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The labeling of terminology in the segment is state-of-the-art in modern translation environments - as it is also the case in translate5.

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Labeling of terminology

  • A TBX file is turned over to translate5 during import, or already existing terminology maintained in term collections can be used.
  • Based on the TBX, in all imported files the terminology gets labeledmarked.
  • On saving a segment the terminology gets labeled gets marked again.
  • For terminology labeling, translate5 uses the openTMStermTagger by Prof. Klemens Waldhör, which is also licensed under Open Source.
    Aside from exact hits, XliffTermTagger also supports stemming and the use of upper and lower case letters.
    It is specified configured in translate5, which of these procedures is used.
  • The terminology in the target segment is labeled, even if the corresponding source-language term does not exist in the source segment.

 For For further configuration of this feature, see the openTMStermTagger plug-in and the below section of term classification mapping.


Coloring of terminology

Examples see in the screenshot at the top.

Target term not found: Red underlined


Everything is ok, since a target term is not defined in the imported terminology.

Target term forbidden: Purple background / purple bordered

The term is marked as deprecated or forbidden in the terminology.

Please also see TBX file structure for information on how a term status in the TBX is mapped to a term classification in translate5.

Read more about the integrated terminology check:

This mapping can be configured.

Term list in segment meta data

All terms are shown, that belong to the same term-entry as the term in the segment (even if they themselves do not come up in the segment)

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Term classification

Each term is marked with a classification:

  • preferred term
  • allowed term
  • deprecated / forbidden term

Please also see TBX file structure for information on how a term status in the TBX is mapped to a term classification in translate5. This mapping can be configured.

Term definition

The term definition is visible at each term as soon as the mouse is dragged over the small info icon.

Locking segments based on missing term translation

With the help of the translate5 plugins "LockSegmentsBasedOnConfig" and "NoMissingTargetTerminology" all segments can be locked, which do not contain terms which are underlined red.

Or in other words: all segments are locked, where no terminology needs to be corrected. This can be used to correct terminology of Translation Memories in translate5children