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Term search

RequestGET /editor/plugins_termportal_data/search

query * Required. Search query. Wildcard characters '*' and '?' are supported for multi- and single-char searches, respectively. 

language Required. ID of language which searched terms belong to. See lang in Client app setup data response structure

limit Requred. Results limit per page. Integer value expected.

start Required. Results offset. Integer value expected.

clientIds Optional. Comma-separated list of integers, representing client IDs. See filterWindow.clients in Client app setup data response structure

collectionIds Optional. Comma-separated list of integers, representing collection IDs. See filterWindow.collections in Client app setup data response structure

processStatus Optional. Comma-separated list of any of 'unprocessed', 'provisionallyProcessed', 'finalized' and 'rejected'.

noTermDefinedFor Optional. ID of language, that term is not yet defined for

attr-x Optional. Attribute search, where 'x' - is the key in filterWindow.attributes (see Client app setup data response structure). If param name is mentioned among request params but no param value given, the search will return the terms having such attributes defined even despite having empty value. If param value is given, wildcard characters '*' and '?' are supported, first for multichar and second for single-char purpose. Multiple attributes search are is supported, just use attr-x, attr-y etc

termEntryTbxId Optional. Partially known tbx ids are supported

termTbxId Optional. Partially known tbx ids are supported

tbxCreatedBy Optional. ID of person who was specified as creator in imported tbx data (see filterWindow.tbxCreatedBy array in Client app setup data response structure)

tbxCreatedGt Optional. Should be used to search terms created since certain date, inclusively, according to imported tbx data. Value is expected in format yyyy-mm-dd. Can be used with tbxCreatedLt if search by date range is needed.

tbxCreatedLt Optional. Should be used to search terms created until certain date, inclusively, according to imported tbx data. Value is expected in format yyyy-mm-dd. Can be used with tbxCreatedGt if search by date range is needed.

tbxCreatedAt Optional. Exact date of creation specified in imported tbx data. Date in format yyyy-mm-dd is expected. This can only be used if f tbxCreatedGt and tbxCreatedLt are NOT given

tbxUpdatedBy Optional. ID of person who was specified as updater in imported tbx data (see filterWindow.tbxUpdatedBy array in Client app setup data response structure)

tbxUpdatedGt Optional. Should be used to search terms updated since certain date, inclusively, according to imported tbx data. Value is expected in format yyyy-mm-dd. Can be used with tbxUpdatedLt if search by date range is needed.

tbxUpdatedLt Optional. Should be used to search terms updated until certain date, inclusively, according to imported tbx data. Value is expected in format yyyy-mm-dd. Can be used with tbxUpdatedGt if search by date range is needed.

tbxUpdatedAt Optional. Exact date of creation specified in imported tbx data. Date in format yyyy-mm-dd is expected. This can only be used if  tbxUpdatedGt and tbxUpdatedLt are NOT given

Code Block
    "totalCount": 5,
    "data": [
            "id": "187459",
            "collectionId": "82",
            "termEntryId": "16610",
            "languageId": "5",
            "term": "federated database",
            "proposal": "",
            "processStatus": "provisionallyProcessed",
            "status": "admittedTerm",
            "definition": "language-level definition",
            "termEntryTbxId": "c6",
            "collectionName": "C:\\fakepath\\TBX-basic-sample"
            "id": "573874",
            "collectionId": "82",
            "termEntryId": "16611",
            "languageId": "5",
            "term": "progressive power lens1",
            "proposal": "progressive power lens",
            "processStatus": "provisionallyProcessed",
            "status": "deprecatedTerm",
            "definition": "entry-level def2",
            "termEntryTbxId": "c7",
            "collectionName": "C:\\fakepath\\TBX-basic-sample"
