In the future each error in translate5 should have an own error code to improve support / make live for help desk easier.

List of ErrorCodes


EventCodeContextErrorMessageDescription / Solution


everywhereSeveralCode used for multi purposes: Mostly for debug messages below level warn, where no fixed message is needed.


everywhereSeveralDefault code used for old error messages, which are not converted yet to the new error code system.


everywhereLog HTTP RequestThe HTTP request to the server and its parameters are logged. Generally for debugging only.


entitiesDuplicate KeyA database key for the entity to be saved does already exist.


entitiesIntegrity Constraint Violation

An entity can not be added or updated since a referenced entity does not exist (anymore).

Or an entity can not be updated or deleted since it is referenced by other entities.


everywhereHTTP Status 404The requested URL / page was not found, the API endpoint in the application does not exist.

Task & Workflow

EventCodeContextErrorMessageDescription / Solution


Task; WorkflowMulti Purpose Code logging in the context of a taskMulti Purpose code for several info logs around a task.
Also important in Context of workflow.


Job; WorkflowMulti Purpose Code logging in the context of jobs (task user association)

Multi Purpose Code logging in the context of jobs (task user association)
Also important in Context of workflow.


Workflow onlyMulti Purpose Code logging in the context of pure workflow processing

Multi Purpose Code logging in the context of workflow processing


ErrorCodeContextErrorMessageDescription / Solution


SdlXliff FileparserThe file "{filename}" contains SDL comments which are currently not supported!

Since "{filename}" can not be imported, omit that file or remove SDL comments for a successful import.


SdlXliff Fileparser

The opening tag "{tagName}" contains the tagId "{tagId}" which is not SDLXLIFF conform!

That "{tagName}" contains the tagId "{tagId}" is not valid SDLXLIFF according to our reverse engineering of the SDLXLIFF format. Probably the parse has to be extended here.


SdlXliff FileparserFound a closing tag without an opening one. Segment MID: "{mid}".Invalid XML structure in the mentioned SDLXLIFF file.


SdlXliff Fileparser

There are change Markers in the sdlxliff-file "{filename}"!
Please clear them first and then try to check in the file again.

SDLXLIFF change markup is not supported.


SdlXliff Fileparser

Locked-tag-content was requested but tag does not contain a xid attribute.

Invalid SDLXIFF according to our reverse engineering.


SdlXliff Fileparser

<sdl:seg-defs was not found in the current transunit: "{transunit}"

Invalid SDLXIFF according to our reverse engineering.


SdlXliff Fileparser

Loading the tag information from the SDLXLIFF header has failed!

Check if SDLXLIFF header content is valid XML.


SdlXliff Fileparser

The tag "{tagname}" is not defined in the "_tagDefMapping" list.

Invalid SDLXIFF according to our reverse engineering. The used tags are either not contained in the tag definition list in the header, or the parser did not parse the header completely.


SdlXliff Fileparser

The tag ID "{tagId}" contains a dash "-" which is not allowed!

Dashes are not allowed, since this may interfere with the GUI where dashes are used as delimiter in the IDs.


SdlXliff Fileparser

The source and target segment count does not match in transunit: "{transunit}".

Invalid SDLXIFF according to our reverse engineering.


SdlXliff Fileparser

The tag "{tagname}" was used in the segment but is not defined in the "_tagDefMapping" list!

Invalid SDLXIFF according to our reverse engineering. The used tags are either not contained in the tag definition list in the header, or the parser did not parse the header completely.


CSV FileparserThe regex {regex} matches the placeholderCSV string {placeholder} that is used in the editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Csv class to manage the protection loop.It is not allowed to use a regular expression to protect CSV content which matches the internally used placeholder.
Please find another solution to protect what you need to protect in your CSV via Regular Expression.


CSV FileparserThe string $this->placeholderCSV ({placeholder}) had been present in the segment before parsing it. This is not allowed.The mentioned placeholder string is used for internally replacement, therefore it may not occur in the real CSV content.


ErrorCode Design rules / decisions