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This manual requires a server environment, which matches the mandatory dependencies. 

Table of Contents


Translate5 needs a own database with character set utf8utf8mb4. Connect to mysql

Code Block
mysql -h localhost -u root -p


Code Block
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `translate5` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8utf8mb4_generalunicode_ci;


If you are using translate5 locally, you have to to specify a hostname for your local configuration.
Please add the following line to the /etc/hosts file, so that your browser can reach Translate5.
We assume "translate5.local" as hostname here.


If you use an already existing virtual host, please add at least the following both settingssetting:

  SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV application

PHP include path in the php.ini

Check that the PHP include path contains at least "." and the PHP system paths. So should be something like:

  php_value include_path .:/var/www/translate5/library/zend/:/usr/share/php5:/usr/share/php

Since translate5 needs no change here, just use the system default in doubt.

Please be aware, that you have to check your webserver and this apache configuration regarding security, if you oppose your translate5 instance to the internet. Your security is your responsibility and can not be covered by this manual.


Download the Translate5 core package from

URL has been removed here, since this path of installation is deprecated. Please go the docker-based way.

save and unzip save and unpack it directly in the above directory.
This can be done with the following commands:






Since apache must be able to create files in the translate5 directory, the permissions have to be changed:


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rootInstall direct dependencies

Configure Cronjobs / task scheduler

Depending on the usage of translate5 the setup of a cronjob / task scheduler for recurring actions is needed. Therefor exists two URLs in translate5 which must be called via cron / task scheduler.


To be able to use the cron job system, the IP Address of the system which triggers the below mentioned URLs must be configured.

This is done via the config "runtimeOptions.cronIP".


The URL should be called once a day. This triggers some date specific workflow actions, like notification of overdued tasks or deleting of old unused tasks.


The URL should be called each 15 Minutes. Currently this triggers only some garbage collection in translate5 and the deadline reminders. If this cronjob is not configured, the clean up is triggered by each request to translate5 once in each 15 minutes. Same for deadline reminders (which means, that without a cron periodical defined in instances with low traffic it will happen, that deadline reminders are not send at all). For performance and reliability reasons the invocation via cron job should be preferred on production systems. If the periodical cron URL was called once, translate5 reconfigures itself to use always the garbage clean up via cron, the request based trigger is automatically deactivated.See also

Code Block
titleCron Job example
# m h  dom mon dow   command
30 23 * * * wget --no-verbose --content-on-error -O - 2>&1 | grep -iz "warn\|fehl\|failed\|error\|wrong"
*/15 * * * * wget --no-verbose --content-on-error -O - 2>&1 | grep -iz "warn\|fehl\|failed\|error\|wrong"

# in the example the daily cron is called at 23:30 in late evening and the periodical each 15 minutes
# the result is filters for errors only, so that cron e-mails are sent only on failures

You are done (smile)

Open your browser and call http://translate5.local (or whatever hostname you have configured) and have fun with translate5.

Remove demo users from login page

For convenience of demo installations the default translate5 demo users are displayed at the login page.

To remove this go to /client-specific/views/default/scripts/login/index.phtml and remove the HTML that displays these users (or delete the index.phtml file completely).