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Config NameDefault ValueDescription
runtimeOptions.plugins.SegmentStatistics.xlsTemplateExportmodules/editor/Plugins/SegmentStatistics/templates/export-template.xlsxPath to the XLSX export template. Path can be absolute or relative to the application directory.
runtimeOptions.plugins.SegmentStatistics.xlsTemplateImportmodules/editor/Plugins/SegmentStatistics/templates/import-template.xlsxPath to the XLSX import template. Path can be absolute or relative to the application directory.
runtimeOptions.plugins.SegmentStatistics.metaToIgnore.transitLockedForRefMat00 or 1; decides, if segments with metadata "transitLockedForRefMat" will be ignored by this plugin.
runtimeOptions.plugins.SegmentStatistics.disableFileWorksheetCount15If there are more files in the task as configured here, the worksheets per file are disabled, and only the summary worksheet is shown.


3Maximum of parallel running statistic workers.
runtimeOptions.plugins.SegmentStatistics.createFilteredOnly0Boolean, if true creates only the filtered statistics instead both.

Statistic files created by this plugin

All files are created in the task data directory under "data/editorImportedTasks/TASKGUID/":

Code Block
titlefiles created after import
segmentstatistics-import.xml				→ statistics in XML format, unfiltered
segmentstatistics-import-filtered.xml		→ statistics in XML format, filtered, only created if filters defined
segmentstatistics-import.xlsx				→ statistics in XLSX format, unfiltered
segmentstatistics-import-filtered.xlsx		→ statistics in XLSX format, filtered, only created if filters defined

Code Block
titlefiles created after each export
segmentstatistics-export-2015-08-13-10-22.xml			→ statistics in XML format, unfiltered, timestamp of creation
segmentstatistics-export-2015-08-13-10-22-filtered.xml	→ statistics in XML format, filtered, only created if filters defined, timestamp of creation
segmentstatistics-export-2015-08-13-10-22.xlsx			→ statistics in XLSX format, unfiltered, timestamp of creation
segmentstatistics-export-2015-08-13-10-22-filtered.xlsx	→ statistics in XLSX format, filtered, only created if filters defined, timestamp of creation

XLSX Templates

In the plugin directory exists a "templates" directory, which contains templates for the XLSX files to be created. Two files are provided by translate5: "import-template.xlsx" and "export-template.xlsx".


  • For existing projects with statistics before the wordCount field was added, the wordCount is initialized with "-1". Therefore negative sums are possible.
  • The state specific counter can contain "0" or they can be completely empty. Completely empty means, there are no segments with this state at all. 0 means, that there are segments with the given state, but they contain no terms with the desired term state (trans[Not]Found).

Description of XLSX

See last Worksheet in the XLSX file.

Description of XML

The following commented example file, describes the content of an XML statistic file.

Although the target specific counts are listed in the XML, they are currently always 0 since term[Not]Found information is not provided anymore in target columns.

Code Block
titleExample statistic XML file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <taskGuid>{792b3c27-0f48-4eaf-aaa3-dbdffd4da62b}</taskGuid>  	<!-- The unique guid of the task -->
  <taskName>testpaketneu TRANSLATE-485</taskName>  				<!-- The textual task name -->
  <filtered>													<!-- A list of set filters, if no filter is set the filtered tag is empty, the filters influences all counters -->
  <segmentCount>234</segmentCount>								<!-- The overall segment count of the task -->
  <segmentCountEditable>22</segmentCountEditable>				<!-- How many segments are editable in the task -->
  <import>														<!-- The import section contains the stats directly after import -->
    <files>														<!-- In the files section for each file in task one section is created -->
          <field>												<!-- foreach field one stat block is created, these are mainly source and target -->
            <charFoundCount>1316</charFoundCount>				<!-- counts all chars in this file segments with at least one blue (found) term -->
            <charNotFoundCount>801</charNotFoundCount>			<!-- counts all chars in this file segments with at least one red (not found) term -->
            <wordFoundCount>195</wordFoundCount>				<!-- counts all words in this file segments with at least one blue (found) term -->
            <wordNotFoundCount>117</wordNotFoundCount>			<!-- counts all words in this file segments with at least one red (not found) term -->
            <termFoundCount>31</termFoundCount>					<!-- counts all blue (found) terms in this file -->
            <termNotFoundCount>11</termNotFoundCount>			<!-- counts all red (not found) terms in this file -->
																<!-- segments with red and blue terms are counted twice! -->
            <segmentsPerFile>117</segmentsPerFile>				<!-- counts all segments in this file -->
            <segmentsPerFileFound>24</segmentsPerFileFound>		<!-- counts all segments in this file with blue (found) terms -->
            <segmentsPerFileNotFound>11</segmentsPerFileNotFound>	<!-- counts all segments in this file with red (not found) terms -->
            <targetCharFoundCount>1301</targetCharFoundCount>   <!-- counts all chars in the target field where the source contains blue (found) terms -->
            <targetCharNotFoundCount>839</targetCharNotFoundCount>	<!-- counts all chars in the target field where the source contains red (not found) terms -->
            <targetSegmentsPerFileFound>24</targetSegmentsPerFileFound>	<!-- same value as segmentsPerFileFound -->
            <targetSegmentsPerFileNotFound>11</targetSegmentsPerFileNotFound>	<!-- same value as segmentsPerFileNotFound -->
          <field>												<!-- same statistics as described above, only for the target field -->
            <charFoundCount>2875</charFoundCount><charFoundCount>0</charFoundCount>					<!-- since target fields does not contain trans[Not]Found info anymore, the values are always 0 -->
		<!-- [...] here would be the next file -->
    <fields>													<!-- The fields section contains the sum of the statistic values over all files -->
  <export>														<!-- The export section contains the stats after triggered export -->
    <!-- [...] here would be the statistics at export -->


Adding the following line to yoir your installation.ini enables debugging output for SegmentStatistics Plugin.
