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Useful actions for this trigger are: 

triggeractionClassactionparameters description
doCronDailyeditor_Workflow_ActionsfinishOverduedTaskUserAssoc/Checks the deadine dates of a task assoc, if it is overdued, it'll be finished for all lectors, triggers normal workflow handlers if needed.
doCronDailyeditor_Workflow_ActionsdeleteOldEndedTasks/Delete all tasks where the task status is 'end', and the last modified date for this task is older than x days (where x is Zf_configuration property taskLifetimeDays)
doCronDailyeditor_Workflow_NotificationnotifyOverdueDeadline{"receiverUser":"aleksandar10","daysOffset": 2,"template":"notifyOverdueTasks_MasterPM"}

Notify the users of a task when the delivery date is over the defined days in the parameters config daysOffset. Available config fields:

receiverUser: the user login to which all of the reminders will be send. If not configured, email reminder to the actual task-associated user

daysOffset: how many days after the deadline date a reminder email will be send

template: template used for the reminder email



notifyDeadlineApproaching{"receiverUser":"aleksandar10","daysOffset": 2,"template":"notifyOverdueTasks_MasterPM"}

Notify the the associated users when the deadlineDate is approaching.

receiverUser: the user login to which all of the reminders will be send. If not configured,  email reminder to the actual task-associated user

daysOffset: how many days before the deadline date a reminder email will be send

template: template used for the reminder email