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Communicates therefore with the TermTagger.

For a recommended TermTagger setup please see the installation manual.

Configuration of the termtagger itself

Config nameValuesDefaultDescription


0 or 10Enables the TermTagger to be verbose.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.fuzzy0 or 10Enables the fuzzy mode.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.fuzzyPercentinteger, 0 - 10070The fuzzy percentage as integer, from 0 to 100.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.maxWordLengthSearchinteger2max. word count for fuzzy search
runtimeOptions.termTagger.minFuzzyStartLengthinteger2min. number of chars at the beginning of a compared word in the text, which have to be identical to be matched in a fuzzy search.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.minFuzzyStringLengthinteger5min. char count for words in the text compared in fuzzy search.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.stemmed0 or 11Enables the stemmer.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.targetStringMatchjson array["zh", "ja", "ko"]defines for which targetLanguages the termtagging should only be done by stringmatching.



of the communication to the termtagger server

Config nameValuesDefaultDescription


json array List of available TermTagger-URLs. At least one available URL must be defined. Example: ["http://localhost:9000"].
runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.importjson array Optional list of TermTagger-URL to use for task-import processing. Fallback is list runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.default. Example: ["http://localhost:9000"].
runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.guijson array Optional list of TermTagger-URL to use for gui-response processing. Fallback is list runtimeOptions.termTagger.url.default. Example: ["http://localhost:9000"].
runtimeOptions.termTagger.segmentsPerCallinteger20Maximal number of segments the TermTagger will process in one step.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.timeOut.tbxParsinginteger500connection timeout when parsing TBX.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.timeOut.segmentTagginginteger500connection timeout when tagging segments.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.switchOn.GUI0 or 11Setting this to 0 switches off the termTagger for the GUI.
runtimeOptions.termTagger.switchOn.import0 or 10Setting this to 0 switches off the termTagger for the import.

Other termtagger related configuration

Config nameValuesDefaultDescription
runtimeOptions.termTagger.exportTermTags.diffExport0 or 10

Should not be used in productive use, exporting the term information is for localisations research engineers only! Enabling this feature can lead to invalid export files because of an internal created invalid XML structure!

runtimeOptions.termTagger.exportTermTags.normalExport0 or 10

Should not be used in productive use, exporting the term information is for localisations research engineers only! Enabling this feature can lead to invalid export files because of an internal created invalid XML structure!


Adding the following line to your installation.ini enables debugging output for TermTagger Plugin.

  runtimeOptions.debug.plugin.TermTagger = 1

Enabled debugging for TermTagger does:

  • write HTTP request and answer of termtagger communication to the error log