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Please see Basic Usage Example before! Authentication and task listing is for example shown there.

Create and upload task (POST example with fileupload) but do not start import directly

Due historical reasons coming from the used frontend framework, POST requests containing file uploads are different as the other POST requests without files.

More information about the task API.

A POST with fileupload contains the entities attributes not as JSON, but as plain form fields. This a known caveat.

Please change also the XLF file path to the file which should be uploaded.

Curl Example
curl '' -X POST  \
  -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' \
  -F "format=jsontext" \
  -F "taskName=This is a import test" \
  -F "sourceLang=de" \
  -F "targetLang=it" \
  -F "edit100PercentMatch=1" \
  -F "lockLocked=1" \
  -F "autoStartImport=0" \
  -F "importUpload=@/PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE.xlf"

On success this results in a JSON containing the importing task.

The autoStartImport=0 is the most important difference to a normal import here, it prevents the direct import processing of the upload task and enables the following steps to configure for example the match analysis.

Get a list of language resources applicable to the uploaded task

As next step you should get the language resources applicable to the uploaded task. In the following request URL replace %7B_THE_TASK GUID_%7D with the taskGuid generated by the above request. Where %7B and %7D are the encoded curly braces of the taskGuid and should remain in the URL.

The following request provides a list of language resources which can be used for the newly created task.

curl 'http://translate5.localdev/editor/languageresourcetaskassoc?_dc=1621243689215&filter=%5B%7B%22property%22%3A%22taskGuid%22%2C%22operator%22%3A%22eq%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22%7B_THE_TASK GUID_%7D%22%7D%5D' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \

Associate found language resources to the task

To associate a language resource create a new languageresourcetaskassoc entry by posting the following JSON to the according URL as exampled below:

JSON data to be POSTed
  "languageResourceId":"2614",   // → the numeric ID of the language resource provided by the above GET
  "taskGuid":"{928ac493-618e-4475-9436-521c2e3432e7}", //the taskGuid of the created task
  "segmentsUpdateable":false     // → true only usable for TMs which then are getting updated on editing the segments

as CURL example
  curl 'http://translate5.localdev/editor/languageresourcetaskassoc' \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-raw 'data=%7B%22languageResourceId%22%3A%222614%22%2C%22taskGuid%22%3A%22%7B928ac493-618e-4475-9436-521c2e3432e7%7D%22%2C%22segmentsUpdateable%22%3Afalse%7D'

Schedule and configure analysis and pre-translation

curl 'http://translate5.localdev/editor/task/9015/pretranslation/operation' \
  -X 'PUT' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-raw 'internalFuzzy=0&pretranslateMatchrate=100&pretranslateTmAndTerm=1&pretranslateMt=1&termtaggerSegment=0&isTaskImport=1&batchQuery=0'

The following parameters control the analysis and pre-translation behaviour as documented in TODO.

Change other task configuration (PUT TO BE DOCUMENTED)

The following call provides a list of configuration parameters applicable for the newly created task.

curl 'http://translate5.localdev/editor/config?_dc=1621243733095&taskGuid=%7B928ac493-618e-4475-9436-521c2e3432e7%7D' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \

Final start of the import

Finally the most important step is a GET call to the tasks import URL to start the previously configured import, where NUMERIC_TASK_ID has to be replaced with the numeric task ID.

curl 'http://translate5.localdev/editor/task/NUMERIC_TASK_ID/import' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \

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