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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • size-unit
    • If character-length or pixel-length based length check
    • Possible values:
      • pixel
      • char
  • minWidth
    • Minimum length in number of pixel / characters
    • Refers to the length of a complete trans-unit of an xliff file, even if it spans multiple segments.
    • This means for minWidth set in a task template for let's say a word document, that the length restriction refers to a whole paragraph.
    • If maxNumberOfLines is set, minWidth is not supported so far (ask translate5's development team, if you need it)refers to the length of each line, otherwise minWidth refers to the trans-unit.
      • With maxNumberOfLines set, trans-units must not span multiple segments!
  • maxWidth
    • Maximum length in number of pixel / characters
    • Refers to the length of a complete trans-unit of an xliff file, even if it spans multiple segments.
    • This means for maxWidth set in a task template for let's say a word document, that the length restriction refers to a whole paragraph.
    • If maxNumberOfLines is set, maxWidth refers to the length of each line, otherwise maxWidth refers to the trans-unit.
      • With maxNumberOfLines set, trans-units must not span multiple segments!
  • translate5:maxNumberOfLines
    • How many lines a segment (not a trans-unit) should maximally have
    • If maxNumberOfLines is set,
      • maxWidth refers to the length of each line, otherwise maxWidth refers to the trans-unit
      • minWidth is not supported so far (ask translate5's development team, if you need it)refers to the length of each line, otherwise maxWidth refers to the trans-unit
      • Trans-units must not span multiple segments!
        If you need maxNumberOfLines to span multiple segments, contact translate5s development team

  • For pixel-based length check:
    • For each character for a certain font and a certain font-size the pixel-width
    • Font-size and used font of current task
      • Definitions in task-template.xml
      • Would be possible to overwrite them in xliff 1.2, yet this is not yet implemented (ask translate5s development team, if you need it)
