Get presets list | |
Request | GET /editor/plugins_matchanalysis_pricingpreset |
Params | no params needed |
Clone preset | |
Request | POST /editor/plugins_matchanalysis_pricingpreset/clone |
Params | presetId Required. ID of preset to be cloned |
name Required. Name for the clone, it should be unique across the all presets | |
customerId Optional. ID of customer. This param should be provided if you want new preset to be customer-specific preset | |
Edit preset | |
Request | PUT /editor/plugins_matchanalysis_pricingpreset |
Params | presetId Required. ID of preset to be edited |
name Optional. Name for the clone, it should be unique across the all presets, should be either not mentioned or not empty | |
unitType=(word|character) Optional. Type of units that the preset should be based on, i.e. word-based or character-based | |
description Optional. Short description for the preset up to 255 characters long | |
priceAdjustment Optional. Decimal value with up to 2 digits after floating point to be appended to final price | |
isDefault=(0|1) Optional. Set this preset to be the default one for it's customer, if it's a customer-specific preset, or the generally default | |
Delete preset | |
Request | DELETE /editor/plugins_matchanalysis_pricingpreset |
Params | presetId Required. ID of preset to be deleted |