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Table of Contents

Using Browsers Development Tools


Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl '' -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
     --data-urlencode 'data={"login":"manager","passwd":"asdfasdf"}'


Code Block
titleJSON Result


The examples can be tested with the commandline curl. In addition there are some online tools where you can directly paste the curl examples and test them too, for example
Unfortunately the parameter --data-urlencode used in the examples is not usable in the online tools, so the data must be encoded first and send as raw data. So the line with --data-urlencode of the above example would change to:

--data-raw 'data=%7B%22login%22%3A%22manager%22%2C%22passwd%22%3A%22asdfasdf%22%7D'

List translation tasks (GET examples)


Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl '' -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN'


Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl '' -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN'

On success this results in a JSON containing the requested task.

Filtering data

See Filtering, sorting and paging and other GET parameters.

Change Taskname (PUT example)


To update the taskname the TASKID is needed again, also the entityVersion of the task. The entityVersion is contained in the previously fetched task entity. It is needed to prevent that two different users change an entity at the same time.

The entityVersion is not needed for all entities, only if specified in the API.

Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl '' -X PUT -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' \ 
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
     --data-urlencode 'data={"taskName":"New Task Name","entityVersion":123}'


Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl 'httphttps://demo.translate5.localdevnet/editor/task' -X POST  \
  -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' \
  -F "format=jsontext" \
  -F "taskName=This is a import test" \
  -F "sourceLang=de" \
  -F "targetLang=it" \
  -F "edit100PercentMatch=1" \
  -F "lockLocked=1" \
  -F "importUpload=@/PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE.xlf"

On success this results in a JSON containing the importing task.

Since a import is running in the background, the so created task will be returned with a state = import. For checking if the import is done, a callback should be configured: task import push callback

Associate users to a task

With the following example users can be added to a task to perform jobs on it.

More information about the task user association API.

To add such an association the task and user GUIDs are needed.

Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl '' \
    -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' \
    --data-urlencode 'data={"taskGuid":"TASKGUID","userGuid":"USERGUID","role":"translator","state":"open", "entityVersion":TASKVERSION}'

TASKGUID and USERGUID must be replaced with desired the values. TASKVERSION must be the current value of the tasks entityVersion. This is to ensure that no one has modified the task in the meantime.

For all possible roles and state values see the workflow description.

Export Task

With the following example the task will exported and saved as to the local disk.

More information about the task API.

To export the task the TASKID is needed.

Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl '' -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' --output

On success this results in a file "" containing the task data.

Delete Task (DELETE example)

We DELETE the task again just to demonstrate a DELETE request.

More information about the task API.

To delete the task the TASKID is needed. Also the entityVersion of the task is needed. The entityVersion is contained in the previously fetched task entity. It is needed to prevent that a user deletes an entity, which was modified on the server side in the mean time. In a DELETE request the entityVersion must be given as a HTML header field "Mqi-Entity-Version".

The entityVersion is not needed for all entities, only if specified in the API.

Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl '' -X DELETE -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' \ 
    -H 'Accept: application/json' -H 'Mqi-Entity-Version: 123'

On success this results in a JSON containing the deleted task.

Trigger manually a workflow action for a task

In special cases some workflow actions have to been triggered manually for a task.

For Details and Configuration see the Notes about Workflow Actions.

Calling the below request via POST will trigger the notifyAllUsers notification which sends an E-Mail to all associated reviewers.

For the request the TASKID is needed, and the authenticated API user have at least the role "pm".

Code Block
curl '' -X POST -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' \ 
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
    -H 'Accept: application/json' --data 'trigger=notifyAllUsersAboutTaskAssociation' --compressed