Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
    "locale": "en",                                  // Current locale
    "role": {                                        // Roles assigned to current user
        "admin": true,
        "api": true,
        "editor": true,
        "pm": true,
        "termCustomerSearch": true,
        "termProposer": true,
        "termFinalizer": true,
        "termPM": true,
        "termPM_allClients": true,
        "termReviewer": true,
        "basic": true,
        "noRights": true
    "permission": {
        "termportal": true,
        "itranslate": false
    "activeItem": "termportal",
    "l10n": {   // Permissions to access
        "termportal": "TermPortal",
true,          "itranslate": "InstantTranslate",
        "logout": "Logout",
      //  "localeStore": [
- TermPortal
        "itranslate": false    {
                "locale": "en",
     //  - InstantTranslate
    "nameactiveItem": "Englishtermportal"
,            },
          // Item {
active by default or last active item
          "locale"l10n": "de",
{                "name": "German"
   // Localization wordings
        "settermportal": "Set filterTermPortal",
        "clearitranslate": "Clear filterInstantTranslate",
        "requiredMsglogout": "This field is requiredLogout",
        "foundlocaleStore": "Search results",
           "termPlaceholder": "Type the term here, even using wildcard e.g. \"myterm*\"",
                "filterslocale": "Filtersen",
                "clientname": "ClientEnglish",
        "noCollections": "There are no TermCollections},
 assigned to you.",
        "activeFilters": {
                "clientIdslocale": "Clientsde",
                "collectionIdsname": "Term CollectionsGerman",
            "noTermDefinedFor": "No term defined for language",
         "disabledDueToRefModeset": "Filters are disabled while you're in ref-modeSet filter",
            "tbxCreatedByclear": "CreatedClear byfilter",
            "tbxUpdatedByrequiredMsg": "Updated byThis field is required",
            "tbxCreatedGtfound": "CreatedSearch sinceresults",
            "tbxCreatedLttermPlaceholder": "Created until",
    Type the term here, even using wildcard e.g. \"myterm*\"",
        "tbxCreatedAtfilters": "Created atFilters",
            "tbxUpdatedGt": "Updated since"client": "Client",
            "tbxUpdatedLtnoCollections": "Updated until",
            "tbxUpdatedAt": "Updated at"
        }There are no TermCollections assigned to you.",
        "processStatusesactiveFilters": {
            "unprocessedclientIds": "UnprocessedClients",
            "provisionallyProcessedcollectionIds": "ProvisionallyTerm processedCollections",
            "finalizednoTermDefinedFor": "FinalizedNo term defined for language",
            "rejecteddisabledDueToRefMode": "Rejected"
Filters are disabled while you're in ref-mode",
          "statusestbxCreatedBy": { "Created by",
            "preferredTermtbxUpdatedBy": "PreferredUpdated by",
            "admittedTermtbxCreatedGt": "AdmittedCreated since",
            "deprecatedTermtbxCreatedLt": "ForbiddenCreated until",
            "supersededTermtbxCreatedAt": "ForbiddenCreated at",
        "collectionstbxUpdatedGt": "TermUpdated collectionssince",
            "collectiontbxUpdatedLt": "TermUpdated collectionuntil",
        "attributes": "Select an attribute",
        "noTermDefinedFortbxUpdatedAt": "NoUpdated termat"
 defined for language (\"en\" does NOT find \"en-US\")" },
        "siblingsprocessStatuses": {
            "titleunprocessed": "Terms of entry of selected resultUnprocessed",
            "langToShowprovisionallyProcessed": "LanguagesProvisionally to showprocessed",
            "itranslatefinalized": {"Finalized",
                "label"rejected": "InstantTranslate intoRejected",
        "placeholderstatuses": "select language"{
            }"preferredTerm": "Preferred",
        "xrefadmittedTerm": {"Admitted",
            "xGraphicdeprecatedTerm": {"Forbidden",
                "titlesupersededTerm": "External imagesForbidden",
        "infocollections": "Allows you to link to an external image, for example, on a website."Term collections",
        "collection": "Term collection",
        "attributes": "Select an  }attribute",
            "externalCrossReferencenoTermDefinedFor": {
"No term defined for language (\"en\" does NOT find \"en-US\")",
        "titlesiblings": "External references",{
                "infotitle": "AllowsTerms youof toentry referenceof an external source, e. g. such as a website."
selected result",
            "langToShow": "Languages to }show",
            "valueitranslate": {
                "rendererlabel": "Double-click to specify nameInstantTranslate into",
                "placeholder": "Specifyselect namelanguage"
        "targetxref": {
            "xGraphic": {
    "renderer": "Double-click to specify url         "title": "External images",
                "placeholderinfo": "Specify Url"
        Allows you to link to an external image, for example, on a website."
            "refexternalCrossReference": {
                "title": "CrossExternal references",
                "entryinfo": "Referenced entries",
      Allows you to reference an external source, e. g. such as a website."
      "language": "Referenced entries"      },
            "termvalue": {
   "Referenced terms",
            "targetrenderer": "Double-click to specify TBX IDname",
            "info": {
   "placeholder": "Specify name"
           "entry": "Refers to another term entry. Please insert the TBX ID of the other entry.", },
            "target": {
                "termrenderer": "RefersDouble-click to another term. Please insert the TBX ID of the other term. specify url",
                "placeholder": "Specify Url"
        "termref": "Terms",
            "termTbxtitle": "TermCross references",
            "entry": "EntryReferenced entries",
            "imageslanguage": "ImagesReferenced entries",
            "imageterm": "ImageReferenced terms",
            "attrstarget": "AttributesDouble-click to specify TBX ID",
            "attrAddCommentinfo": "Add comment",{
        "actions": "Actions",
        "entryAttrsentry": "Entry attributes",
        "languageAttrs": "Language-level attributesRefers to another term entry. Please insert the TBX ID of the other entry.",
        "termAttrs": "Term attributes",
        "termportalLangsterm": "TermPortal languages",
        "allOtherAvailableLangs": "All other languages available",
Refers to another term. Please insert the TBX ID of the other term."
         "addedFromMT": "Added from MT",}
        "propose": {},
            "buttonterm": {"Terms",
        "termTbx": "Term",
        "textentry": "Propose a new term entryEntry",
        "images": "Images",
        "text404image": "Propose a new entry using searched word""Image",
        "attrs": "Attributes",
        "attrAddComment":    }"Add comment",
            "pleaseactions": {"Actions",
        "entryAttrs":   "Entry attributes",
        "collectionlanguageAttrs": "Language-level "Please select term collectionattributes",
        "termAttrs": "Term attributes",
        "termportalLangs": "TermPortal languages",
        "languageallOtherAvailableLangs": "PleaseAll other selectlanguages languageavailable",
        "addedFromMT": "Added from MT",
        },"propose": {
            "termfieldbutton": {
                "placeholdertext": "Propose a new term entry",
                "errorMsgtext404": "Term must contain at least one character that is not a whitespace",
Propose a new entry using searched word"
            "labelplease": {
           "On saving the term proposal also a proposal for the source language term will be saved     "collection": "Please select term collection",
                "language": "Please select language"
            "notefieldtermfield": {
                "placeholder": "ProvidePropose a new commentterm",
                "errorMsg": "ThisTerm fieldmust iscontain required"
at least one character that is not a whitespace",
            "multisourcelabel": "PleaseOn selectsaving onethe ofterm theproposal sourcealso termsa below.proposal Theyfor belongthe tosource differentlanguage term entries.will Afterbe selectionsaved"
 you are able to add your new term translation to translate5 termPortal."},
        "attrWarnnotefield": {
                "entryplaceholder": "EntryProvide level attribute - changes will take place for all terms of this entry",
a comment",
                "errorMsg": "This field is required"language": "Language level attribute - changes will take place for all [flag]-terms"
            "valueOverflowmultisource": "ValuePlease select one of thisthe fieldsource ifterms notbelow. fullyThey visible duebelong to field widthdifferent term entries. After selection you are able to add your new term translation to translate5 termPortal."
        "attrLabelattrWarn": {
            "originalentry": "Original label: Entry level attribute - changes will take place for all terms of this entry",
            "emptylanguage": "none"
Language level attribute - changes will take  }place for all [flag]-terms",
            "attrAlreadyAllvalueOverflow": "All available attributes are already in use.",Value of this field if not fully visible due to field width"
        "attrLabel": {
            "original": "Original label: ",
            "empty": "none"
        "attrAlreadyAll": "All available attributes are already in use.",
        "attrDeleteOnStatusChange": "The values of {0} depend on the attribute {1}, whose values have just been changed.\n\n The new value of {1} does not correspond to any value of {0}.\n\n Therefore, the attribute {0} has been deleted.",
        "addTermProposal": "Propose a new Term",
        "batch": "Batch edit",
        "transfer": {
            "btn": {
                "text": "Start translation",
                "tooltip": {
                    "disabled": "Select exactly 1 client in filter window to make transfer possible",
                    "enabled": "Creates a translation project for selected terms"
            "title": "Create translation project for terms",
            "projectName": "Project name",
            "targetLang": "Target languages",
            "translated": "Send already translated terms to translation also?",
            "definition": "Translate definitions",
            "create": "Create project",
            "creating": "Your project '{0}' is being created",
            "created": "Your project '{0}' was successfully created"
        "termDelete": "Do you really want to delete the term \"{0}\"?",
        "attrDelete": "Do you really want to delete the attribute \"{0}\"?",
        "save": "Save",
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "delete": "Delete",
        "status": "Usage status",
        "processStatus": "Process status"
    "filterWindow": {
         "collections":                             // Filter window comboboxes data
        "collections": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Term Collection 1",
                "clients": "1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Term Collection 2",
                "clients": "1,2"
        "clients": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Customer 1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Customer 2"
        "attributes": {
            "1": {
                "id": "1",
                "title": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "system": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "alias": "attr-1",
                "dataType": "plainText",
                "picklistValues": null,
                "level": "entry,language,term",
                "isTbxBasic": 0,
                "type": "somePlainTextAttr",
                "collections": null
            "2": {
                "id": "2",
                "title": "Some picklist attribute with custom title",
                "system": "Some picklist attribute",
                "alias": "attr-2",
                "dataType": "picklist",
                "picklistValues": "noun,verb,adjective,adverb,properNoun,other",
                "level": "term",
                "isTbxBasic": 1,
                "type": "somePickListAttr",
                "collections": "1,2"
        "processStatuses": [
                "title": "Unprocessed",
                "alias": "unprocessed"
                "title": "Provisionally processed",
                "alias": "provisionallyProcessed"
                "title": "Finalized",
                "alias": "finalized"
                "title": "Rejected",
                "alias": "rejected"
        "tbxCreatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
                "id": "2",
                "name": "Person 2 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
        "tbxUpdatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
                "id": "3",
                "name": "Person 3 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
    "filterPanel": {
        "activeFilters": [                                // Active filters comboboxes data
                "title": "Clients",
                "alias": "clientIds"
                "title": "Term Collections",
                "alias": "collectionIds"
                "title": "No term defined for language",
                "alias": "noTermDefinedFor"
                "title": "Process status",
                "alias": "processStatus"
                "title": "TBX-Entry-ID",
                "alias": "termEntryTbxId"
                "title": "TBX-Term-ID",
                "alias": "termTbxId"
                "title": "Created by",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedBy"
                "title": "Updated by",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedBy"
                "title": "Created until",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedLt"
                "title": "Created since",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedGt"
                "title": "Created at",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedAt"
                "title": "Updated until",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedLt"
                "title": "Updated since",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedGt"
                "title": "Updated at",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedAt"
    "lang": [
            "id": "251",
 // TermPortal languages with respect to TermPortal.showSubLanguages cfg
    "value": "    {
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
    "langInclSubs": [           // TermPortal languages with no respect to TermPortal.showSubLanguages cfg
            "id": "344",
            "value": "ar-SA",
            "text": "Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (ar-SA)",
            "flag": "sa"
            "id": "331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347",
            "value": "ar",
            "text": "Arabic (ar)",
            "flag": "sa"
    "flag": {
        "de": "de",
        "en": "gb",
 // [Language rfc5646 -> Flag filename] pairs
 "es": "       "de": "de",
        "en": "gb",
        "es": "es",
        "en-gb": "gb",
        "en-us": "us",
        "fr": "fr",
        "ha": "",
    "langAll": [                // All languages available
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "tp",
            "text": "TermPortal languages"
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "all",
            "text": "All other languages available"
            "id": "496",
            "value": "zh-HK",
            "text": "Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-HK)",
            "flag": "hk"
            "id": "371",
            "value": "en-IE",
            "text": "English (Ireland) (en-IE)",
            "flag": "ie"
    "language": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
 // Id of "cfg": {
        "commentAttributeMandatory": false,
currently selected language. If comma-separated it 
             "newTermAllLanguagesAvailable": false,
        "liveSearchMinChars": "4",
        "itranslate": {
            "showSubLanguages": false
    "itranslateQuery": "",
    "right": {
      // means "delete": {
        it’s not a certain sublanguage, so is containing all 
    "attribute": true

Wiki Markup
    "locale": "en",
    "role": {
        "admin": true,
        "api": true,
        "editor": true,
        "pm": true,
        "termCustomerSearch": true,
 // sublanguages ids
     "termProposercfg": true,
 {           "termFinalizer": true,
        "termPM": true,
        "termPM_allClients": true,
        "termReviewer": true,
        "basic": true, // Those of config options that client app rely on
        "noRightscommentAttributeMandatory": false, true
    "permission": {
        "termportal": true,
    // Comment attribute is required while making  a new term proposal. Not applicable to 
    "itranslate": false
    "activeItem": "termportal",
    "l10n": {
        "termportal": "TermPortal",
        "itranslate": "InstantTranslate",
        "logout": "Logout",
     // making  "localeStore": [proposal for existing term
        "newTermAllLanguagesAvailable": false,     // Flag {
indicating whether or not all languages should be available for selection 
     "locale": "en",
                "name": "English"
    // while creating new term
        "localeliveSearchMinChars": "de4",
                "name": "German"
         // Min chars for terms live search to work
        "set": "Set filter",
        "clear": "Clear filter",
        "requiredMsg": "This field is required",
        "found": "Search results",
        "termPlaceholder": "Type the term here, even using wildcard e.g. \"myterm*\"",
        "filters": "Filters",
        "client": "Client",
        "noCollections": "There are no TermCollections assigned to you.",
        "activeFilters": {
            "clientIds": "Clients",
            "collectionIds": "Term Collections",
            "noTermDefinedFor": "No term defined for language",
            "disabledDueToRefMode": "Filters are disabled while you're in ref-mode",
            "tbxCreatedBy": "Created by",
            "tbxUpdatedBy": "Updated by",
            "tbxCreatedGt": "Created since",
            "tbxCreatedLt": "Created until",
            "tbxCreatedAt": "Created at",
            "tbxUpdatedGt": "Updated since",
            "tbxUpdatedLt": "Updated until",
            "tbxUpdatedAt": "Updated at"
        "processStatuses": {
            "unprocessed": "Unprocessed",
            "provisionallyProcessed": "Provisionally processed",
            "finalized": "Finalized",
            "rejected": "Rejected"
        "statuses": {
            "preferredTerm": "Preferred",
            "admittedTerm": "Admitted",
            "deprecatedTerm": "Forbidden",
            "supersededTerm": "Forbidden"
        "collections": "Term collections",
        "collection": "Term collection",
        "attributes": "Select an attribute",
        "noTermDefinedFor": "No term defined for language (\"en\" does NOT find \"en-US\")",
        "siblings": {
            "title": "Terms of entry of selected result",
            "langToShow": "Languages to show",
            "itranslate": {
                "label": "InstantTranslate into",
                "placeholder": "select language"
        "xref": {
            "xGraphic": {
                "title": "External images",
                "info": "Allows you to link to an external image, for example, on a website."
            "externalCrossReference": {
                "title": "External references",
                "info": "Allows you to reference an external source, e. g. such as a website."
            "value": {
                "renderer": "Double-click to specify name",
                "placeholder": "Specify name"
            "target": {
                "renderer": "Double-click to specify url",
                "placeholder": "Specify Url"
        "ref": {
            "title": "Cross references",
            "entry": "Referenced entries",
            "language": "Referenced entries",
            "term": "Referenced terms",
            "target": "Double-click to specify TBX ID",
            "info": {
                "entry": "Refers to another term entry. Please insert the TBX ID of the other entry.",
                "term": "Refers to another term. Please insert the TBX ID of the other term."
        "term": "Terms",
        "termTbx": "Term",
        "entry": "Entry",
        "images": "Images",
        "image": "Image",
        "attrs": "Attributes",
        "attrAddComment": "Add comment",
        "actions": "Actions",
        "entryAttrs": "Entry attributes",
        "languageAttrs": "Language-level attributes",
        "termAttrs": "Term attributes",
        "termportalLangs": "TermPortal languages",
        "allOtherAvailableLangs": "All other languages available",
        "addedFromMT": "Added from MT",
        "propose": {
            "button": {
                "text": "Propose a new term entry",
                "text404": "Propose a new entry using searched word"
            "please": {
                "collection": "Please select term collection",
                "language": "Please select language"
            "termfield": {
                "placeholder": "Propose a new term",
                "errorMsg": "Term must contain at least one character that is not a whitespace",
                "label": "On saving the term proposal also a proposal for the source language term will be saved"
            "notefield": {
                "placeholder": "Provide a comment",
                "errorMsg": "This field is required"
            "multisource": "Please select one of the source terms below. They belong to different term entries. After selection you are able to add your new term translation to translate5 termPortal."
        "attrWarn": {
            "entry": "Entry level attribute - changes will take place for all terms of this entry",
            "language": "Language level attribute - changes will take place for all [flag]-terms",
            "valueOverflow": "Value of this field if not fully visible due to field width"
        "attrLabel": {
            "original": "Original label: ",
            "empty": "none"
        "attrAlreadyAll": "All available attributes are already in use.",
        "attrDeleteOnStatusChange": "The values of {0} depend on the attribute {1}, whose values have just been changed.\n\n The new value of {1} does not correspond to any value of {0}.\n\n Therefore, the attribute {0} has been deleted.",
        "addTermProposal": "Propose a new Term",
        "batch": "Batch edit",
        "transfer": {
            "btn": {
                "text": "Start translation",
                "tooltip": {
                    "disabled": "Select exactly 1 client in filter window to make transfer possible",
                    "enabled": "Creates a translation project for selected terms"
            "title": "Create translation project for terms",
            "projectName": "Project name",
            "targetLang": "Target languages",
            "translated": "Send already translated terms to translation also?",
            "definition": "Translate definitions",
            "create": "Create project",
            "creating": "Your project '{0}' is being created",
            "created": "Your project '{0}' was successfully created"
        "termDelete": "Do you really want to delete the term \"{0}\"?",
        "attrDelete": "Do you really want to delete the attribute \"{0}\"?",
        "save": "Save",
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "delete": "Delete",
        "status": "Usage status",
        "processStatus": "Process status"
    "filterWindow": {
        "collections": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Term Collection 1",
                "clients": "1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Term Collection 2",
                "clients": "1,2"
        "clients": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Customer 1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Customer 2"
        "attributes": {
            "1": {
                "id": "1",
                "title": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "system": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "alias": "attr-1",
                "dataType": "plainText",
                "picklistValues": null,
                "level": "entry,language,term",
                "isTbxBasic": 0,
                "type": "somePlainTextAttr",
                "collections": null
            "2": {
                "id": "2",
                "title": "Some picklist attribute with custom title",
                "system": "Some picklist attribute",
                "alias": "attr-2",
                "dataType": "picklist",
                "picklistValues": "noun,verb,adjective,adverb,properNoun,other",
                "level": "term",
                "isTbxBasic": 1,
                "type": "somePickListAttr",
                "collections": "1,2"
        "processStatuses": [
                "title": "Unprocessed",
                "alias": "unprocessed"
                "title": "Provisionally processed",
                "alias": "provisionallyProcessed"
                "title": "Finalized",
                "alias": "finalized"
                "title": "Rejected",
                "alias": "rejected"
        "tbxCreatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
                "id": "2",
                "name": "Person 2 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
        "tbxUpdatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
                "id": "3",
                "name": "Person 3 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
    "filterPanel": {
        "activeFilters": [
                "title": "Clients",
                "alias": "clientIds"
                "title": "Term Collections",
                "alias": "collectionIds"
                "title": "No term defined for language",
                "alias": "noTermDefinedFor"
                "title": "Process status",
                "alias": "processStatus"
                "title": "TBX-Entry-ID",
                "alias": "termEntryTbxId"
                "title": "TBX-Term-ID",
                "alias": "termTbxId"
                "title": "Created by",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedBy"
                "title": "Updated by",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedBy"
                "title": "Created until",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedLt"
                "title": "Created since",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedGt"
                "title": "Created at",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedAt"
                "title": "Updated until",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedLt"
                "title": "Updated since",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedGt"
                "title": "Updated at",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedAt"
    "lang": [
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
    "langInclSubs": [
            "id": "344",
            "value": "ar-SA",
            "text": "Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (ar-SA)",
            "flag": "sa"
            "id": "331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347",
            "value": "ar",
            "text": "Arabic (ar)",
            "flag": "sa"
    "flag": {
        "de": "de",
        "en": "gb",
        "es": "es",
        "en-gb": "gb",
        "en-us": "us",
        "fr": "fr",
        "ha": "",
    "langAll": [
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "tp",
            "text": "TermPortal languages"
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "all",
            "text": "All other languages available"
            "id": "496",
            "value": "zh-HK",
            "text": "Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-HK)",
     "itranslate": {           "flag": "hk"
            "idshowSubLanguages": "371",
false            "value": "en-IE",
            "text": "English (Ireland) (en-IE)",
 // Whether or not InstantTranslate.showSubLanguages config is turned on
    "flagright": "ie"
{        },
    "language": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
    "cfg": {
   // Those of access  "commentAttributeMandatory": false,rights that client app rely on
        "newTermAllLanguagesAvailabledelete": { false,
        "liveSearchMinChars": "4",
        "itranslate": {
            "showSubLanguagesattribute": false
true       // Whether DELETE-request to /editor/attribute is }allowed
    "itranslateQuery": "",
    "rightdeleteAny": {
            "deleteattribute": true  {
     // If false, not any but only certain attributes "attribute": trueare deletable

Provides access to the Term collections available in the application.
