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Code Block
titletask log writer config in application/modules/editor/configs/module.ini
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.tasklog.type = 'editor_Logger_TaskWriter'
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.tasklog.filter[] = "level <= warn" ; logs only from fatal to warning

; example for an additional filter to log from fatal to debug for events with an origindomain starting with ""
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.tasklog.filter[] = "level <= debug; origindomain ^=" 

; The TaskWriter is a editor specific writer, it logs only events containing information about a task. The events are logged in a dedicated table, accessable via the frontend. Only warnings or events more severe as warnings are written to the task log. So no notices about tasks are additionally logged.


Code Block
titletask log writer config in application/modules/editor/configs/module.ini
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.tasklog.filter[] = "level <= warn" ; first filter rule
resources.ZfExtended_Resource_Logger.writer.tasklog.filter[] = "level <= debug; origindomain ^=" ; second filter rule


KeywordValid OperandsDescription

Is used to compare with the log levels as defined at the top of this page.

The second operand must be a valid log level: "fatal", "error", "warn" etc.
Since internally the levels are integers, only numeric operators are usable.

The domain (origin) of the event must be matched either completely, or just a part of the string, as defined by the usable string operators.
The exception equals (= operator) the given exception class name, or the current exception is a subclass of the given exception name (*= operator).


The EventCodes used in exceptions and other logging usages are defined via the ErrorCodes listed and maintained in confluence..


The domains are used to classify and therefore filter exceptions and log entries.

How domains should be defined and used see the following examples. In general the domains are dot separated strings. Starting on the left side from the general identifier to more specific identifier on the right.

Three starting domains are defined so far: "editor" for the editor module, "core" for core code, "plugin" for plugin code.

Domain Examples:

editor.customer                 ./application/modules/editor/Controllers/CustomerController.php
editor.task                     ./application/modules/editor/Controllers/TaskController.php
core                            ./library/ZfExtended/Logger.php
core                            ./library/ZfExtended/Exception.php
editor.workflow                 ./application/modules/editor/Logger/Workflow.php
editor.segment                  ./application/modules/editor/Models/Segment/UnprocessableException.php
editor.import.configuration     ./application/modules/editor/Models/Import/ConfigurationException.php
core.entity                     ./library/ZfExtended/Models/Entity/Exceptions/IntegrityDuplicateKey.php
core.entity                     ./library/ZfExtended/Models/Entity/Exceptions/IntegrityConstraint.php
plugin.okapi                    ./application/modules/editor/Plugins/Okapi/Exception.php
plugin.groupshare.httpapi.tmservice ./application/modules/editor/Plugins/GroupShare/HttpApiTMService.php
plugin.groupshare.httpapi.web   ./application/modules/editor/Plugins/GroupShare/HttpApiWebAPI.php
editor.import.fileparser.sdlxliff   ./application/modules/editor/Models/Import/FileParser/Sdlxliff/Exception.php
editor.import.fileparser.csv    ./application/modules/editor/Models/Import/FileParser/Csv/Exception.php
editor.import.fileparser.xlf    ./application/modules/editor/Models/Import/FileParser/Xlf/Exception.php
editor.import.fileparser        ./application/modules/editor/Models/Import/FileParser/Exception.php
editor.import.metadata          ./application/modules/editor/Models/Import/MetaData/Exception.php
editor.import                   ./application/modules/editor/Models/Import/Exception.php

Use the logger facility just to log stuff
