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Code Block
curl 'http://translate5.localdev/editor/task?_dc=1622533000384&page=1&start=0&limit=20&filter=%5B%7B%22operator%22%3A%22like%22%2C%22value%22%3A%22TM2%22%2C%22property%22%3A%22taskName%22%7D%5D' \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'CookieTranslate5AuthToken: zfExtended=YOUR_SESSIONAPP_IDTOKEN'

Parameters explained

startnumberthe starting offset of the result rows to be returned. start=10 would start returning the results from the 10th found entry. Can be omitted and defaults to 0 then.
limitnumberthe maximum count of entries to be returned in one request, can be omitted to return all found data.
filtera JSON structure, urlencoded as stringA JSON filter configuration as URL encoded string. Details below.
sorta JSON structure, urlencoded as stringA JSON sort configuration as URL encoded string. Details below.
_dca numeric timestampThis parameter is not needed in pure API usage, the translate5 frontend adds it by default to bypass a potential server side caching of the data.
pagethe numeric page of the displayed dataThis parameter is not needed in pure API usage, the translate5 frontend calculates it and adds it by default to the request.

Filters explained

Each field of a REST entity may be used for filtering. The filters are provided as a JSON array containing several filter objects. So the filter string used in the above example will evaluate to:


In general the following operators are available:

Operatorapplicable typeExplanation
likeTextual dataSearches for the given value in the given property with wildcards. So the above value TM2 will search not only for the exact name TM2 but for all tasks contain TM2 in its name.
inall dataThe value in the JSON is given as array, containing a list of values where the property must match at least one.
notInListall dataSame as the in filter, just negated.
eqnumberReturns all entries with a numeric property matching exactly the given value.
gtnumberthe property must be greater (>) then the given value.
gteqnumberthe property must be greater or equal (>=) then the given value.
ltnumberthe property must be lesser (<) then the given value.
lteqnumberthe property must be lesser or equal (>=) then the given value.
=booleanApplicable for yes/no true/false fields. Value is either 0 or 1.

Sorting explained

Sorting is used similar to filtering, just with a different paremeter "sort". It is configured also by a JSON structure:
