is allowed to set other users as "systemadmin", "API" and all included roles
Editor, PM, Admin


 editor_test::all  ????


 applicationconfigLevel::customer: editable in system & customer config
 applicationconfigLevel::task: editable in system & customer & task config, throughout the lifetime of a task
 applicationconfigLevel::taskImport: editable in system & customer & task config, freezed thereafter (not editable anymore after import)
 auto_set_role::editor: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR EDITOR
 frontend::downloadImportArchive: Download the import archive
 frontend::editAllTasks: allows opening all tasks for editing, even if not assigned to task as user or as direct task PM
 frontend::editorAddLangresource: allows the adding of Language Resources in general
 frontend::editorAddTask: allows the usage of the task add window in the UI
 frontend::editorAddUser: allows the usage of the user add window in the UI
 frontend::editorChangeUserAssocTask: allows user to task assignment in the UI (and listing of changeable workflow steps in the assignment)
 frontend::editorCloneTask: allows the usage of task clone functionality in the UI
 frontend::editorCustomerSwitch: enable the customer change switch (multi-tenancy)
 frontend::editorDeleteLangresource: allows the deletion of Language Resources in general
 frontend::editorDeleteProject: allows the deletion of projects in the UI
 frontend::editorDeleteTask: allows the deletion of tasks in the UI
 frontend::editorDeleteUser: allows the deletion of users in the UI
 frontend::editorEditAllTasks: allows opening all tasks for editing, even if not assigned to task as user or as direct task PM
 frontend::editorEditTaskEdit100PercentMatch: allows editing the task attribute Edit100PercentMatch
 frontend::editorEditTaskOrderDate: allows editing the task attribute order date
 frontend::editorEditTaskPm: allows editing the task attribute PM
 frontend::editorEditTaskTaskName: allows editing the task name
 frontend::editorEditUser: allows the deletion of users in the UI
 frontend::editorEndTask: allows ending a task
 frontend::editorExcelreexportTask: export task as Excel file and lock task for external processing
 frontend::editorExcelreimportTask: allows re-import of a task-Excel exported file
 frontend::editorExportExcelhistory: Download the tasks content as spreadsheet containing all segments, with the pre-translated targetand the target content after each workflow step.
 frontend::editorExportTask: Allow exporting a task: default export, diff export, termtranslation export)
 frontend::editorLogTask: allows the user to have the Events Action item in the action menuFIXME should be merged with editorTaskLog????
 frontend::editorManageQualities: Allows the user to use the quality overview for a task and re-check qualities
 frontend::editorMenuProject: usage unclear, seems not to be used anymore.
 frontend::editorPreferencesTask: allows viewing the task preferences tab for a selected project task
 frontend::editorReloadProject: allows reloading a project
 frontend::editorReopenTask: allows to reopen (un finish) a task
 frontend::editorResetPwUser: allows the deletion of users in the UI
 frontend::editorShowexportmenuTask: Allow downloading a task in general (task download menu in the UI)
 frontend::editorTaskKpi: allows to use the task KPI and download task KPI as Excel file
 frontend::editorTaskLog: allows to use the task events panelFIXME should be merged with editorLogTask????
 frontend::editorWorkflowPrefsTask: allows viewing the task workflow prefs (special user prefs) button
 frontend::languageResourcesTaskPivotAssoc: allows assigning language resources as pivot source to tasks (UI)
 frontend::languageResourcesTaskassoc: allows assigning language resources to tasks (UI)
 frontend::loadAllTasks: allows seeing all tasks, even if not assigned to task as user or as direct task PM
 frontend::lockSegmentBatch: allows segment batch locking on the filtered segment list
 frontend::lockSegmentOperation: allows locking a single segment
 frontend::pluginGlobalesePreTranslationGlobalese: Enables the UI invocation of the spell-check in the editor (Editor.plugins.SpellCheck.controller.Editor)
 frontend::readAnonymyzedUsers: allows see original data behind anonymized user data
 frontend::taskConfigOverwriteGrid: enables the task specific configuration panel in the preferences view
 frontend::taskReimport: allows the usage of the task files panel
 frontend::taskUserAssocFrontendController: allows the usage of the task user associations (UI)
 frontend::unlockSegmentBatch: allows segment batch un-locking on the filtered segment list
 frontend::unlockSegmentOperation: allows un-locking a single segment
 initial_tasktype::default: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_Default
 initial_tasktype::project: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_Project
 initial_tasktype::projectTask: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_ProjectTask
 setaclrole::editor: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR EDITOR
 system::seeAllUsers: allows to see all users instead only the users of the user hierarchyTODO check usages

 Inherited from Role editor 13 rights


 initial_page::instantTranslatePortal: Allows Applet instantTranslatePortal as initial page
 initial_tasktype::instanttranslate-pre-translate: TODO read with reflection from editor_Plugins_InstantTranslate_TaskType
 ipAuthentication::ipBasedAuthentication: allows usage of IP based authentication




 applicationconfigLevel::customer: editable in system & customer config
 applicationconfigLevel::task: editable in system & customer & task config, throughout the lifetime of a task
 applicationconfigLevel::taskImport: editable in system & customer & task config, freezed thereafter (not editable anymore after import)
 auto_set_role::editor: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR EDITOR
 frontend::customerAdministration: allows the usage of the customer administration (as tab in the main window)
 frontend::downloadImportArchive: Download the import archive
 frontend::editAllTasks: allows opening all tasks for editing, even if not assigned to task as user or as direct task PM
 frontend::editorAddCustomer: allows the adding of customers
 frontend::editorAddLangresource: allows the adding of Language Resources in general
 frontend::editorAddTask: allows the usage of the task add window in the UI
 frontend::editorAddUser: allows the usage of the user add window in the UI
 frontend::editorChangeUserAssocTask: allows user to task assignment in the UI (and listing of changeable workflow steps in the assignment)
 frontend::editorCloneTask: allows the usage of task clone functionality in the UI
 frontend::editorCustomerSwitch: enable the customer change switch (multi-tenancy)
 frontend::editorDeleteCustomer: allows the deletion of customers
 frontend::editorDeleteLangresource: allows the deletion of Language Resources in general
 frontend::editorDeleteProject: allows the deletion of projects in the UI
 frontend::editorDeleteTask: allows the deletion of tasks in the UI
 frontend::editorDeleteUser: allows the deletion of users in the UI
 frontend::editorEditAllTasks: allows opening all tasks for editing, even if not assigned to task as user or as direct task PM
 frontend::editorEditTaskEdit100PercentMatch: allows editing the task attribute Edit100PercentMatch
 frontend::editorEditTaskOrderDate: allows editing the task attribute order date
 frontend::editorEditTaskPm: allows editing the task attribute PM
 frontend::editorEditTaskTaskName: allows editing the task name
 frontend::editorEditUser: allows the deletion of users in the UI
 frontend::editorEndTask: allows ending a task
 frontend::editorExcelreexportTask: export task as Excel file and lock task for external processing
 frontend::editorExcelreimportTask: allows re-import of a task-Excel exported file
 frontend::editorExportExcelhistory: Download the tasks content as spreadsheet containing all segments, with the pre-translated targetand the target content after each workflow step.
 frontend::editorExportTask: Allow exporting a task: default export, diff export, termtranslation export)
 frontend::editorLogTask: allows the user to have the Events Action item in the action menuFIXME should be merged with editorTaskLog????
 frontend::editorManageQualities: Allows the user to use the quality overview for a task and re-check qualities
 frontend::editorMenuProject: usage unclear, seems not to be used anymore.
 frontend::editorPreferencesTask: allows viewing the task preferences tab for a selected project task
 frontend::editorProjectTask: allows the usage of the project grid (as tab in the main window)
 frontend::editorReloadProject: allows reloading a project
 frontend::editorReopenTask: allows to reopen (un finish) a task
 frontend::editorResetPwUser: allows the deletion of users in the UI
 frontend::editorShowexportmenuTask: Allow downloading a task in general (task download menu in the UI)
 frontend::editorTaskKpi: allows to use the task KPI and download task KPI as Excel file
 frontend::editorTaskLog: allows to use the task events panelFIXME should be merged with editorLogTask????
 frontend::editorWorkflowPrefsTask: allows viewing the task workflow prefs (special user prefs) button
 frontend::languageResourcesOverview: allows the administration of the language resource in general (as tab in the main window)
 frontend::languageResourcesTaskPivotAssoc: allows assigning language resources as pivot source to tasks (UI)
 frontend::languageResourcesTaskassoc: allows assigning language resources to tasks (UI)
 frontend::loadAllTasks: allows seeing all tasks, even if not assigned to task as user or as direct task PM
 frontend::lockSegmentBatch: allows segment batch locking on the filtered segment list
 frontend::lockSegmentOperation: allows locking a single segment
 frontend::pluginGlobalesePreTranslationGlobalese: Enables the UI invocation of the spell-check in the editor (Editor.plugins.SpellCheck.controller.Editor)
 frontend::pluginMatchAnalysisPricingPreset: Enables the UI invocation of the match analysis pricing presets
 frontend::pluginOkapiBconfPrefs: Allows the administration of the BCONF preferences
 frontend::readAnonymyzedUsers: allows see original data behind anonymized user data
 frontend::taskConfigOverwriteGrid: enables the task specific configuration panel in the preferences view
 frontend::taskReimport: allows the usage of the task files panel
 frontend::taskUserAssocFrontendController: allows the usage of the task user associations (UI)
 frontend::unlockSegmentBatch: allows segment batch un-locking on the filtered segment list
 frontend::unlockSegmentOperation: allows un-locking a single segment
 frontend::userAdministration: allows the usage of the user administration (as tab in the main window)
 initial_tasktype::default: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_Default
 initial_tasktype::project: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_Project
 initial_tasktype::projectTask: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_ProjectTask
 setaclrole::clientpm: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR CLIENTPM
 setaclrole::clientpm_customers: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR CLIENTPM_CUSTOMERS
 setaclrole::clientpm_langresources: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR CLIENTPM_LANGRESOURCES
 setaclrole::clientpm_projects: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR CLIENTPM_PROJECTS
 setaclrole::clientpm_users: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR CLIENTPM_USERS
 setaclrole::editor: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR EDITOR
 setaclrole::pm: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR PM
 setaclrole::pmlight: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR PMLIGHT
 system::seeAllUsers: allows to see all users instead only the users of the user hierarchyTODO check usages
 visualReview::pluginVisualReviewFontPrefs: Allows the administration of available fonts in visual review

 Inherited from Role editor 13 rights


 applicationconfigLevel::user: editable by the user in the UI, preset-able on the previous levels
 initial_page::termPortal: Allows Applet termPortal as initial page
 ipAuthentication::ipBasedAuthentication: allows usage of IP based authentication


 auto_set_role::termCustomerSearch: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR TERMCUSTOMERSEARCH

 Inherited from Role termCustomerSearch 3 rights


 frontend::editorMenuTask: allows the usage of the burger menu of a task in the task/project overview grid
 frontend::pluginChangeLogChangelog: enables the corresponding JS controller
 frontend::taskOverviewFrontendController: allows the usage of the task grid (as tab in the main window)
 frontend::userPrefFrontendController: enables the users personal preferences page (change password / layout / language)


 frontend::customerAdministration: allows the usage of the customer administration (as tab in the main window)


 frontend::languageResourcesOverview: allows the administration of the language resource in general (as tab in the main window)


 frontend::editorProjectTask: allows the usage of the project grid (as tab in the main window)


 frontend::userAdministration: allows the usage of the user administration (as tab in the main window)


 applicationconfigLevel::user: editable by the user in the UI, preset-able on the previous levels
 frontend::editorAnalysisTask: allows opening the match-analysis panel as a standalone window (not as task preferences)
 frontend::editorEditTask: allows editing a task in general
 frontend::editorFinishTask: allows finishing a task
 frontend::editorOpenTask: allows opening a task in general (read-only)
 frontend::editorPackageExport: Download the task as re-importable package
 frontend::editorPackageReimport: Re-import the exported task package
 frontend::editorTaskOverviewColumnMenu: make the taskoverview column menu visibility configurable via ACLallows the usage of the task grid header menu (filter / sort / column customization)
 frontend::languageResourcesMatchQuery: allows the usage of the language resource match panel in the editor
 frontend::languageResourcesSearchQuery: allows the usage of the language resource concordance search panel in the editor
 frontend::languageResourcesSynonymSearch: allows the usage of the language resource synonym search panelin the editor (if supported by the language resource, currently only MS)
 frontend::pluginMatchAnalysisMatchAnalysis: Enables the UI invocation of the match analysis in general
 frontend::pluginSpellCheck: Enables the UI invocation of the spell-check in the editor (Editor.plugins.SpellCheck.controller.Editor)
 frontend::pluginSpellCheckMain: Enables the UI invocation of the spell-check in the editor (Editor.plugins.SpellCheck.controller.Main)
 frontend::useChangeAlikes: allows using change alikes (repetitions) functionality when editing repeated segments in a task
 initial_page::editor: Allows Applet editor as initial page
 visualReview::pluginVisualReviewAnnotations: Allows the general usage of VisualReview in the UI (encapsulating the segment annotations code)
 visualReview::pluginVisualReviewGlobal: Allows the general usage of VisualReview in the UI
 visualReview::pluginVisualReviewSegmentMapping: Allows the general usage of VisualReview in the UI (encapsulating the segment mapping code)


 frontend::editorOnlyOverride: task leaving in UI is possible, although we are in editor only mode (useful for sysadmins etc.)




 applicationconfigLevel::task: editable in system & customer & task config, throughout the lifetime of a task
 applicationconfigLevel::taskImport: editable in system & customer & task config, freezed thereafter (not editable anymore after import)
 auto_set_role::editor: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR EDITOR
 frontend::editorAddTask: allows the usage of the task add window in the UI
 frontend::editorChangeUserAssocTask: allows user to task assignment in the UI (and listing of changeable workflow steps in the assignment)
 frontend::editorCloneTask: allows the usage of task clone functionality in the UI
 frontend::editorDeleteProject: allows the deletion of projects in the UI
 frontend::editorDeleteTask: allows the deletion of tasks in the UI
 frontend::editorEditTaskEdit100PercentMatch: allows editing the task attribute Edit100PercentMatch
 frontend::editorEditTaskPm: allows editing the task attribute PM
 frontend::editorEditTaskTaskName: allows editing the task name
 frontend::editorEndTask: allows ending a task
 frontend::editorExcelreexportTask: export task as Excel file and lock task for external processing
 frontend::editorExcelreimportTask: allows re-import of a task-Excel exported file
 frontend::editorExportExcelhistory: Download the tasks content as spreadsheet containing all segments, with the pre-translated targetand the target content after each workflow step.
 frontend::editorExportTask: Allow exporting a task: default export, diff export, termtranslation export)
 frontend::editorLogTask: allows the user to have the Events Action item in the action menuFIXME should be merged with editorTaskLog????
 frontend::editorManageQualities: Allows the user to use the quality overview for a task and re-check qualities
 frontend::editorMenuProject: usage unclear, seems not to be used anymore.
 frontend::editorPreferencesTask: allows viewing the task preferences tab for a selected project task
 frontend::editorProjectTask: allows the usage of the project grid (as tab in the main window)
 frontend::editorReloadProject: allows reloading a project
 frontend::editorReopenTask: allows to reopen (un finish) a task
 frontend::editorShowexportmenuTask: Allow downloading a task in general (task download menu in the UI)
 frontend::editorTaskKpi: allows to use the task KPI and download task KPI as Excel file
 frontend::editorTaskLog: allows to use the task events panelFIXME should be merged with editorLogTask????
 frontend::editorWorkflowPrefsTask: allows viewing the task workflow prefs (special user prefs) button
 frontend::languageResourcesTaskPivotAssoc: allows assigning language resources as pivot source to tasks (UI)
 frontend::languageResourcesTaskassoc: allows assigning language resources to tasks (UI)
 frontend::lockSegmentBatch: allows segment batch locking on the filtered segment list
 frontend::lockSegmentOperation: allows locking a single segment
 frontend::pluginGlobalesePreTranslationGlobalese: Enables the UI invocation of the spell-check in the editor (Editor.plugins.SpellCheck.controller.Editor)
 frontend::readAnonymyzedUsers: allows see original data behind anonymized user data
 frontend::taskConfigOverwriteGrid: enables the task specific configuration panel in the preferences view
 frontend::taskReimport: allows the usage of the task files panel
 frontend::taskUserAssocFrontendController: allows the usage of the task user associations (UI)
 frontend::unlockSegmentBatch: allows segment batch un-locking on the filtered segment list
 frontend::unlockSegmentOperation: allows un-locking a single segment
 initial_tasktype::default: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_Default
 initial_tasktype::project: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_Project
 initial_tasktype::projectTask: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_ProjectTask
 setaclrole::editor: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR EDITOR
 system::seeAllUsers: allows to see all users instead only the users of the user hierarchyTODO check usages
 visualReview::pluginVisualReviewFontPrefs: Allows the administration of available fonts in visual review

 Inherited from Role editor 13 rights


 auto_set_role::admin: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR ADMIN
 frontend::getUpdateNotification: enables the notification in the UI if a new update of translate5 is available
 frontend::systemLog: enable the system log grid in the preferences view
 frontend::systemStatus: enable the system status page in the preferences view
 frontend::tokenGrid: enable the app token management grid in the preferences view
 setaclrole::api: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR API
 setaclrole::basic: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR BASIC
 setaclrole::systemadmin: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR SYSTEMADMIN
 system::systemLogSummary: defines which roles should receive the daily error log summary

 Inherited from Role admin 14 rights
 Inherited from Role pm 4 rights


 auto_set_role::termCustomerSearch: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR TERMCUSTOMERSEARCH


 auto_set_role::termFinalizer: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR TERMFINALIZER
 auto_set_role::termProposer: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR TERMPROPOSER
 auto_set_role::termReviewer: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR TERMREVIEWER
 initial_tasktype::project: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_Project
 initial_tasktype::termtranslation: TODO read with reflection from editor_Task_Type_TermTranslation

 Inherited from Role termFinalizer 2 rights
 Inherited from Role termProposer 1 rights


 auto_set_role::termPM: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR TERMPM

 Inherited from Role termFinalizer 2 rights
 Inherited from Role termPM 19 rights


 auto_set_role::termCustomerSearch: NO DOCBLOCK GIVEN FOR TERMCUSTOMERSEARCH

  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. Compared PM and PM light, in order to add that here:

    PM hat
    | applicationconfigLevel                           | customer                               |

    | editor_customer                                  | all                                    |
    | editor_customermeta                              | all                                    |
    | editor_languageresourceinstance                  | all                                    |
    | editor_languageresourceresource                  | all                                    |

    PM light nur 
    | editor_customer                                  | index                                  |

    | editor_plugins_okapi_bconf                       | all                                    |
    | editor_plugins_okapi_bconffilter                 | all                                    |

    | editor_user                                      | all                                    |
    | editor_userassocdefault                          | all       

    PM light
    | editor_user                                      | index                                  |

    | frontend                                         | customerAdministration                 |
    | frontend                                         | editorAddUser                          |
    | frontend                                         | editorCustomerSwitch                   |
    | frontend                                         | editorDeleteUser
    | frontend                                         | editorEditAllTasks                     |

    PM light
    | frontend                                         | editorEditTaskDeliveryDate             |

    | frontend                                         | editorEditTaskOrderDate                |
    | frontend                                         | editorEditTaskPm                       |
    | frontend                                         | editorEditUser                         |
    | frontend                                         | editorResetPwUser                      |
    | frontend                                         | languageResourcesAddFilebased          |
    | frontend                                         | languageResourcesOverview              |
    | frontend                                         | pluginDeepL                            |
    | frontend                                         | pluginGroupShare                       |
    | frontend                                         | pluginNecTm                            |
    | frontend                                         | pluginOkapiBconfPrefs                  |
    | frontend                                         | pluginPangeaMt                         |
    | frontend                                         | userAdministration                     |
    | setaclrole                                       | pm                                     |
    | setaclrole                                       | pmlight                                |
    | setaclrole                                       | termFinalizer                          |
    | setaclrole                                       | termPM                                 |
    | setaclrole                                       | termPM_allClients                      |
    | setaclrole                                       | termReviewer                           |