If you wish, you can set up the same translate5 instance on different domains and configure for different clients different domains and different OpenID servers.

Examples how to use translate5 as OpenID client with different OpenID servers for Single-Sign-On (SSO) usage

Configuration within translate5

To configure translate5 to work with OpenId connect is very simple. Navigate to the clients tab in your translate5 instance, and under the OpenId sub-tab there are OpenId configuration fields that need to be set.

Fill in the fields with the data as explained below. How to obtain the data of the OpenId Connect server is explained by the Google example further below.

translate5 domain:  the used translate5 instance url/domain.  (Google configuration example: translate5.net). Note: do not define the domain with protocol included.  Valid definition will be translate5.net, test.translate5.net, translate5.net . Invalid: http://translate5.net

OpenId server: OpenId authentication server url. This is the URL translate5 redirects users for authentication at the OpenId connect server (Google configuration example: https://accounts.google.com)

OpenId issuer: OpenId issuer url. In many cases this url is identical with the OPenId server url.

OpenId user name: OpenId authentication server username (Google configuration example: "Client ID" see image3)
(the user name that allows the openId client application to connect to the API of the openId server; do NOT mix this up with the username of the user, that wants to authenticate!)

OpenId password: OpenId authentication server password (Google configuration example: "Client secret" see image3)
(the password that allows the openId client application to connect to the API of the openId server; do NOT mix this up with the password of the user, that wants to authenticate!)

OpenId OAuth URL: OpenId authentication server OAuth url. This is the URL translate5 uses in the background to do the server to server authentication mechanism (Google configuration example: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth). Also used to fetch the openid server properties (ex: https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth/.well-known/openid-configuration)

System Roles: translate5 internal user system roles.

Link text on login page:  Label text on the login page of translate5. A click on it redirects the user to the configured openid server for authentication, instead of using translate5 for authentication. If the checbox "Do not show login page" below the field "Link text on login page" is checked, the user will directly be redirected to the openid server for authentication/authorization and will never see the translate5 login page.

Checkbox "Do not show login page: Automatically redirect to OpenID Connect server": Redirect directly to the SSO authentication provider.