This How-To shows you, how to update a translate5 installation which is set up as shown in the translate5 Ubuntu installation How-To

Update the file tree

Open the command line.

Change to translate5 directory:

cd /var/www/translate5/

Update translate5 and its submodules and dependencies via git

git pull
git submodule foreach git pull
cd application/modules/editor
git submodule foreach git pull
cd /var/www/translate5/library/ZfExtended
git submodule foreach git pull

Update the database structure

Log into your mysql via command line

mysql -u root -p translate5

In the mysql prompt insert the following query, which allows you, to call the database updater.
Caution: You have to deactivate this afterwards to disable public access.

INSERT INTO Zf_acl_rules (`module`, `role`, `resource`, `right`) values('default', 'noRights', 'database', 'all') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `module` = 'default', `role` = 'noRights', `resource` = 'database', `right` = 'all';

Open your browser and call


If you are a translate5 expert, you cann call as an alternative to the previous browser call


This will show you a list of database update scripts, which need to be imported. You can choose, which script you want to execute or skip.

In any case: Important: Please go back to your mysql prompt and execute the following query:

 DELETE FROM Zf_acl_rules WHERE module = 'default' AND resource = 'database';

That's it. You are done. translate5 is up2date (smile)