Tasks are directly imported and exported from the task overview. Files are exported in the same format as they were imported. A task can include any number of files in the import. A task can include both SDLXLIFF- and CSV-files.


translate5 supports SDLXLIFF as import format.

Track changes

The SDLXLIFF-syntax for the "track changes" functionality is supported in the export.


translate5 supports CSV as import format.

Track changes

Changes can be tagged in CSV in the export using HTML syntax.


When importing, the encodings UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, and WINDOWS-1252 are supported. For more on CSV as an import format, please refer to Information about operation of translate5.

Star Transit NXT language pairs

translate5 supports the Start Transit NXT language pairs for import and export.


Track changes


Changes can be tagged in Transit language pairs in the export using HTML syntax (be careful: this is not useful inside Transit and may break it. It is only for use on file level).

Adding information to the segment info field of Transit on the export

translate5 can write the following information to the segment info field of Transit on export time:

If any of this information is added can be configured in the system config of translate5 for each bullet item separately.

openTM2 Xliff

translate5 supports the openTM2 xliff.

Word count

translate5 uses the word count information contained in openTM2 xliff to provide the word count of the project, if the word count is not submitted manually on import time.


Track changes


 Changes can be tagged in openTM2 xliff in the export using HTML syntax (be careful: this is not useful inside openTM2 and may break it. It is only for use on file level).