The logging system of translate5 is currently completely reworked.

The architecture is similar as the Zend Logger from Zend_Log. On investigation if Zend_Log can be used for Translate5 needs, it turned out that translate5s special needs to the logger was not implementable by just reusing / extending the Zend_Log facility. So a conceptional adoption was done.


Since not only errors are logged, instead of "Error" or "ErrorCodes" we are talking about "Event" and "EventCodes".

Basic Class Architecture

Logger itself

Debug Levels

The following levels are defined as class constants  prefixed with LEVEL_ in ZfExtended_Logger class:


// use the default logger instance:
$logger = Zend_Registry::get('logger');
/* @var $logger ZfExtended_Logger */
$logger->info('E1234', 'This is the message for the log where {variable} can be used.', [
	'mydebugdata' => "FOOBAR can be an object or array too",
    'variable' => "This text goes into the above variable with curly braces",


Log Writers

A ZfExtended_Logger can have multiple instances of writers. The writers are responsible for filtering (according to the configuration) and writing the log message to the specific backend.

So each writer can have a different filter configuration, one can configure one writer to listen on all import errors on error level debug and send them to one address, another writer can listen to all events on level > warn to log them as usual.


Abstract class for each specific writer.



Sends the event directly to the configured email address. No repetition recognition of events (spam protection) is done here.


Writes the events to the error_log configured in PHP.


Writes the events to the chrome developer toolbar JS log. The Addon "Chrome Logger" must be installed therefore in the browser.

Recommended not to be used in production environments!


translate5 specific writer which logs all events with a field "task" containing a editor_Models_Task instance in the extra data to a special task log table.

editor_Models_Logger_Task extending ZfExtended_Models_Entity_Abstract and editor_Models_Db_Logger_Task extending Zend_Db_Table_Abstract are used to save to and load from the task log table.

Configuration of LogWriters

The configuraton of log writers can be either done in the application.ini / installation.ini or hardcoded in PHP.

resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.default.type = 'ErrorLog'
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.default.level = 4 ; → warn logs only till warning

; Test config:
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.mail.type = 'DirectMail'
; via the formatter define what the user gets: full debug content, or only notice and so on.
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.mail.level = 2 ; → warn logs only till error
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.mail.receiver[] = ''
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.mail.receiver[] = ''

resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.mail.type = 'Database'
; via the formatter define what the user gets: full debug content, or only notice and so on.
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.mail.level = 16 ; → warn logs only till error

resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.tasklog.type = 'editor_Logger_TaskWriter'
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.tasklog.level = 4 ; → warn logs only till warning
; The TaskWriter is a editor specific writer, it logs only events containing information about a task. The events are logged in a dedicated table, accessable via the frontend. Only warnings or events more severe as warnings are written to the task log. So no notices about tasks are additionally logged.

// use the default logger instance:
$logger = Zend_Registry::get('logger');
$logger->addWriter('name', $writerInstance);


In translate5 to less exceptions were used till now. Mostly just a ZfExtended_Exception was used.

To be more flexible in filtering on logging exceptions but also on internal exception handling with try catch more exceptions are needed.


editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Sdlxliff_Exception extends editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Exception extends ZfExtended_ErrorCodeException

In the Sdlxliff fileparser editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Sdlxliff_Exception are thrown. In general fileparser code editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Exception should be used.

Since in FileParsing many errors can happen, a fine granulated exception structure is needed. In other code places this is not the case. At least one own Exception per Plugin.

Exception Structure

Each exception contains the mapping between the used event code and the related error message string. Since we are in an exception we can talk here about errors and not generally about events.

class editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Sdlxliff_Exception extends editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Exception {
     * @var string
    protected $origin = 'import.fileparser.sdlxliff';  //the origin string for hierarchical filtering
    static protected $localErrorCodes = [              //the error (event) codes used by that exception
        'E1000' => 'The file "{filename}" contains SDL comments which are currently not supported!',
        'E1001' => 'The opening tag "{tagName}" contains the tagId "{tagId}" which is no valid SDLXLIFF!',
        'E1003' => 'There are change Markers in the sdlxliff-file "{filename}"! Please clear them first and then try to check in the file again.',
		// [...] more mappings

Exception usage

if ($shitHappened && $itWasMyFault) {
	//There are change Markers in the sdlxliff-file which are not supported!        → there should be a brief comment to explain what is going wrong
    throw new editor_Models_Import_FileParser_Sdlxliff_Exception('E1003', [		 // → The exception receives just the EventCode and an array with extra data
        'task' => $this->task,
        'filename' => $this->_fileName,


The EventCodes used in exceptions and other logging usages are defined via the ErrorCodes listed and maintained in confluence..


Exception Definition / Usage:

- Before the refactoring we had only a few Exceptions

- Now for each domain (import / export / Plugin XY) one or more Exceptions should be defined.

- Each Exception has a different domain (example: import.fileparser.sdlxliff) for filtering.

- Also the Exception carries Semantik through its type, only if needed. Example:

  Plugin_Demo_Exception > A general Exception in the Demo Plugin Scope

  Plugin_Demo_NoConnectionException > On more specific errors (no connection established) specific exceptions can be created. Why that: If we can / want to handle that exceptions differently we can do that:

    try {



    catch(Plugin_Demo_NoConnectionException $e) {

        //handle the no connection error

        logger::exceptionHandled($e); //logs the exception on level debug and marks the logged Exception as Handled.


    // Plugin_Demo_Exception are handled via the final handler and stops the PHP request