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In a new tab more information about the certificate is shown. Each certificate in the chain gets an own tab in that window. In the first Tab - the server certificate - click on "Save PME (Certificatechain)"

Image Added

Save that file for later reuse with CURL.Image Removed

Code Block
openssl s_client -showcerts -CAfile /path/to/downloadedchainfile.pem -connect DOMAINTOTEST:https 

# or with curl

curl --cacert /path/to/downloadedchainfile.pem -v https://DOMAINTOTEST 



The server must provide valid certificate data, so consider above CAINFO setting only as temporary workaround!

Solution if local CA is completely not update

In this case either update the CA bundle of the operating system (updating ca-certificates package) , or download up-to-date CA bundle on your own, and configure curl to use it.
