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For usage of the InstantTranslate feature please see InstantTranslate - like Google Translate

Configuration of the


InstantTranslate- Plug-In

Config nameValuesDefaultDescription


integer50Minimum matchrate allowed to be displayed in InstantTranslate result list for TM language resources
runtimeOptions.InstantTranslate.showSubLanguagesboolean0In the source/target language dropdowns in the instant translate portal show the sublanguages as selection options.
runtimeOptions.InstantTranslate.pretranslationTaskLifetimeDaysinteger2How many days do you want to keep pretranslated files before the system removes them?
runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.searchCharacterLimitmap[]Maximum character per language resource allowed for search. The configuration key is the language resource id, and the value is the character limit. Ex: {{"1": 100},{"2": 300}}