- ssh to the machine.
- Go to the directory, where your docker-compose.yml is located (on modern systems: docker compose ls)
- go into php container
- docker compose exec php bash
- or if provided with alias "t5b"
- check status (no workers running?)
- t5 status
- set maintenance mode
- t5 main:set now
(or set the maintenance mode to be run at a future point in time with announcement; see options with "t5 main --help")
- t5 main:set now
- Download install package
- exit container
- exit (ctrl-D)
- update docker
- docker compose pull
- docker compose up -d
- go into php container
- docker compose exec php bash (or again t5b)
- update installation
sudo -u www-data ./install-and-update.sh name-of-translate5-install-package.zip
- chown -R www-data:www-data ./ → dangerous:
- Reasons for the 2 steps above
- if previous update was done as root
- , the chown is important for translate5 to run correctly after the update
- db-update-scripts may create files in /data with root-rights
- .
- Reasons for the 2 steps above
- disable maintenance mode
- t5 main:end