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then a new folder named with the Task GUID is created. In this directory you will find the tasks data and two directories "db_data" and "db_structure".



Warning 1 - use same instance:

Since all numeric IDs are stored in the archived database files, the archive can only be restored in the same instance of translate5, where the task has been deleted before, or in a new translate5 instance with a empty database structure!




Warning 2 - what happens if database structure was updated:


By updating translate5 the database structure can be changed, and differs then to the structure in the archive. To check this compare Zf_dbversion dump and the same named table in the database.

If the both entries with the highest IDs are the same in the structure is identical.


Start restore if structure is unchanged:


  cd APPLICATION_ROOT/data/editorImportedTasks/TASKGUID/db_data

and apply all LEK_ tables to the database. The Zf_dbversion table must not be applied in this case!

under linux you can merge all data files in one file:
