NEC-TM is a server-based translation memory engine designed for large amounts of data, that has no own translation interface, but can be used via API in different systems.

It is open source and integrated in translate5 as translation memory language resource.

NEC-TM has a concept of categories (called "tags" in NEC-TM). For more information how to configure translate5 and NEC-TM to work together correctly with categories please see here.

Project managers working with translate5 and wanting to use NEC-TM as a language resource can create NEC-TM language resources in translate5, like they can do for other language resource types.

Besides assigning a source and a target language to a language resource you have to select at least one category that assign to the language resource. Assigning categories has the following implications:

Attention: As of today, NEC-TM does not support sublanguages like en-GB. Only "en" (main languages). If you import a TMX with sublanguages, all sublanguage information gets lost. To mimic sub-languages you have to create a category for the sub-language. This behavior will likely be improved in the nearer future.