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Keyboard shortcutIconContextAction
F2 Opened segmentFocus the segment and place cursor in segment, if cursor was not in opened segment.
F2 No segment openOpen first editable column of active row.
CTRL + SOpened segmentSave and close segment, change auto-status without opening another segment.
CTRL + ENTEROpened segmentSave segment-row, change auto-status and open next segment below in the current filter set. Additionally filtered by the auto-status filter.
CTRL + ALT + ENTEROpened segmentSave segment-row, change auto-status and open next segment below in the current filter set. Not filtered by the auto-status filter.
CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + ENTEROpened segmentSave segment-row, change auto-status and open previous segment in the current filter set. Not filtered by the auto-status filter.
CTRL + Z Opened segmentUndo editing action (browser dependent)
CTRL + Y Opened segmentRedo action (browser dependent)
DOWN No segment openactivate next row, but do not open segment
UP No segment openactivate previous row, but do not open segment
ALT + PAGE-UPOpened segmentOpen previous without saving or changing auto-status in the current filter set. Additionally filtered by the auto-status filter.
ALT + PAGE-DOWNOpened segmentOpen next without saving or changing auto-status in the current filter set. Additionally filtered by the auto-status filter.
CTRL + ALT + UPOpened segmentOpen previous without saving or changing auto-status in the current filter set. Not filtered by the auto-status filter.
CTRL + ALT + DOWNOpened segmentOpen next without saving or changing auto-status in the current filter set. Not filtered by the auto-status filter.
CTRL + ALT + LEFTOpened segment

Open the previous column of the same row for editing (without saving segment or changing auto-status on switching between columns, but saving segment when in first column because previous segment will then be opened, same behavior as with arrow buttons).

CTRL + ALT + RIGHTOpened segmentOpen the next column of the same row for editing (without saving segment or changing auto-status on switching between columns, but saving segment when in last column because next segment will then be opened, same behavior as with arrow buttons).
ESCOpened segmentCancel editing of segment without any changes
ESC Opened modal pop-up windowClose modal window (any of them)
ALT + DELOpened segmentResets the content of the currently opened segment column to the content at import time.
CTRL + DOpened segmentAdds / removes the segment to the watch-list (a user dependent bookmarking system for segments).
CTRL + ALT + C Opened segmentAdd new comment on segment-level for active row (independent, if segment has been opened for editing).
CTRL + ALT + 1 ... CTRL + ALT + X Opened segmentAssign status radio-button 1-X (in segment-meta-panel) to segment
ALT + 1 ...
 Opened segmentAdds the MQM tag with the given number to the cursor position. 0 Evaluates to 10.

ALT + SHIFT + 1 ...

 Opened segmentAdds the MQM tag with the given number + 10 to the cursor position. 0 Evaluates to 20.


Auto-status filter

The auto-status filter returns only segments, with an auto-status not belonging to the role of the currently logged in user.
This enables the possibility to jump over already reviewed segments. If another role has reviewed the segment between two user sessions, the segment will be again in the filtered list.

Icon legal information

For the icons legal information see the here linked readme.txt.