
Includes functions of the application up to version

Current translate5 version


After logging in, the project overview appears; the view of the project manager.

This view is divided into:

  1. the project list, which lists all projects in translate5;
  2. the tasks belonging to the project selected in the project list on the left
  3. various tabs with settings for the project currently selected in the project list on the left that can be viewed and/or customized after the project has been created:
    1. Users tab
    2. Language resources tab
    3. Analysis tab
    4. Pivot language resources tab
    5. Quality assurance tab
    6. Manage files tab
    7. Properties tab
    8. Configuration tab
    9. Events tab

Depending on the window width, one or more of the tabs may be combined into a burger menu on the right:

Project list

The project list lists all projects in translate5. The columns contain different information for each project.

The following functions are available for the project list:

  1. Refreshing the project list.
  2. Adding a new project.
  3. Resetting an applied filter.
  4. Displaying only those projects for which you are the project manager.

Project menu

The following two options are available in the project menu:

  • Delete project completely: Deletes a project completely.

  • Refresh project: Updates the project list.

Project list columns

TaskGuidIn this column, you can see the Globally Unique Identifier, i.e. the unique identifier of the respective project.
IdIn this column, you can see the automatically assigned identification number of the respective project. The project ID is incremented automatically.

The “Actions” column contains the following button:

Opens the project menu.

NameThe project name is displayed in this column.
ClientThe name of the end client is displayed in this column.
Project managerThe name of the project manager responsible for the project is displayed in this column.
Source languageThis column displays the source language of the project from which the translation is being performed.
Order no.The manually entered order number of the project is displayed in this column.
Project descriptionIf available, the project description is displayed in this column.
Order date

This column displays the date that was entered as the order date when the project was created. This is usually the date on which the project was created, but it can also be changed manually during creation.

Users tab

In the “Users” tab, users can be assigned to the various workflow steps of the project – as in the “user association” step during project creation. This can be done at any time during the ongoing project. It is also possible to inform users about the user association again by e-mail.

If required, users can also be removed from a task despite the respective client’s user assignment defaults.

Language resources tab

The language resources used in the current project can be managed in the “Language resources” tab:

  1. You can activate or deactivate language resources by checking/unchecking the box and decide whether, and if so, to which language resource(s) the segments should be saved.
  2. You can select whether internal fuzzy matches should be counted or not.
  3. You can select whether, and if so, from which match rate on the project file(s) should be pre-translated.
  4. If a language resource for machine translation is involved, you can control here whether it should be used for pre-translation or not.

Click on the “Start analysis” button below to analyse the project files again based on the adjusted settings and pre-translate them depending on these settings.

When performing the analysis, quality assurance and terminology check are also carried out in parallel.

Analysis tab

In the “Analysis” tab, you can recalculate the project total amount based on the current analysis:

  1. Select whether the calculation is to be carried out on a word or character basis.
  2. Select the appropriate pricing preset.
  3. If necessary, adjust the price so that the final amount is updated.
  4. If required, download the analysis as an Excel file or in a Trados-like .xml format via the burger menu at the bottom right.

The time stamp of the analysis used is noted in the top line, as well as the information whether or not internal fuzzy matches were taken into account in the analysis in question.

Pivot language resources tab

  1. In the “Pivot language resources” tab, the available language resources that match the pivot language combination can be activated or deactivated.
  2. In addition, a pre-translation can be started with the (newly) activated pivot language resources.

Quality assurance tab

The “Quality assurance” tab shows all errors registered by automatic and manual quality assurance in the task selected above. The “Re-check” button at the bottom can be used to restart the quality check and thus update the info in the quality assurance tab.

Manage files tab

In the “Manage files” tab, translator packages can be downloaded and uploaded for editing in another tool than translate5.

It is important that the translator package contains the correct (sub)folder structure:

  • Project name
    • workfiles
      • bilingual_file.xlf

Currently, the following .xliff file formats can be exported and imported: xlf, .xlif, .xliff, .mxliff, .mqxliff, .xml.

The functionality of downloading and re-importing translator packages can be deactivated in the configuration of your translate5 system if required.

The functionalities in the “Source files” and “Reference files” sub-tabs are not implemented yet.

Properties tab

In the “Properties” tab, the following properties defined during project creation can be changed/added for each task within a project:

  • the task name;
  • the deadline date;
  • the project description;
  • the project manager;
  • the order date;
  • whether unchanged 100% TM matches may be edited.

If no users have been assigned yet, the way of collaborating in the workflow can be set (simultaneous, competing, sequential).

If necessary, individual project managers, delivery deadlines, project descriptions, etc. can be defined here for the individual tasks of a project.

Configuration tab

The current project’s configuration can be adjusted in this tab, provided this option is activated in the system settings.

Events tab

The project’s event messages are listed here. An event code is listed for each event, which can be looked up via a link in the corresponding Git directory. The messages do not include the complete system log; however, it can be accessed via this tab.

The events belong to one of the following categories:




Creating a project

Information that is underlined, is mandatory. This is marked with a 1 in translate5.

Start typing in the drop-down field to find options more quickly. For languages, for example, you can type in the ISO code: “de-de” will find “German (Germany) (de-DE)”.

Project details

To create a project, click on the “Add project” button in the project overview.

The “Create project” window opens. Enter the following values on the left-hand side:

  • the client for which the project is being created;
  • the project name;
  • the order number;
  • a project description;
  • the order date (pre-filled with the current date).
  • the deadline date

You can further specify:

  • whether the source text can be edited in the editor (currently only exportable for bilingual CSV);
  • whether unchanged 100% matches can be edited;
  • whether the status “locked” should be transferred to translate5 when working with SDLXLIFF files;
  • the file format and segmentation settings that should be used for the project.

A preset for the three checkboxes can be defined in the system configuration. These settings can be overruled at client level.

The file format and segmentation settings can be defined in the file type filter configuration.

Project files and languages

On the right-hand side of the “Create project” window, you can specify the following information in the “General” tab:

  • upload work files,
  • pivot files and
  • reference files,
  • as well as define the source language,
  • the target language(s) and
  • a pivot language

Supported file formats.

The various project files can also be uploaded via drag-and-drop:

  • work files by dragging them over the corresponding window area.
  • reference and pivot files by dragging them over the corresponding button.

translate5 Visual settings

You can add a PDF or HTML file or a URL in the “Visual file upload and configuration” tab. Use the “Connect layout to” drop-down to specify whether the visual layout should be connected to the source language or to the target language.

For this functionality, the Visual plug-in is required.

At the bottom of the window, you will find the following buttons:

  • Next”: Leads you to the next step “User assignment defaults”.
  • Import (use defaults)”: Proceeds directly with the import of the file(s), using the standard settings stored in the client’s profile.
  • Import (skip next steps)”: Proceeds directly with the import of the file(s) and skips the following project settings.
  • Cancel”: Cancels the project creation.

User assignment defaults

In this step, you select the workflow for the current project and assign the individual workflow steps of the project task(s) to the users.

Workflow settings

  1. Firstly, the “Standard workflow” or the “Complex workflow” must be chosen.
  2. By ticking/unchecking the box, you can decide whether or not users should be automatically notified by e-mail after the import.
  3. Then you specify the way in which the users are going to work with each other, i.e. whether in a sequential, simultaneous or competing manner, or whether a workflow step should be assigned directly to a user.

Workflow steps that are not assigned to a user are skipped in the project.

If you require workflows other than the two standard ones, please contact us. Any individual workflows can be configured at database level.

The user assignments can be predefined in the client profile.

The collaboration type can only be defined for the entire project. It is therefore not possible to switch workflow types between the individual tasks.

User association

Assign the task’s workflow steps to the users on the right-hand side of the window by:

  1. selecting the target language.
  2. selecting the workflow step you want to assign.
  3. selecting the user you want to carry out the workflow step.
  4. setting a deadline by which the respective step must be completed.
  5. You can also specify whether a user may see no changes, changes from the entire workflow or only from the previous step, and whether they may accept/reject these changes.

The workflow steps that have already been assigned then appear in the view on the left-hand side and can also be removed again. In order to do this, the line with the user association in question can be marked by clicking on it and then deleted using the “Remove” button.

Not all workflow steps need to be assigned, but only those that are required in the current project. All the others are automatically skipped by translate5.

At the bottom of the window, you will now find the following buttons:

  • Next”: Leads you to the next step “Associate language resources”.
  • Import (skip next steps)”: Proceeds directly with the import of the file(s) and skips the following project settings.
  • Cancel”: Cancels the project creation.

Associate language resources

In this window, all language resources – i.e. translation memories, engines for machine translation and TermCollections – are displayed that are available for the client, for whom the project is being created. The language resources can be selected or deselected by ticking or unticking the box. It is important in which column the tick is placed:

  1. Use resource in task:
    The language resource is used in the project and can be searched within the project’s task.
  2. Save back segments to TM:
    This option is only available for translation memories. If it is selected, all segments are automatically saved to the corresponding translation memory when they are confirmed.

    It can also be determined:

  3. Whether internal fuzzy matches should be taken into account in the analysis.
  4. Whether the target segments should be pre-translated with the content of the selected language resources according to the preset fuzzy match value (if available, TermCollections are prioritized as the first source). If this option is not selected, the target segments remain empty and TM matches or TermCollection 100% matches can be found in the “Matches” panel and/or via the concordance search.
  5. Whether the target segments should be machine translated if there are no matches with any of the other language resources.

These three options are unavailable and greyed out if no language resource is available or activated.

The “Associate language resources” window appears a second time when a project with pivot language is created, so that the language resources can be selected and configured for the target language on the one hand and for the pivot language on the other hand.

System configuration

In this step, project-specific configurations can be made if these are to deviate from the current standard and/or client settings.

In order to find the relevant settings quickly, this window offers the following functions:

  1. searching the settings;
  2. showing or hiding the read-only settings;
  3. refreshing the view:
  4. collapsing all entries and
  5. expanding all entries.

At the bottom of the window, you will now find the following buttons:

  • Next” / “Import (skip next steps)”: Proceeds directly with the import of the file(s).
  • Cancel”: Cancels the project creation.

After confirming, translate5 switches to the project overview, focussing on the project that has just been created, and the import is run in the background. This step can also be seen in the right-hand side of the window, where the tasks of the project are listed, and their statuses are displayed.

If user notification is active in the project, the corresponding e-mail notifications are sent to all users assigned in the workflow immediately after the import is completed and processing of the first workflow step can begin.