translate5 has a lot of administrative configuration options.

Right now they are only settable at database level in the tables Zf_configuration and Zf_acl_rules (translate5 development team would love to get support for the development of a web-based administration wizard).

People without programming knowledge should NOT change anything in Zf_configuration or Zf_acl_rules, since it is possible to completely mess up your translate5 installation, if you do not know what you do.


Please only change these settings, if you really know, what you do.

To people with basic programming knowledge, the table Zf_configuration and its contents should be self-explaining, the column description holds a brief description of the configuration parameter.


Please only change these settings, if you really know, what you do.

Activate commenting of locked segments

To allow the user to comment locked segments, please execute the following sql-query on your translate5 database:

INSERT INTO `Zf_acl_rules` (`module`, `role`, `resource`, `right`) VALUES ('editor', 'basic', 'frontend', 'editorCommentsForLockedSegments');