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There fore use the latest termtagger delivered with translate5 install-and-update script. Add and modify the following example config, thats it.

Code Block
titletermtagger.ini for supervisord
directory               = /path/to/XliffTermTagger
command                 = /path/to/XliffTermTagger/ --supervisor http://localhost:900%(process_num)d
process_name            = termtagger_900%(process_num)s 
numprocs                = 2  ; → define here the amount of running termtagger processes
numprocs_start          = 2 ;to start from 9002 on 
autostart               = true
autorestart             = true
user                    = tlauria
stopsignal              = INT
stdout_logfile          = /var/log/supervisor/t5-termtagger-900%(process_num)s.log
stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 1MB
stderr_logfile          = /var/log/supervisor/t5-termtagger-900%(process_num)s-error.log
stderr_logfile_maxbytes = 1MB


The import part is the numprocs configuration, it defines how many termtagger processes should be started.

The variable process_num is filled with the current number of the process and used in the above example for defining the port (in the line command), the process_name and the logfiles.

Since we want to start with port 9002 here (and not 9000) we have to set numprocs_start to 2


For the termtagger supervisor invocation is at least needed translate5 version 3.3.3


SysVinit init.d startup script
