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Download and install Okapi Longhorn as shown here:

If you have a working and running Tomcat that has autoDeploy set to "true" in the /etc/tomcat9/server.xml file, than to deploy your okapi-longhorn.war file you can simply copy it to the webapps-folder of your Tomcat installation (on Ubuntu this is located under  /var/lib/tomcat9/webapps). You may have to set the file access rights of the war file, so that Tomcat can handle the file and you may need to restart Tomcat.


If there is no file in this directory, create it as empty file with the rights 755.

Then add to it the linefollowing lines:

Code Block
export JAVA_OPTS="-Djdk.xml.xpathExprOpLimit=200"

Restart tomcat.

Important hints for Okapi with Tomcat9


Translate5 Configuration of the Okapi Plug-In

Config nameValuesDefaultDescription
Available okapi instances with unique names. Do not change the name after the instance is assigned to a task.
{"okapi-longhorn":"Url used for Okapi api. In default Okapi setup this should be
Okapi server used for the a task. All available values are automatically generated out of the runtimeOptions.plugins.Okapi.server config

This usually is left empty, because in the default setup of translate5 you do not use Okapi Tikal, but Okapi Longhorn for conversion.

The absolute path to the tikal executable, no usable default can be given so is empty and must be configured by the user!


integer3Max parallel running workers of the Okapi worker


Then update your configuration to make translate5 point to the URL, where your Okapi instance is located (change the URL, if you installed it somewhere else)


titlePoint translate5's okapi URL to okapi location


, in translate5 interface navigate to http://translate5.local/editor/#preferences/adminConfigGrid and first add your okapi server url(s) (runtimeOptions.plugins.Okapi.


server) with unique name and then set this server to be used for all new imports (runtimeOptions.plugins.Okapi.serverUsed)