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In the Model properties dioalogue several advanced properties of an OpenAI model can be set:

Model (display only):

  • The name of the referenced OpenAI Model. Note, that with every training this name changes

Model is tunable / Model is tuned (display only):

  • general capabilities of the underlying Model. Note that only selected OpenAI Models can be tuned (the model is selected when adding an OpenAI language-resource)

Use default system-message when translating:

  • defines, if the default system-message of a training (the topmost message in the training-window) is used when pretranslating with the model

Use user defined system-messages when translating:

  • defines, if the other user-defined system-messages of a training are used when pretranslating with the model

Generation Sensitivity / Temperature:

  • Temperature is a parameter that governs the randomness and thus the creativity of the responses. It is always a number between 0 and 1. A temperature of 0 means the responses will be very straightforward, almost deterministic (meaning you almost always get the same response to a given prompt) A temperature of 1 means the responses can vary wildly.

Probability Threshold / Top P:

Presence Penalty:

Frequency Penalty:

Max. target tokens (% of source tokens):