CategorySegment Edit Helper


Provides the usage of third party TM and MT systems in translate5.

Bootstrap Class

TypeCore plug-in (delivered with translate5 core)

Only available for supporters of the crowdfunding until the crowdfunding is fully financed.


Enables the usage of third party TM and MT systems in translate5. To support a MT / TM a so called service must be implemented in the plug-in. This is quite easy and usually a matter of days. Please contact us, if you need help on this.

Currently Moses MT is supported, support for OpenTM2 is planned.

TM/MT systems (or in general match resources) can be associated to tasks. In such tasks the user gets automatically found matches to the segments he is editing.

Also a concordance search is provided.

Configuration of the MatchResource Plug-In

Config nameValuesDefaultDescription


integer3Number of segments for which matches are preloaded (cached) in the front-end.
runtimeOptions.plugins.MatchResource.moses.serverjson array[ ]Moses MT related: List of available Moses Server, example: [""]
runtimeOptions.plugins.MatchResource.moses.matchrateinteger, 0 - 10070

Moses MT related: Moses MT penalty value, used as default matchrate since in MT no matchrate is available.