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Returns HTTP 200 when login was successful, 400 when parameters are missing, 403 when credentials were wrong.
When using the optional parameter taskGuid, 404 can happen when the task to the given taskGuid can not be found. When the user is no PM user and it is not associated to the task, also a 403 is triggered.

When A successful the result looks like:






the sessionId of the newly created session, can be used directly for further API communication.

The given sessionId is essential for further usage of other requests to the API, see below in the section API Usage.



A one time usable token which can be passed to the users browser for overtaking the created session.

For example: Users are administered by your software, translate5 is just embedded.
Users authenticate themselves on your system, your system authenticates them via API at translate5.
Your system then provides a link containing the sessionToken parameter:
After clicking on this URL translate5 will be opened with the authenticated user.
The token is only callable one time to prohibit misusage.
