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This How-To shows you, how to update a translate5 installation which is set up as shown in the Simple translate5 windows installation How-To.

In general it should also work for translate5 windows installations, that have been set up manually.

Update the file tree and database structure

Create a backup

Although our updates are well tested, we strongly recommend to make a backup of the whole application directory and the translate5 database. For standard windows installations they are located at c:\xampp\htdocs\translate5 and c:\xampp\mysql\data . 
Creating a backup is currently not part of this manual or the update script itself!

Update translate5

  1. Open the folder c:\xampp\htdocs\translate5document root folder of your translate5 installation
  2. Look for the file install-and-update.bat. If you find it, execute it with normal user rights
      Skip this entire step 3, if you found
      1. If you call install-and-update.bat
      . If you don't find it, your installation has been done, before the update has been developed. In that case proceed as follows
      1. the first time, it creates a config file "windows-installer-config.ini" and stops execution. Please check the config file, if stored path to php.exe and mysql.exe are correct.
      2. If yes or if you have changed the paths, just call the
      3. Manually download translate5 update package from
      4. Extract the zip file
      5. Move the contents of the zip file (the folders \application\, \library\, \public\ and all other contents which are contained in the zip) to the folder c:\xampp\htdocs\translate5 and override the content it contains (respectively the folders \application\, \library\, \public\ and all other contents the directory contains).
      6. Excute c:\xampp\htdocs\translate5\ install-and-update.bat with normal user rights (even though you manually downloaded, it is important to execute the updater. It downloads dependencies and updates the database structure).again

    The script is looking for file updates on translate5 update server. If there is a new version available, the package is downloaded and installed automatically.

    Database is also updated automatically.

    Refresh Browser Window

    Please ensure that you refresh your browser with translate5 loaded after the update. Press therefore <CTRL>-<F5>.

    A simple page reload would not be sufficient, since some files are getting cached. A simple reload would not change these files after an update.

    That's it. You are done. translate5 is up2date (smile)