1. Overview
  2. Currently supported match resources
    1. Moses standard connector
    2. Dummy file-based translation memory
    3. OpenTM2 file-based translation memory


translate5 supports the integration of match resources via plug-in.

Users can use matches for translating segments in the editor.

Users can use the concordance search for looking for segments with certain words in them.

A new match resource can be developed quite easy as translate5 plug-in. Needed is a translation memory service or machin translation service, that provides a REST-API or other standard web-based API.

Currently supported match resources

Moses standard connector

Moses is the standard open source machine translation (MT) system. Most commercial MT systems build on Moses. translate5 supports the standard Moses-connector.

This way it is easy to integrate most MT systems with translate5.

Integrated MT systems show up as matches in the translate5 match panel inside translate5 editor. Which fuzzy percentage is shown for the MT-match is configurable in translate5 configuration.