Visit this page to download example ZIP container files.

Zip folder with import files
Please use only ASCII characters in file or directory names and no special characters or German Umlaute. The Zip format does not provide any information in which encoding your operating system has saved a file or directory name. Due to this lack of the ZIP standard, translate5 can not read such file or directory names with NON-ASCII characters without errors. Only exception to this rule: Your file system does use UFT-8 encoding for your filesystem, like Linux systems do.

proofRead: Directory with files to proofread
Die Zip-Datei muss ein Verzeichnis "proofRead" enthalten, welches mehrere SDLXLIFF, openTM2-XLIFF und / oder CSV-Dateien in einer beliebigen Verzeichnisstruktur beinhalten kann. CSV-, openTM2-XLIFF- und SDLXLIFF-Dateien können beliebig gemischt werden. Die Struktur wird im Lektorat abgebildet.

CSV file structure (if used)
CSV files must contain at least three columns. One of the columns has the column header "mid", and contains a unique ID for each CSV line. Another column has the column header "quelle", (German for source) and contains the source language. All other columns with column headers are treated as the target language columns and imported. In this case, the column header name is arbitrary. Columns without a filled column header in the CSV file are ignored during import. Column separator of CSV is a comma "," text delimiter is a quotation marks ("). The column header name of the ID column (by default mid) and the source language column (by default quelle) as well as the column separator and the text delimiter can be overridden in the installation-specific system configuration translate5. Line separator of CSV is a Linux, Mac or Windows newline. Encoding of the CSV file can utf-8, iso-8859-1 or windows-1252. The CSV file is exported in the same encoding as it existed during import (Note: For a translation into non-Western European languages therefore utf-8 should already be selected as the import encoding).

Directory structure after export
When exporting, the same file and directory structure is generated in the form of a zip folder

TBX file for terminology mark up
The TBX file can contain several languages. It must contain at least the two languages, used as source and target language on import. The TBX file with the terminology must not be in any subdirectory, or it will not be imported. If there are multiple TBX files in the zip folder, the first TBX file ordered alphabetically will be used.

Provide a relay (pivot) language
A relay or pivot language (for example English) can be provided, if the editor doesn't understand the source language. Therefore the English translation must have the same structure as the proofreading document. The relay files have to be placed in the optional directory "relais". The file structure here must be identical to the contents in the "proofRead" directory.

Provide reference files
The optional directory "referenceFiles" can contain any file structure imported as reference files.

XML file to configure the QM subsegment criteria
The optional XML file to configure the QM subsegment criteria determines which QM subsegment error categories are available during the proofreading. A given file must be in the same format as the default file, which can be downloaded here as an example. If no file is given, the default file is used.

Example content of a zip file:

QM_Subsegment_Issues.xml => Optional XML file to configure the QM subsegment criteria (An example you'll
find here).

proofRead/ => This directory is mandatory and includes the files to be edited.
relais/ => This directory is optional, but if present must have the same file structure as "proofRead"
term.tbx => Optional TBX file with terms, the first TBX file found is used
referenceFiles/ => Optional directory with reference files