Page tree

Source language, target language, edited target language, pivot language, comments, and all meta data are listed in their own columns in translate5. Each of these columns can be filtered and sorted and can be faded in and out.


The filters can be combined with each other by AND operation. This way, for example, all segments that are tagged "Must be revised" and were translated by "Translator A", can be selected with a few clicks and then edited. Or all segments can be selected, which contain the word "IT" in the source language and the word "data processing" in the target language.


Additionally, the segment overview can be sorted in an ascending or descending order after each column - regardless of whether a filter is set or not. This way, for example, all segments with match rates between 90 and 99 percent with "status 1" can be initially edited and then all those with "status 2".

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