Available since translate5 version: 2.6.16

The here described functionality is currently only available for the linux version of the script (install-and-update.sh). The parameters are currently not working under windows (install-and-update.bat)!

Usage of install-and-update.sh

Called without any parameter

Updates the current installation with the latest publicly available release of translate5.

Called with the path to ZIP file as parameter

The ZIP file given as first parameter must be a valid translate5 release file!

The installation is updated with the content of the given ZIP file, instead of using the public release.


./install-and-update.sh myrelease.zip


Called with the following parameters

The script does some maintenance tasks as listed below:

--helpShows the latest usage information, basically the same information as on this page.

Shows some status information about the current installation, to decide if maintenance mode is needed or not.

For example how many users are currently logged in.

--maintenanceShows maintance mode status
--maintenance TIMESet the start of maintenance to TODAY TIME, TIME must be in format 13:47
--maintenance offDisables maintenance, must be used after maintenance since there is no automatic maintenance stop functionality.