CategorySegment Edit Helper


Check and handle Spell-, Grammar- and Style-Errors while editing a segment in translate5.

Bootstrap Class

TypeCore plug-in (delivered with translate5 core)


Based on LanguageTool, errors that are detected include: wrong spelling, wrong grammer, misfitting quotation marks, inaccurate date-specifiations, word-repititions, ...

The errors are marked in different colors according to the kind of error.

With a right mouse-click you can access more information about the error and suggestions for replacements. If you click on a suggestion, the suggested phrase instantly replaces the marked error in the segment.

The SpellCheck runs only when you stop typing or when evoked manually; this ensures that performance and speed while editing are not impaired.

Configuration of the SpellCheck Plug-In

Config nameValuesValueDescription


integer0If set to active, spell- grammar and style check is active while typing in the editor (based on languagetool)
runtimeOptions.plugins.SpellCheck.languagetool.url.guistringhttp://localhost:8081/v2Base-URL used for LanguagaTool - use the API-URL of your installed languageTool (without trailing slash!)
runtimeOptions.plugins.SpellCheck.languagetool.url.importlist["http://localhost:8081/v2"]Refers to import processes. List one or multiple URLs, where LanguageTool-instances can be reached for segment target text spell checking. Translate5 does a load balancing, if more than one is configured.
runtimeOptions.plugins.SpellCheck.languagetool.url.defaultlist["http://localhost:8081/v2"]List of available LanguageTool-URLs. At least one available URL must be defined.
runtimeOptions.plugins.activejson arrayas configured in your installationAdd the bootstrap name editor_Plugins_SpellCheck_Init of the spell check class to the json array, as explained here: Plugin installation and activation