Mandatory dependencies
Check these dependencies, if you have an existing server environment, that you want to use.
If you want to install the server enviroment from the scratch, go to Server environment - configure from scratch.
- System and Apache locale must be UTF8 capable!
- The translate5 apache setup should be on a domain encrypted with a SSL certificate so that data communication will be encrypted!
Apache2 webserver >= 2.2.x with the following Apache modules enabled
- MySQL >=8.0.17 and MariaDB >= 10.6 (enabled
is recommended)
(Please note, that translate5 used to run on MSSQL. translate5 still is able to run on other SQL-Databases than MySQL with some testing and adjustments to the code. Please contact the developers, if you need this.) - PHP 8 with the extensions installed and enabled
- dom (could also be named xml)
- intl
- json
- fileinfo
- gd with Freetype-Support
- iconv
- mbstring
- pdo_mysql
- zip ( to install (php 8) if does not exist: sudo apt-get install php8-zip)
- curl (ensure that your local CA list is up-to-date)
- Oracle JDK 8
Hardware requirements
The following requirements refer to a small production instance. For recommendations for bigger installations please contact service _att_ translate5 -dot- net.
- CPU: 4 CPUs (for small installations without some or all of the micro-services translate5 uses 2 CPUs are sufficient)
- Available Memory: 8GB (for small installations without some or all of the micro-services translate5 uses 4 GB are sufficient)
- Hard Disk: Depends very much on how much projects you want to keep inside of translate5. Recommended at at least 50GB. SDD disk recommended