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Versions Compared


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If you are getting errors about a missing "MSVCR100.dll" see below


OpenTM2 Memory service is installed now successfully as executable, but it is not installed as a windows service or started yet. To register and start the OpenTM2 service:


If you have changed the installation folder while installation, ensure that "binpath" in the above command points to the right place. 

By default OpenTM2 Service uses the TCP port 1984 to communicate with translate5.


Code Block
UPDATE Zf_configuration SET `value` = '["http://SERVER:1984/otmmemoryservice/"]' 
WHERE `name` = 'runtimeOptions.plugins.MatchResourceLanguageResources.opentm2.server';

Where SERVER must be replaced with the hostname or IP address of your windows machine. Please change also the port 1984 if you changed it in OpenTM2 configuration.


  1. stop the service (and / or close the GUI if used) of the currently running OpenTM2 Version.

    To stop the service run "cmd" as adminstrator (see above) and type the following command:

    sc stop OpenTM2MemoryService

  2. just install the new version over the old one, as described above for the initial installation
  3. start the service again:

    sc start OpenTM2MemoryService

Restarting the Windows Server
