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openTMStermTagger is not part of translate5, but translate5 builds on it to find and highlight terminology.

openTMStermTagger Configuration

Make start and stop script executable

First some permissions has to be corrected:

sudo chmod 775 /var/www/translate5/application/modules/editor/ThirdParty/XliffTermTagger/
sudo chmod 775 /var/www/translate5/application/modules/editor/ThirdParty/XliffTermTagger/

Adjust java runtime

The next step might not be necessary on most/some of the systems.

If Oracle Java is not your only installed Java version you have to do the next step. In all other cases it is still recommended to avoid problems.

Open the file 


and change the following line




 to the location of the java 8, that you installed with the prerequisites . If you are using Ubuntu 18.04, the path should be as follows:


Attention: This should be the path to your Java, if you did follow the translate5 Ubuntu installation manual. If you did install your Java in another location, you have to customize the path accordingly. 

Configure multiple openTMStermTagger instances

By default translate5 uses only one openTMStermTagger instance running on port 9001. For better performance for big data you can use as many termTagger instances as you want with one translate5 instance. If you want to do that, open the


file and configure more openTMStermTagger instances, as shown there. Then

  • open the Zf_configuration table of your translate5 instance
  • open the rows, where the column "name" has the values "runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.default", "runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.import" and "runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.gui" and set the column "value" to the URLs of your termTagger instances, as explained in the column "description" of the according row.

For a recommended TermTagger setup see OpenTMSTermTagger - recommended setup.

Configure memory usage

By default one termTagger instance uses 2500 MB memory. If you want to decrease or increase that, open the file 


and change the following line


 to another value (2500M equals 2,5GB of main memory; value is per TermTagger instance)

Starting the TermTagger

After that openTMStermTagger can be started as normal user, by calling the startServer script.

Atttention: Termtagger writes temporary data to the directory, from where the following start script is called. Therefore call it from a directory, where www-data has access and write permissions.

Start the openTMSTermTagger:
sudo -u www-data /var/www/translate5/application/modules/editor/ThirdParty/XliffTermTagger/

To stop the server call the stopServer script accordingly.

It is recommended to start the TermTagger automatically with a supervisor as described in openTMStermTagger - run as daemon with startup scripts

Warning / Recommendation

It is recommended to restart TermTagger services every night once. Experience shows, that otherwise TermTagger will become slow.

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