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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Code Block
cd /var/www/translate5
./ list

Translate5 CLI Maintenance 1.0

  command [options] [arguments]

  -h, --help            Display help for the given command. When no command is given display help for the list command
  -q, --quiet           Do not output any message
  -V, --version         Display this application version
      --ansi|--no-ansi  Force (or disable --no-ansi) ANSI output
  -n, --no-interaction  Do not ask any interactive question
  -v|vv|vvv, --verbose  Increase the verbosity of messages: 1 for normal output, 2 for more verbose output and 3 for debug

Available commands:
  changelog                 Show the last changelog entries.
  completion                Dump the shell completion script
  config                    List, get and set translate5 configuration values.
  cron                      Trigger the internal cron jobs
  help                      Display help for a command
  list                      List commands
  log                       Query the translate5 log
  status                    Prints a instance status.

  auth:apptoken:add         Generates auth token used for authentication in translate5
  auth:impersonate          [session:impersonate] Returns a URL to authenticate password less as the given user.

  cache:purge               Cleans the application cache.

  database:backup           Create database backup files
  database:stat             Brief statistics about the database
  database:update           Maintain database updates.

  maintenance:announce      Sends an announcement via email with the given time and message to the configured users.
  maintenance:disable       [maintenance:end] Disable the maintenance mode.
  maintenance:message       Sets just a message in the maintenance announce message box to application users.
  maintenance:notify        Sends a message directly to all connected users (if messagebus enabled) which opens a popup to the user then.
  maintenance:set           Sets the maintenance mode.
  maintenance:status        Returns information about the maintenance mode.

  okapi:add                 Add a new okapi server
  okapi:list                List all configured okapi server's and their usage
  okapi:purge               Cleans the configured okapi versions
  okapi:update              Updates the configured okapi server to be used

  plugin:disable            Deactivate one or more plug-ins.
  plugin:enable             Activate one or more plug-ins.
  plugin:list               List all installed plugins.

  segment:history           Shows the segment editing history, from the oldest to the current version.

  service:autodiscovery     Searches for common DNS names of used services and sets them in the configuration, using the default ports.
  service:check             Checks all configured services (base & plugins) if they are setup & working correctly.

  system:check              Checks the system requirements.
  system:mailtest           Sends a test e-mail to the given address as argument.

  t5memory:list             Lists all translation memories in t5memory with statuses
  t5memory:migrate          Migrates all existing OpenTM2 language resources to t5memory
  t5memory:reorganize       Reorganizes the memory tables to reduce the size of the memory tables

  task:clean                provides information about and the possibility to delete hanging import / erroneous tasks and orphaned task data directories
  task:info                 Queries the task table and provides a listing of all found tasks, or detailed information if found only a single task.
  task:skeletonfile         List and show the content of a tasks import data skeleton file(s)

  termportal:datatypecheck  Checks the integrity of the term datatypes against the content in the attributes table. This is necessary due TRANSLATE-2797.
  termportal:reindex        Re-index the fulltext index of the term database.

  user:create               Creates a user via CLI.
  user:info                 Returns information about one or more users in translate5.

  visual:convertlegacypdfs  Visual: Converts all PDF based reviews using the legacy scroller
  visual:implantreflow      Visual: Implants the visual source file for the wysiwyg screen from one source task to one or more target tasks. The tasks must be supplied by their ID

  worker:clean              Removes all done workers from the worker table
  worker:list               Prints a list of current workers or details about one worker
  worker:queue              Triggers the worker queue - may be necessary after an apache restart or maintenance mode.

Using bash completion for usage

Just copy "ProjectRoot/Translate5/" to /etc/bash_completion.d/ or source the file in your .bashrc

Updating bash completion files while CLI development

Code Block
# in translate5 root folder
symfony-autocomplete --shell=bash ./ > Translate5/ 
symfony-autocomplete --shell=zsh ./ > Translate5 /
