Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • importWorkerQueued is fired after the Import Worker is queued (but not started yet). Parameter: 'task' => editor_Models_Task, 'workerId' => integer
  • afterImport is fired after parsing the data and storing the segments in DB. Parameter: 'task' => editor_Models_Task, 'parentWorkerId' => integer, 'importConfig' => editor_Models_Import_Configuration
  • importCompleted is fired after all import plugins were run, defines the end of import. Parameter: 'task' => editor_Models_Task


  • process: is fired in processing the segment before it is first saved to the DB. Parameter: 'segment' => editor_Models_Segment, 'segmentAttributes' => editor_Models_Import_FileParser_SegmentAttributes, 'importConfig' => editor_Models_Import_Configuration

All other SegmentProcessors may follow with a process event.


  • beforeDirectoryParsing is fired before directory parsing of proofread file. Parameter: 'importFolder' => string, 'task' => editor_Models_Task, 'workerParentId' => parent worker id of the filetree worker
  • afterDirectoryParsing is fired after directory parsing of proofread files but before further processing of the files. Parameters: 'importFolder' => string, 'task' => editor_Models_Task, 'filelist' => array (fileIds to file paths), 'workerParentId' => parent worker id of the filetree worker


Because Zend has a special class for static (global) events, best-pratice to use events in a class is: 



  • use a protected variable $events to hold the event(-trigger)-object
  • initialize $this->events in the class-constructor
  • parameter should be send in an named-array 'name' => $value


Code Block
     * @var ZfExtended_EventManager
    protected $events = false;

    public function __construct() {
        $this->events = ZfExtended_Factory::get('ZfExtended_EventManager', array(get_class($this)));

    public function doSomething(){
        $this->events->trigger("eventName", $this, array('model' => $this, 'moreParam' => $moreParams));


  • use a protected variable $staticEvents to hold the event(-listener)-Object.
  • initialize $this->staticEvents in the class-constructor
  • define all event-listeners in the class-constructor
  • if handler use a event-parameter which is an object make a var-definition-comment so the IDE autocomplete can work correct


Code Block
     * @var Zend_EventManager_StaticEventManager
    protected $staticEvents = false;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->staticEvents = Zend_EventManager_StaticEventManager::getInstance();
        $this->staticEvents->attach('classNameTriggerClass', 'eventName', array($this, 'handleEvent'));

    public function handleEvent(Zend_EventManager_Event $event) {
        // do something on event "eventName" with parameters send within event-trigger
        $model = $event->getParam('model');
        /* @var $model nameOfTheModelClass */ // to trigger IDE
        $moreParams = $event->getParam('moreParams');


Trigger and Listen in one class
