Most steps must be done as root.
Apache Configuration
Apache2 webserver >= 2.2.x
the following Apache modules should be enabled
rewrite / filter / deflate / headers / expires
- Configure Vhost:
- DocumentRoot must point to FOO/public
where FOO is the installation root and is writeable for the installer - include_path set include_path to .:FOO/library/zend
- DocumentRoot must point to FOO/public
MySQL Configuration
- MySQL database >= 5.1
- enable
Not allowed SQL Modes
See the current config:
SHOW VARIABLES WHERE Variable_name = 'sql_mode';Set in config if needed:
Trigger Creation:
- Test with the desired user:
Test with DROP TRIGGER updater_super_check Set in config if needed:
log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
- Test with the desired user:
PHP Configuration
- latest PHP 7.3 with the following extensions installed and enabled
- dom / fileinfo / gd with Freetype-Support / iconv / mbstring / pdo_mysql / zip / intl / json / curl (ensure that your local CA list is up-to-date)
- Check error_logging configuration
- set error_log to an appropriate file
- set display_errors to Off
- Check upload sizes:
- Check if php can send E-Mails
- Check max_execution time for production environment and large file imports:
max_execution_time=3600 #for production instances and large files in imports to be on the save side
- Check memory_limit for production environment and large file imports:
memory_limit=1024M #or higher, if possible for production instances and large files in imports to be on the save side
- use the installer here!
- configure OpenTM2 (and/or other TM/MTs) URLs
- configure TermTagger URLs
- reenable emails (disabled in installation.ini by installer)
- must be an email which can be used as sender (from the server) and must be configured to receive mails. It receives the error mails.
- Fix file permissions of installation
- Change default users - create client specific users
- remove listing of default users
- Change client-specific logo stuff etc
- Oracle JDK 8 or higher
- Setup OpenTM2
- Setup openTmsTermTagger