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The available roles in the application are defined through the used roles in the ACL table.

Beside of ACL table and the right system in some circumstances the users roles are directly checked for the roles a user have.
For that reason for each available role a PHP constant is set: ACL_ROLE_ROLENAME

PHP ACL role constant example:
//prints: pm

By default this roles are available:

'admin', 'api', 'basic', 'editor', 'instantTranslate', 'noRights', 'pm', 'termCustomerSearch', 'termProposer'

ACL resources

frontendresource for general frontend rights
loadAllTaskswith this resource the role is able to see all tasks (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
adminUserFrontendControllergiving a role this resource, enables the admin GUI (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
headPanelFrontendControllergiving a role this resource, enables the head panel (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
userPrefFrontendControllergiving a role this resource, enables user specific settings (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
taskOverviewFrontendControllergiving a role this resource, enables the task overview (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
editAllTaskswith this resource, the user can edit a task without beeing associated with it. Frontend Right editorEditAllTasks is also required (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
getUpdateNotificationwith this resource the user gets a notice if a new translate5 version is available (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
readAuthHashwith this resource the user is able to see the authHashes in the TaskUserAssoc entity (API usage) (should be converted to a right in the resource backend)
backendresource for general backend rights
setaclroleresource for define if the user can set/change acl role

ACL rights and description

In this table you can find some useful acl rules/rights/resources and also description which functionality they are providing inside the translate5.


In translate5 frontend and backend you are able to define which user roles can be modified/created to other users.

The 'setaclrole' is defined as a new resource in "application/modules/editor/configs/aclConfig.ini" file.

Insert new record in the table if you want to extend the user capabilities for creating/modifying acl roles to other users.

For each role combination a separate record in the table is needed.

editorfrontendeditorChangeUserAssocTaskEnable and disable the User Task association tab in task preferences window.
editorfrontendeditorWorkflowPrefsTaskEnable and disable the Workflow properties tab task preferences window.
editorfrontendeditorPreferencesTaskEnable and disable the 'Task Properties window' button in task grid.
editorfrontendeditorEditTaskTaskNameAllow pm user to modify taskName in task.
editorfrontendeditorEditTaskDeliveryDateAllow pm user to modify deliveryDate in task.
editorfrontendeditorEditTaskRealDeliveryDateAllow pm user to modify realDeliveryDate in task.
editorfrontendeditorEditTaskPmAllow pm user to modify taskPm in task.
editorfrontendeditorEditTaskOrderDateAllow pm user to modify orderDate in task.

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