CategoryImport Converter


Enables Translate5 to import other file formats as just bilingual files.

Bootstrap Class

TypeCore plug-in (delivered with translate5 core)


Additional installation instructions

Install a tomcat server and get up Okapi there.

The data directory for Okapi must be created manually. Try to create a Okapi project via the integrated web front-end accessible via the configured Okapi URL.

Check the tomcat for messages like:

INFO: The default working directory for Okapi Longhorn will be used, because no other was specified: /usr/share/tomcat7/Okapi-Longhorn-Files

 Ensure that the directory mentioned there exists and is writeable for tomcat.



Configuration of the Okapi Plug-In

Config nameValuesDefaultDescription
runtimeOptions.plugins.Okapi.api.urlstring Url used for Okapi api

The absolute path to the tikal executable, no usable default can be given so is empty and must be configured by the user!


integer3Max parallel running workers of the Okapi worker