Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: added info about new FlushTM request


  • import new openTM2-TMs
  • delete openTM2-TMs
  • create new empty openTM2-TM
  • import TMX
  • open TM and close TM: not possible see extra section in this document. Maybe we need trigger to flush tm to the disk, but also it could be done in some specific cases...
  • query TM for Matches: one query per TM, not quering multiple TMs at once.
  • query TM for concordance search
  • extract segment by it's location
  • save new entry to TM
  • delete entry from TM
  • localy clone TM
  • reorganize TM
  • get some statistics about service
  • also you can use tagreplacement endpoint to test tag replacement mechanism


Endpoints overview

default endpoint/example

Is async?

1Get the list of TMsReturns JSON list of TMsGET/%service%//t5memory/
2Create TM

Creates TM with the provided name

3Create/Import TM in internal formatImport and unpack base64 encoded archive of .TMD, .TMI, .MEM files. Rename it to provided namePOST/%service%//t5memory/
4Clone TM LocalyMakes clone of existing tmPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/clone/t5memory/my+TM/clone
(+is placeholder for whitespace in tm name, so there should be 'my TM.TMD' and 'my TM.TMI'(and in pre 0.5.x 'my TM.MEM' also) files on the disk )
tm name IS case sensetive in url

5Reorganize TMReorganizing tm(replacing tm with new one and reimporting segments from tmd) - asyncGET/%service%/%tm_name%/reorganize/t5memory/my+other_tm/reorganize+ in 0.5.x and up
5Delete TMDeletes .TMD, .TMI files DELETE/%service%/%tm_name%//t5memory/%tm_name%/
6Import TMX into TMImport provided base64 encoded TMX file into TM - asyncPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/import/t5memory/%tm_name%/import+
7Export TMX from TMCreates TMX from tm. Encoded in base64GET/%service%/%tm_name%//t5memory/%tm_name%/
8Export in Internal formatCreates and exports archive with .TMD, .TMI files of TMGET/%service%/%tm_name%//t5memory/%tm_name%/status

Status of TM 

Returns status\import status of TMGET/%service%/%tm_name%/status/t5memory/%tm_name%/status
10Fuzzy searchReturns entries\translations with small differences from requestedPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/fuzzysearch/t5memory/%tm_name%/fuzzysearch
11Concordance searchReturns entries\translations that contain requested segmentPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/concordancesearch/t5memory/%tm_name%/concordancesearch
12Entry updateUpdates entry\translation POST/%service%/%tm_name%/entry/t5memory/%tm_name%/entry
13Entry deleteDeletes entry\translationPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/entrydelete/t5memory/%tm_name%/entrydelete
14Save all TMsFlushes all filebuffers(TMD, TMI files) into the filesystemGET/%service%_service/savetms/t5memory_service/saveatms
15Shutdown serviceFlushes all filebuffers into the filesystem and shutting down the serviceGET/%service%_service/shutdown/t5memory_service/shutdown
16Test tag replacement callFor testing tag replacementPOST/%service%_service/tagreplacement/t5memory_service/tagreplacement
17ResourcesReturns resources and service dataGET



18Import tmx from local file(in removing lookuptable git branch)Similar to import tmx, but instead of base64 encoded file, use local path to filePOST




Available end points

19 Mass deletion of entries(from v0.6.0)It's like reorganize, but with skipping import of segments, that after checking with provided filters combined with logical AND returns true. POST




20New concordance search(from v0.6.0)It's extended concordance search, where you can search in different field of the segmentPOST



21Get segment by internal keyExtracting segment by it's location in tmd file. POST



22NEW Import tmxImports tmx in non-base64 formatPOST




23NEW import in internal format(tm)Extracts tm zip attached to request(it should contains tmd and tmi files) into MEM folderPOST




24NEW export tmxExports tmx file as a file. Could be used to export selected number of segments starting from selected positionGET
(could be with body)



25NEW export tm (internal format)Exports tm archive GET



26Flush tmIf tm is open, flushes it to the disk(implemented in 0.6.33)GET



Available end points

List of TMs

PurposeReturns JSON list of TMs
RequestGET /%service%/


Returns list of open TMs and then list of available(excluding open) in the app.

Code Block
Response example:
    "Open": [
            "name": "mem2

List of TMs

PurposeReturns JSON list of TMs
RequestGET /%service%/


Returns list of open TMs and then list of available(excluding open) in the app.

Code Block
Response example:
    "Open": [
            "name": "mem2"
    "Available on disk": [
            "name": "mem_internal_format"
            "name": "mem1"
    "Available on disk": [
            "name": "newBtree3mem_internal_format"
            "name": "newBtree3_clonedmem1"
}open - TM is in RAM, Available on disk - TM is not yet loaded from disk"name": "newBtree3"
            "name": "newBtree3_cloned"
}open - TM is in RAM, Available on disk - TM is not yet loaded from disk

Create TM

PurposeCreates TM with the provided name(tmd and

Create TM

PurposeCreates TM with the provided name(tmd and tmi files in/MEM/ folder)
RequestPost /%service%/%tm_name%/

Required: name, sourceLang

Code Block
Request example 
{    "name": "examle_tm",  // this name would be used as filename for .TMD and .TMI files   
   {  "sourceLang": "bg-BG"}  // should match lang in languages.xml
   {"data": "base64_encoded_archive_see_import_in_internal_format"}
   ["loggingThreshold": 0]
this endpoint could work in 2 ways, like creation of new tm (then sourceLang is required and data can be skipped) or importing archived .tm(then sourceLang can be skipped, but data is required)it's possible to add memDescription in this stage, but this should be explored more if needed

Response example:Success:{
"name": "examle_tm",
TM already exists: 
    "ReturnValue": 7272,
    "ErrorMsg": "::ERROR_MEM_NAME_EXISTS:: TM with this name already exists: examle_tm1; res = 0"


Clone TM localy

PurposeCreates TM with the provided name
RequestPost /%service%/%tm_name%/clone

Required: name, sourceLang

Endpoint is sync(blocking)

Code Block
Request example 
{    "newName": "examle_tm" // when cloning, cloned tm would be renamed to this name(source tm is in url)

Response example:
    "msg": "newBtree3_cloned2 was cloned successfully",
    "time": "5 ms"

    "ReturnValue": -1,
    "ErrorMsg": "'dstTmdPath' = /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/newBtree3_cloned.TMD already exists; for request for mem newBtree3; with body = {\n    \"newName\": \"newBtree3_cloned\"\n}"
Delete TM

Flush TM 

Deletes .TMD, .TMI, .MEM files 
If TM is open, flushes it to the disk
Get /%service%/%tm_name%/flush

Endpoint is sync(blocking)

If tm is not found on the disk  -
Code Block
Response example:
    "newBtree3_cloned2": "deleted"
Code Block
Response example:
    "newBtree3_cloned2": "not found"
 returns 404
If tm is not open - returns 400 with message
Then t5m requests write pointer to the tm(so it waits till other requests that's working with the tm would finish) and then it flushes it to the disk
Could also return an error if flushing got some issue.
Would not open the tm, if it's not opened yet, but instead would return an error.

Import provided base64 encoded TMX file into TM

PurposeImport provided base64 encoded TMX file into TM. Starts another thead for import. For checking import status use status callRequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/importParams

{"tmxData": "base64EncodedTmxFile" }

TM must exist
It's async, so check status using status endpoint, like with reorganize in 0.5.x and up
Code Block
Response example:
Success:  {
 "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" }Response example:Error in case of errorFrom v0_2_15 { "%tm_name%":""} in case of success Check status of import using status call TMX import could be interrupted in case of invalid XML or TM reaching it's limit. For both cases check status request to have info about position in tmx
"Mem test1 was flushed to the disk successfully"
    "ReturnValue": -1,
    "ErrorMsg": "FlushMemRequestData::checkData -> tm is not found"
}// or 
"ReturnValue": -1,
"ErrorMsg": "FlushMemRequestData::checkData -> tm is not open"

Delete TM

PurposeDeletes .TMD, .TMI, .MEM files 
file where it was interrupted. up to v0.4.x reorganize is sync, so t5memory 
starting from 0.5.x is async, so you can check status of reorganize similar to how you can check status for importTMX
Under the hood it creates new tm with $Org- prefix, then reimport all segments one-by-one, and then deletes original TM and rename reorganized TM to replace original. 
This request should flush tm(from RAM to the disk) before reorganizing

reorganize would check this condition

if (fValidXmlInSrc && fValidXmlInTrg && (pProposal->getSourceLen() != 0) && (pProposal->getTargetLen() != 0) &&
(szTargetLanguage[0] != EOS) && (szTagTable[0] != EOS) )

, and in case if this condition is true and then it passes segment to putProposal function, which is also used by UpdateRequest and ImportTmx request, so other 
issues could be connected to updating new tm.

In 0.4.48 reorganize responce would look like this{
"time":"37 sec",
so if there is invalid segments, inspect t5memory log

Reorganize TM

PurposeReorganizes tm and fixing issues.
RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/reorganize

Accept - applicaton/xml

Export TMX from TM

PurposeCreates TMX from tm.

Code Block
Response example:
    "newBtree3_cloned2": "deleted"

Code Block
Response example:
    "newBtree3_cloned2": "not found"

Import provided base64 encoded TMX file into TM

PurposeImport provided base64 encoded TMX file into TM. Starts another thead for import. For checking import status use status call
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/import

Accept - applicaton/xml

This endpoint should flush tm before execution

{"tmxData": "base64EncodedTmxFile" }

  • additional:
       "saveAll" - default behaviour, do nothing
       "skipAll" - skip all enclosing tags, including standalone tags
       "skipPaired" - skip only paired enclosing tags 

TM must exist
It's async, so check status using status endpoint, like with reorganize in 0.5.x and up

Handling if framing tag situation differs from source to target - for skipAll or skipPaired

If framing tags situation is the same in source and target, both sides should be treated as described above.

If framing tags only exist in source, then still they should be treated as described above.

If they only exist in target, then  nothing should be removed.

Code Block
Request example:{
   ["framingTags": "skipAll"["skipPaired", "saveAll"],]
   "tmxData":   "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"
}Response example:Error in case of errorFrom v0_2_15
{ "%tm_name%":""} in case of success
Check status of import using status call
TMX import could be interrupted in case of invalid XML or TM reaching it's limit. For both cases check status request to have info about position in tmx file where it was interrupted. 


Table of Contents

Overview and API introduction

In this document the translate5 TM service REST interface is described.

The translate5 TM service is build by using the OpenTM2 Translation Memory Engine.

It provides the following functionality:

  • import new openTM2-TMs
  • delete openTM2-TMs
  • create new empty openTM2-TM
  • import TMX
  • open TM and close TM: not possible see extra section in this document. Maybe we need trigger to flush tm to the disk, but also it could be done in some specific cases...
  • query TM for Matches: one query per TM, not quering multiple TMs at once.
  • query TM for concordance search
  • extract segment by it's location
  • save new entry to TM
  • delete entry from TM
  • localy clone TM
  • reorganize TM
  • get some statistics about service
  • also you can use tagreplacement endpoint to test tag replacement mechanism

This can be achieved by the following specification of a RESTful HTTP Serive, the specification is given in the following form:

  1. URL of the HTTP Resource, where servername and an optional path prefix is configurable.
  2. HTTP Method with affected functionality
  3. Brief Description
  4. Sent and returned Body.

Request Data Format:

The transferred data in the requests is JSON and is directly done in the request body. It's should be pretty json and ends with '\n}" symbol, because of bug in proxygen that caused garbage after valid data. 

URL Format:

In this document, the OpenTM2 is always assumed under http://opentm2/.

To rely on full networking features (proxying etc.) the URL is configurable in Translate5 so that the OpenTM2 instance can also reside under http://xyz/foo/bar/.


For each request, the possible errors are listed below for each resource. In case of an error, the body should contain at least the following JSON, if it is senseful the attributes of the original representation can be added.


errors: [{errorMsg: 'Given tmxData is no TMX.'}]



%service%Name of service(default - t5memory, could be changed in t5m3mory.conf file

Name of Translation Memory


Endpoints overview

default endpoint/example

Is async?

1Get the list of TMsReturns JSON list of TMsGET/%service%//t5memory/
2Create TM

Creates TM with the provided name

3Create/Import TM in internal formatImport and unpack base64 encoded archive of .TMD, .TMI, .MEM files. Rename it to provided namePOST/%service%//t5memory/
4Clone TM LocalyMakes clone of existing tmPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/clone/t5memory/my+TM/clone
(+is placeholder for whitespace in tm name, so there should be 'my TM.TMD' and 'my TM.TMI'(and in pre 0.5.x 'my TM.MEM' also) files on the disk )
tm name IS case sensetive in url

5Reorganize TMReorganizing tm(replacing tm with new one and reimporting segments from tmd) - asyncGET/%service%/%tm_name%/reorganize/t5memory/my+other_tm/reorganize+ in 0.5.x and up
5Delete TMDeletes .TMD, .TMI files DELETE/%service%/%tm_name%//t5memory/%tm_name%/
6Import TMX into TMImport provided base64 encoded TMX file into TM - asyncPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/import/t5memory/%tm_name%/import+
7Export TMX from TMCreates TMX from tm. Encoded in base64GET/%service%/%tm_name%//t5memory/%tm_name%/
8Export in Internal formatCreates and exports archive with .TMD, .TMI files of TMGET/%service%/%tm_name%//t5memory/%tm_name%/status

Status of TM 

Returns status\import status of TMGET/%service%/%tm_name%/status/t5memory/%tm_name%/status
10Fuzzy searchReturns entries\translations with small differences from requestedPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/fuzzysearch/t5memory/%tm_name%/fuzzysearch
11Concordance searchReturns entries\translations that contain requested segmentPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/concordancesearch/t5memory/%tm_name%/concordancesearch
12Entry updateUpdates entry\translation POST/%service%/%tm_name%/entry/t5memory/%tm_name%/entry
13Entry deleteDeletes entry\translationPOST/%service%/%tm_name%/entrydelete/t5memory/%tm_name%/entrydelete
14Save all TMsFlushes all filebuffers(TMD, TMI files) into the filesystemGET/%service%_service/savetms/t5memory_service/saveatms
15Shutdown serviceFlushes all filebuffers into the filesystem and shutting down the serviceGET/%service%_service/shutdown/t5memory_service/shutdown
16Test tag replacement callFor testing tag replacementPOST/%service%_service/tagreplacement/t5memory_service/tagreplacement
17ResourcesReturns resources and service dataGET



18Import tmx from local file(in removing lookuptable git branch)Similar to import tmx, but instead of base64 encoded file, use local path to filePOST




19 Mass deletion of entries(from v0.6.0)It's like reorganize, but with skipping import of segments, that after checking with provided filters combined with logical AND returns true. POST




20New concordance search(from v0.6.0)It's extended concordance search, where you can search in different field of the segmentPOST



21Get segment by internal keyExtracting segment by it's location in tmd file. POST



22NEW Import tmxImports tmx in non-base64 formatPOST




23NEW import in internal format(tm)Extracts tm zip attached to request(it should contains tmd and tmi files) into MEM folderPOST




24NEW export tmxExports tmx file as a file. Could be used to export selected number of segments starting from selected positionGET
(could be with body)



25NEW export tm (internal format)Exports tm archive GET



Available end points

List of TMs

PurposeReturns JSON list of TMs
RequestGET /%service%/


Returns list of open TMs and then list of available(excluding open) in the app.

Code Block
Response example:
    "Open": [
            "name": "mem2"
    "Available on disk": [
            "name": "mem_internal_format"
            "name": "mem1"
            "name": "newBtree3"
            "name": "newBtree3_cloned"
}open - TM is in RAM, Available on disk - TM is not yet loaded from disk

Create TM

PurposeCreates TM with the provided name(tmd and tmi files in/MEM/ folder)
RequestPost /%service%/%tm_name%/

Required: name, sourceLang

Code Block
Request example 
{    "name": "examle_tm",  // this name would be used as filename for .TMD and .TMI files   
   {  "sourceLang": "bg-BG"}  // should match lang in languages.xml
   {"data": "base64_encoded_archive_see_import_in_internal_format"}
   ["loggingThreshold": 0]
this endpoint could work in 2 ways, like creation of new tm (then sourceLang is required and data can be skipped) or importing archived .tm(then sourceLang can be skipped, but data is required)it's possible to add memDescription in this stage, but this should be explored more if needed

Response example:Success:{
"name": "examle_tm",
TM already exists: 
    "ReturnValue": 7272,
    "ErrorMsg": "::ERROR_MEM_NAME_EXISTS:: TM with this name already exists: examle_tm1; res = 0"

Create/Import TM in internal format

PurposeImport and unpack base64 encoded archive of .TMD, .TMI, .MEM(in pre 0.5.x versions) files. Rename it to provided name
RequestPOST /%service%/

{    "name": "examle_tm",    "sourceLang": "bg-BG" , "data":"base64EncodedArchive" }

or alternatively data could be provided in non-base64 binary format as a file attached to the request

curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -F "file=@/path/to/12434615271d732fvd7te3.gz;" \ -F "json_data={\"name\": \"TM name\", \"sourceLang\": \"en-GB\"}" \ http://t5memory:4045/t5memory

Do not import tms created in other version of t5memory. Starting from 0.5.x tmd and tmi files has t5memory version where they were created in the header of the file, and different middle version(0.5.x) or global version(0.5.x) would be represented as 
version mismatch. Instead export tmx in corresponding version and create new empty tm and import tmx in new version. 

This would create example_tm.TMD(data file) and example.TMI(index file) in MEM folder
If there are "data" provided, no "sourceLang" required and vice versa - base64 data should be base64 encoded .tm file(which is just archive that contains .tmd and .tmi files 
If there are no "data" - new tm would be created, "sourceLang" should be provided and should be match with lang in languages.xml

In 0.6.20 and up data could be send as attachment instead of base64 encoded. Content-type then should be set to "multipart/form-data" and then json(with name of new tm) should be provided with json_data key(search is made this way:"Content-Disposition").find("name=\"json_data\"")

curl command example : curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-F "file=@/path/to/;" \
-F "json_data={\"name\": \"TM name\", \"sourceLang\": \"en-GB\"}" \
http://t5memory:4045/t5memory Response example:{ "name": "examle_tm" }

Code Block
//you can skip data if you send it as attachment, but then set content-type to  multipart/form-data and send json with json_body key

TM already exists:
  "ReturnValue": 65535,
  "ErrorMsg": ""

Clone TM localy

PurposeCreates TM with the provided name
RequestPost /%service%/%tm_name%/clone

Required: name, sourceLang

Endpoint is sync(blocking)

Code Block
Request example 
{    "newName": "examle_tm" // when cloning, cloned tm would be renamed to this name(source tm is in url)

Response example:
    "msg": "newBtree3_cloned2 was cloned successfully",
    "time": "5 ms"

    "ReturnValue": -1,
    "ErrorMsg": "'dstTmdPath' = /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/newBtree3_cloned.TMD already exists; for request for mem newBtree3; with body = {\n    \"newName\": \"newBtree3_cloned\"\n}"

Delete TM

PurposeDeletes .TMD, .TMI, .MEM files 
RequestDelete /%service%/%tm_name%/


Code Block
Response example:
    "newBtree3_cloned2": "deleted"

Code Block
Response example:
    "newBtree3_cloned2": "not found"

Import binary TMX file into TM

PurposeImport provided base64 encoded TMX file into TM. Starts another thead for import. For checking import status use status call
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/importtmx

Request has a file attached and a body as an option,

Implemented in 0.6.19
here are curl command to test:

curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -F "file=@/path/to/12434615271d732fvd7te3.tmx;filename=myfile.tmx" \ -F "json_data={\"framingTags\": \"value\", \"timeout\": 1500}" \ http://t5memory:4045/t5memory/{memory_name}/importtmx

Body should be provided in multiform under json_data key


 ["framingTags": "saveAll"],  // framing tags behaviour 

 [timeout: 100] // timeout in sec after which import stops, even if it doesn't reach end of tmx yet


  • additional:
       "saveAll" - default behaviour, do nothing
       "skipAll" - skip all enclosing tags, including standalone tags
       "skipPaired" - skip only paired enclosing tags 

TM must exist
It's async, so check status using status endpoint

TMX import could be interrupted in case of invalid XML or TM reaching it's limit or timeout. For both cases check status request to have info about position in tmx file where it was interrupted. 

Handling if framing tag situation differs from source to target - for skipAll or skipPaired

If framing tags situation is the same in source and target, both sides should be treated as described above.

If framing tags only exist in source, then still they should be treated as described above.

If they only exist in target, then  nothing should be removed.

Reorganize TM

PurposeReorganizes tm and fixing issues.
RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/reorganize

Accept - applicaton/xml

up to v0.4.x reorganize is sync, so t5memory 
starting from 0.5.x is async, so you can check status of reorganize similar to how you can check status for importTMX

Under the hood it creates new tm with $Org- prefix, then reimport all segments one-by-one, and then deletes original TM and rename reorganized TM to replace original. 
This request should flush tm(from RAM to the disk) before reorganizing

reorganize would check this condition

if (fValidXmlInSrc && fValidXmlInTrg && (pProposal->getSourceLen() != 0) && (pProposal->getTargetLen() != 0) &&
(szTargetLanguage[0] != EOS) && (szTagTable[0] != EOS) )

, and in case if this condition is true and then it passes segment to putProposal function, which is also used by UpdateRequest and ImportTmx request, so other 
issues could be connected to updating new tm.

In 0.4.48 reorganize responce would look like this

"time":"37 sec",
so if there is invalid segments, inspect t5memory log

Export TMX from TM - old

PurposeCreates TMX from tm.
RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/

Accept - applicaton/xml

This endpoint should flush tm before execution

Code Block
Response example:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tmx version="1.4">
<header creationtoolversion="0.2.14" gitCommit="60784cf * refactoring and cleanup" segtype="sentence" adminlang="en-us" srclang="en-GB" o-tmf="t5memory" creationtool="t5memory" datatype="xml" />
  <tu tuid="1" datatype="xml" creationdate="20190401T084052Z">
     <prop type="tmgr:segNum">10906825</prop>
     <prop type="tmgr:markup">OTMXML</prop>
     <prop type="tmgr:docname">none</prop>
     <tuv xml:lang="en-GB">
          <prop type="tmgr:language">English(U.K.)</prop>
          <seg>For > 100 setups.</seg>
     <tuv xml:lang="de-DE">
          <prop type="tmgr:language">GERMAN(REFORM)</prop>
     <seg>Für > 100 Aufstellungen.</seg>

Export TMX from TM

PurposeExports TMX from tm.
RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/download.tmx

Accept - applicaton/xml


curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:4040/t5memory/{MEMORY_NAME}/download.tmx' \ --header 'Accept: application/xml' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{"startFromInternalKey": "7:1", "limit": 20}'

Could have body with this fields 

startFromInternalKey - in "recordKey:targetKey" format sets starting point for import
limit - sets maximum numberof segments to be exported 

loggingThreshold- as in other requests

in response in headers you would get NextInternalKey: 19:1 - if exists next item in memory else the same as you send. So you could repeat the call with new starting position. 

If no body provided, export starts from the beginning (key 7:1) to the end.

This endpoint should flush tm before execution

Code Block
Response example:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<tmx version="1.4">
<header creationtoolversion="0.2.14" gitCommit="60784cf * refactoring and cleanup" segtype="sentence" adminlang="en-us" srclang="en-GB" o-tmf="t5memory" creationtool="t5memory" datatype="xml" />
  <tu tuid="1" datatype="xml" creationdate="20190401T084052Z">
     <prop type="tmgr:segNum">10906825</prop>
     <prop type="tmgr:markup">OTMXML</prop>
     <prop type="tmgr:docname">none</prop>
     <tuv xml:lang="en-GB">
          <prop type="tmgr:language">English(U.K.)</prop>
          <seg>For > 100 setups.</seg>
     <tuv xml:lang="de-DE">
          <prop type="tmgr:language">GERMAN(REFORM)</prop>
     <seg>Für > 100 Aufstellungen.</seg>

Export in internal format 

PurposeCreates and exports archive with .TMD, .TMI files of TM
RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/


returns archive(.tm file) consists with .tmd and .tmi files
This should flush tm before execution

Code Block
Response example:%binary_data%

Export in internal format - OLD

PurposeCreates and exports archive with .TMD, .TMI, .MEM files of TM
RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/


returns archive(.tm file) consists with .tmd and .tmi files
This should flush tm before execution

Code Block
Response example:%binary_data%

Get the status of TM

RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/status


Would return status of TM. It could be 'not found', 'available' if it's on the disk but not loaded into the RAM yet, and 'open' with additional info. In case if there was at least one try to import tmx or reorganize tm since it was loaded into the RAM, additional fields would appear and stay in the statistics till memory would be unloaded. 

Code Block
Response example:
{//just opened tm, without import\reorganize called
    "status": "open",
    "lastAccessTime": "",
    "creationTime": "20230703T122212Z",
    "tmCreatedInT5M_version": "0:5:1"

{// after reorgainize was called 
    "status": "open",
    "reorganizeStatus": "available",
    "reorganizeTime": 100,
    "reorganizeTime": "Overall reorganize time is      : 0:00:02\n",
    "segmentsReorganized": 1112,
    "invalidSegments": 10,
    "invalidSegmentsRCs": "5005:10; ",
    "firstInvalidSegments": "123; 432; 554; 623; 659; 675; 741; 742; 753; 755; ",
    "invalidSymbolErrors": -1,
    "reorganizeErrorMsg": "",
    "lastAccessTime": "",
    "creationTime": "20230810T095233Z",
    "tmCreatedInT5M_version": "0:5:10"
}   {//not opened but available on the disk 
	"status": "available"
{//not found tm {
    "status": "not found",
    "res": 48 // 48- both tmi and tmd files are no found, 16- only TMD file not found, 32 - only TMI file not found
  The tmxImportStatus could be "available", "import" or "failed" if the import had errors. If there were at least one import to that tm, new fields would appear
{//tm in process of import
    "status": "open",
    "tmxImportStatus": "import",    
	"importProgress" : 56,    
	"importTime": "00:00:13",    
	"segmentsImported": 1356,    
	"invalidSegments": 23,    
	"invalidSymbolErrors": 2,    
	"importErrorMsg": "", 
    "lastAccessTime":  "%lastAccessTime",
    "creationTime": "20230703T122212Z",
    "tmCreatedInT5M_version": "0:5:1" 
}// in case if internal error happened, like t5memory would have error 5034 or 5035 which indicates, that tm size is reached it's limit and you should create new one to save new segments or part that left from tmx that you tried to import, status would look like this
"status": "open",
"tmxImportStatus": "failed",
"importProgress": 100,
"importTime": "Overall import time is : 0:00:19\n",
"segmentsImported": 445,
"invalidSegments": 1,
"invalidSymbolErrors": 0,
"importErrorMsg": "Warning: encoding 'UTF-16' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring at column 40 in line 1; \n Fatal internal Error at column 6 in line 9605, import stopped at progress = 0%, errorMsg: TM is reached it's size limit, please create another one and import segments there, rc = 5034; aciveSegment = 1834\n\nSegment 1834 not imported\r\n\nReason = \nDocument = none\nSourceLanguage = de-DE\nTargetLanguage = en-GB\nMarkup = OTMXUXLF\nSource = in Verbindung mit Befestigungswinkel MS-...-WPE-B zur Wandmontage eines Einzelgeräts\nTarget = In combination with mounting bracket MS-...-WPE-B for wall mounting an individual component ",
"lastAccessTime": "",
"ErrorMsg": " Fatal internal Error at column 6 in line 9605, import stopped at progress = 0%, errorMsg: TM is reached it's size limit, please create another one and import segments there, rc = 5034; aciveSegment = 1834\n\nSegment 1834 not imported\r\n\nReason = \nDoc"

So you would have info about last segment which interrupted tm import

Fuzzy search

Purpose Returns enrties\translations with small differences from requested
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/fuzzysearch

Required: source, sourceLang, targetLang

iNumOfProposal -  limit of found proposals - max is 20, if 0 → use default value '5' 

Code Block
Request example:

Request example:
{ // required fields
  "sourceLang":"en-GB",    // langs would be checked with languages.xml 
  "source":"For > 100 setups.", 

 // optional fields  
  ["markupTable":"OTMXUXLF"],    //if there is no markup, default OTMXUXLF would be used. 
								 //Markup tables should be located inside ~/.t5memory/TABLE/%markup$.TBL 
  ["numOfProposals":20],   // num of expected segments in output. By default it's 5
  ["loggingThreshold": 0]

Response example:

    "ReturnValue": 0,
    "ErrorMsg": "",
    "NumOfFoundProposals": 1,
    "results": [
            "source": "The end",
            "target": "The target",
            "segmentNumber": 0,
            "id": "",
            "documentName": "Te2.xlf",
            "sourceLang": "de-DE",
            "targetLang": "EN-GB",
            "type": "Manual",
            "author": "THOMAS LAURIA",
            "timestamp": "20231228T171821Z",
            "markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
            "context": "2_3",
            "additionalInfo": "",
            "internalKey": "7:1",
            "matchType": "Fuzzy",
            "matchRate": 50,
            "fuzzyWords": 0,
            "fuzzyDiffs": 0

example 2
  "ReturnValue": 0,
  "ErrorMsg": "",
  "NumOfFoundProposals": 1, 
  "results": [
     "source": "For > 100 setups.",
     "target": "Für > 100 Aufstellungen.",
     "segmentNumber": 10906825,
     "id": "",
     "documentName": "none",
    "documentShortName": "NONE",
    "sourceLang": "en-GB",
    "targetLang": "de-DE",
    "type": "Manual",
    "matchType": "Exact", // could be exact or fuzzy
    "author": "",
    "timestamp": "20190401T084052Z",
    "matchRate": 100,
     "fuzzyWords": -1, // for exact match it would be -1 here and in diffs
     "fuzzyDiffs": -1, // otherwise here would be amount of parsed words and diffs that was 
					   // used in fuzzy matchrate calculation    
	 "markupTable": "OTMXML",
     "context": "",
     "additionalInfo": ""

Not found:

"ReturnValue": 133,
"ErrorMsg": "OtmMemoryServiceWorker::concordanceSearch::"
For exact match used function that's comparing strings ignoring whitespaces. First normalized strings(without tags).
If it's the same string, then t5memory is checking string with tags and could return 100 or 97 match rate depending on result.

Then it's checking context match rate and if document name is the same(non case sensitive)

Then it's checking and modifying exactMatchRate according to code in code block below.
After that it would store exact matches only with usMatchLevel>=100. If there would be no exact matches, fuzzy match calculations would begin.
In case if there is at least one exact match, any fuzzy matches would be skipped.
In case if we have only one exact exact match, it's rate would be set to 102

For equal matches with 100% word matches but different whitespaces/newlines, each whitespace/newline diffs would be count as -1%. For punctuation, at least for 0.4.50, each punctuation would count as word token. This would be changed in future to count punctuation as whitespaces. 

For fuzzy calculation tags would be removed from text, except t5:np tags, which would be replaced with their "r" attribute to be counted as 1 word per tag. 

For fuzzy rate calculation we count words and then diffs in normalized string(without tags), using this formula: 
  if (usDiff < usWords )
    *pusFuzzy = (usWords != 0) ? ((usWords - usDiff)*100 / usWords) : 100;
    *pusFuzzy = 0;
  } /* endif */ Regarging Number Protection feature, tags from number protection would be replaced with their regexHashes from their attributes, so they would be count as 1 word each. NP with the same regex would be counted as equal
 To count diffs, t5memory go throuht both segments to find matching tokens, to find something called snake- line of matching tokens. 
 Then It marks unmatched as INSERTED or DELETED tokens, and based on that it calculates diffs.

if it's 100% rate, we add tags and compare it again
if then it's not equal, here is how match rate would be changed - probably this would never happens, because we have exact match test before fuzzy, 
and we do exact test even if triplesHashes is different(which is pre-fuzzy calculation and if it's equal, it could be flag that trigger exact test)

  if ( !fStringEqual )
    if ( usFuzzy > 3 )
      usFuzzy -= 3;
       usFuzzy = 0;
    } /* endif */
    usFuzzy = std::min( (USHORT)99, usFuzzy );
  } /* endif */

then depending on type of translation it could tweak rate
if ( (usModifiedTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_MACHINE) && (usFuzzy < 100) )
  // ignore machine fuzzy matches
else if ( usFuzzy > TM_FUZZINESS_THRESHOLD )
  /* give MT flag a little less fuzziness */
  if ( usModifiedTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_MACHINE )
    if ( usFuzzy > 1 )
      usFuzzy -= 1;
      usFuzzy = 0;
    } /* endif */
  } /* endif */
  if (usFuzzy == 100 && (pGetIn->ulParm & GET_RESPECTCRLF) && !fRespectCRLFStringEqual )
  { // P018279!
    usFuzzy -= 1;
   add to resulting set
} /* endif */
} /* endif */

At the end fuzzy request replaces tags in proposal from TM with tags from request, and if matchRate >= 100, it calculates whitespace diffs and apply matchRate-= wsDiffs

Code Block
ExactMatchRate calculation:so, before usExact is equal to 97 or 100, depending if strings with tags are equal ignoring whitespaces  and then code do some tweaks.
 pClb is struct that have proposals from TM, pGetIn is fuzzy requests data

 // loop over CLBs and look for best matching entry
  LONG lLeftClbLen; // left CLB entries in CLB list
  PTMX_TARGET_CLB pClb; // pointer for CLB list processing
  #define CONTEXT_MATCH 6
  #define SAME_DOC_MATCH 4
  #define MULT_DOC_MATCH 3
  #define NORMAL_MATCH 2
  #define IGNORE_MATCH 1
  SHORT sCurMatch = 0;

  // loop over all target CLBs
  pClb = pTMXTargetClb;
  lLeftClbLen = RECLEN(pTMXTargetRecord) -
  while ( ( lLeftClbLen > 0 ) && (sCurMatch < SAME_SEG_AND_DOC_MATCH) )
    USHORT usTranslationFlag = pClb->bTranslationFlag;
    USHORT usCurContextRanking = 0; // context ranking of this match
    BOOL fIgnoreProposal = FALSE;
    // apply global memory option file on global memory proposals
   if ( pClb->bTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEM ) // pClb it's segment in TM
       if ( (pGetIn->pvGMOptList != NULL) && pClb->usAddDataLen ) // pGetIn it's fuzzy requests segment

           USHORT usAddDataLen = NtmGetAddData( pClb, ADDDATA_ADDINFO_ID, pContextBuffer, MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE );
           if ( usAddDataLen )
               GMMEMOPT GobMemOpt = GlobMemGetFlagForProposal( pGetIn->pvGMOptList, pContextBuffer );
               switch ( GobMemOpt )
                  case GM_SUBSTITUTE_OPT: usTranslationFlag = TRANSLFLAG_NORMAL; break;
                  case GM_HFLAG_OPT : usTranslationFlag = TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEM; break;
                  case GM_HFLAGSTAR_OPT : usTranslationFlag = TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEMSTAR; break;
                  case GM_EXCLUDE_OPT : fIgnoreProposal = TRUE; break;
               } /* endswitch */
          } /* endif */
     } /* endif */ 

     if ( pClb == pTMXTargetClb )
       usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
    } /* endif *
  } /* endif */ 

  // check context strings (if any)
  if ((!fIgnoreProposal)
       && pGetIn->szContext[0]
       && pClb->usAddDataLen )
       USHORT usContextLen = NtmGetAddData( pClb, ADDDATA_CONTEXT_ID, pContextBuffer, MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE );
       if ( usContextLen != 0 )
            usCurContextRanking = NTMCompareContext( pTmClb, pGetIn->szTagTable, pGetIn->szContext, pContextBuffer );
       } /* endif */
    } /* endif */

  // check for matching document names
  if ( pGetIn->ulParm & GET_IGNORE_PATH )
     // we have to compare the real document names rather than comparing the document name IDs
     PSZ pszCLBDocName = NTMFindNameForID( pTmClb, &(pClb->usFileId), (USHORT)FILE_KEY );
     if ( pszCLBDocName != NULL )
        PSZ pszName = UtlGetFnameFromPath( pszCLBDocName );
        if ( pszName == NULL )
           pszName = pszCLBDocName;
         } /* endif */
      fMatchingDocName = stricmp( pszName, pszDocName ) == 0;
       // could not access the document name, we have to compare the document name IDs
      fMatchingDocName = ((pClb->usFileId == usGetFile) || (pClb->usFileId == usAlternateGetFile));
    } /* endif */
     // we can compare the document name IDs
     fMatchingDocName = ((pClb->usFileId == usGetFile) || (pClb->usFileId == usAlternateGetFile));
  } /* endif */

  if ( fIgnoreProposal )
    if ( sCurMatch == 0 )
      sCurMatch = IGNORE_MATCH;
    } /* endif */
  else if ( usCurContextRanking == 100 )
    if ( fMatchingDocName && (pClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1)) )
      if ( sCurMatch < SEG_DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH )
         sCurMatch = SEG_DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH;
        pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
        usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
        usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
    else if ( fMatchingDocName )
    if ( sCurMatch < DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH )
      sCurMatch = DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH;
      pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
      usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
      usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
     else if ( sCurMatch == DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH )
       // we have already a match of this type so check if context ranking
       if ( usCurContextRanking > usContextRanking )
          pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
          usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
          usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       // use time info to ensure that latest match is used
       else if ( usCurContextRanking == usContextRanking )
         // GQ 2015-04-10 New approach: If we have an exact-exact match use this one, otherwise use timestamp for the comparism
         BOOL fExactExactNewCLB = fMatchingDocName && (pClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1));
         BOOL fExactExactExistingCLB = ((pTMXTargetClb->usFileId == usGetFile) || (pTMXTargetClb->usFileId == usAlternateGetFile)) &&
         (pTMXTargetClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pTMXTargetClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1));
         if ( fExactExactNewCLB && !fExactExactExistingCLB )
           // use exact-exact CLB for match
           pTMXTargetClb = pClb;
           usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
           usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
         else if ( (fExactExactNewCLB == fExactExactExistingCLB) && (pClb->lTime > pTMXTargetClb->lTime) )
           // use newer target CLB for match
           pTMXTargetClb = pClb;
           usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
           usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       } /* endif */
     } /* endif */
     if ( sCurMatch < CONTEXT_MATCH )
     sCurMatch = CONTEXT_MATCH;
     pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
     usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
     usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
     else if ( sCurMatch == CONTEXT_MATCH )
       // we have already a match of this type so check if context ranking
      if ( usCurContextRanking > usContextRanking )
        pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
        usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
        usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
      // use time info to ensure that latest match is used
     else if ( (usCurContextRanking == usContextRanking) && (pClb->lTime > pTMXTargetClb->lTime) )
       pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
       usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
       usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
      } /* endif */
    } /* endif */
  } /* endif */
 else if ( fMatchingDocName && (pClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1)) )
   // same segment from same document available
   pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
   usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
   usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
 else if ( fMatchingDocName )
    // segment from same document available
    if ( sCurMatch < SAME_DOC_MATCH )
       sCurMatch = SAME_DOC_MATCH;
       pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
       usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
       usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
     else if ( sCurMatch == SAME_DOC_MATCH )
       // we have already a match of this type so
       // use time info to ensure that latest match is used
       if ( pClb->lTime > pTMXTargetClb->lTime )
         pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
         usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
         usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       } /* endif */
     } /* endif */
    else if ( pClb->bMultiple )
       // multiple target segment available
       if ( sCurMatch < MULT_DOC_MATCH )
         // no better match yet
         sCurMatch = MULT_DOC_MATCH;
         pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
         usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
         usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       } /* endif */
     else if ( usTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_NORMAL )
        // a 'normal' memory match is available
        if ( sCurMatch < NORMAL_MATCH )
           // no better match yet
           sCurMatch = NORMAL_MATCH;
           pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
           usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
           usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
         } /* endif */
     } /* endif */

    // continue with next target CLB
    if ( sCurMatch < SAME_SEG_AND_DOC_MATCH )
      lLeftClbLen -= TARGETCLBLEN(pClb);
      if (lLeftClbLen > 0)
        pClb = NEXTTARGETCLB(pClb);
    } /* endif */
} /* endwhile */

  BOOL fNormalMatch = (usTargetTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_NORMAL) ||
  (usTargetTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEM) ||
  (usTargetTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEMSTAR);
  switch ( sCurMatch )
    case IGNORE_MATCH :
      usMatchLevel = 0;
      usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1;
       usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1; // exact-exact match with matching context
       if ( usContextRanking == 100 )
         // GQ 2015/05/09: treat 100% context matches as normal exact matches
         // usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1;
         usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
          usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
        } /* endif */
    if ( usContextRanking == 100 )
      // GQ 2015/05/09: treat 100% context matches as normal exact context matches
      // usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1;
      // GQ 2016/10/24: treat 100% context matches as normal exact matches
      usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual : usEqual-1;
      usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual : usEqual-1;
     } /* endif */
    usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
     usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
  default :
     usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual : usEqual-1;
  } /* endswitch */

Here is structure of the segment from responses

"source":"in Verbindung 2 fds fdsa amit Befestigungswinkel fdsaf MS-...-WPE-B zur Wandmontage eines sfg Einzelgeräts"// source that was saved
"sourceNPRepl":"in Verbindung 2 fds fdsa amit Befestigungswinkel fdsaf MS-...-WPE-B zur Wandmontage eines sfg Einzelgeräts",// np replaced source - used for fuzzy and triples thresholds - here there are no NP tags, but their hashes
"sourceNorm":"in Verbindung 2 fds fdsa amit Befestigungswinkel fdsaf MS-...-WPE-B zur Wandmontage eines sfg Einzelgeräts",// normalized source - used for fuzzy calclulation - there are no tags at all
"target":"In combinahgfd tion with mounting bracket MS-...-WPE-B for wall mounting an individual component ",// saved target
"segmentNumber":1// previously segmentNumber  - internal Id generated in tm, or provided with update call. Can be used together with internalKey as a primary number in tm 
"id":"", // dummy field, 
"sourceLang":"DE-DE",// that langs in requests would be searched in languages.xml, and would be used best match(or preffered) 
"timestamp":"",// if empty, current time would be used. 
"markupTable":"OTMXUXLF"// the same all the time, in the future could be refactored and deleted
"context":"390",// context and addinfo would be saved as additional field in cbl(internal data struct, which saves variants of other variables for the same translation, which have position pointed below - "11:1"
"internalKey":"11:1"// internal position of the segment inside tmd file. could be shifted with deleting some other segments. both numbers should not be zero

New Concordance search

PurposeReturns entries\translations that fits selected filters. 
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/search

Required: NONE

iNumOfProposal -  limit of found proposals - max is 200, if 0 → use default value '5' 

Search is made segment-by segment, and it's checking segment if it fits selected filters. You can search for EXACT or CONCORDANCE matches in this fields:
source, target, document, author, addInfo, context
To set filter, use it's SearchMode field, otherwise filter would be disabled. So you have sourceSearchMode, targetSearchMode, documentSearchMode,
authorSearchMode, addInfoSearchMode, contextSearchMode 

Search mode should be set explicitly to CONTAINS/CONCORDANCE or EXACT, otherwise filter would be ignored. But also each searchMode could have additional search parameters "CONTAINS, caseinsensetive, WHITESPACETOLERANT, INVERTED", all that values is not important, as well as delimiter. By default search is case sensetive. If you add Inverted option, check for that filter would be reverted. 
To check how filters would be parsed, check json in responce.  Field with that info could look like this:

Search filter, field: TARGET FilterType::EXACT SearchStr: ''; Options: SEARCH_CASEINSENSITIVE_OPT|;\n
Search filter, field: ADDINFO FilterType::CONTAINS SearchStr: 'some add info'; Options: SEARCH_WHITESPACETOLERANT_OPT|;\n
Search filter, field: CONTEXT FilterType::EXACT SearchStr: 'context context'; Options: ;\nSearch filter, field: AUTHOR FilterType::CONTAINS SearchStr: ''; Options: ;\n
Search filter, field: DOCUMENT FilterType::CONTAINS SearchStr: 'evo3_p1137_reports_translation_properties_de_fr_20220720_094902'; Options: SEARCH_FILTERS_NOT|;\n
Search filter, field: TIMESTAMP FilterType::RANGE Range: 20000121T115234Z - 20240121T115234Z Options: ;\n"

It's possible to apply filter just with SearchMode, like if you would type "authorSearchMode": "exact",but there would be no "author" field, it would look for segments, where author field is empty.

Also there are  timespan parameter, to set it, use this fields and format:


You should set both parameters to apply filter, otherwise you would get error as return.  Check output to see how it was parsed and applied.
By default all mentioned filters is applied in logical and combination, but you can change that globaly with adding 

"logicalOr": 1
Then all mentioned filters would be applied in logical or combination(please, use 1 to set this to true, boolean type is not supported by json parser in t5memory). Supported since 0.6.5


Instead of returning segments, just count them and return counter in 


Also there are lang filters, they would always be applied to selection of segments that passed previous filters, so value of  "logicalOr": 1,  wouldn't be applied to that.
To set language filters, use this fields:


Lang filters could be applied with major lang feature, so source lang in this case would be applied as exact filter for source lang, but target lang would check if langs is in the same lang group. That check is done in languages.xml file with isPreferred flag.
Lang filters and if filters is combined in logical or or logical and you can check in  GlobalSearchOptions  field of responce. It could look like this: 


Other that you can send is:

"loggingThreshold": 4 - check other requests,

So search position is position where to start search internaly in btree. This search is limited by num of found segment(set by numResults) or timeout(set by msSearchAfterNumResults), but timeout would be ignored in case if there are no segments in the tm to fit params.  Max  numResults is 200.

You can send empty json and search would work fine, but it would just return first 5 segments in tm
You can go through all segment  with using this 2 fields

and just updating  searchPosition with  NewSearchPosition
from responce.

Code Block
    "logicalOr": 1,
    "targetSearchMode":"EXACT, CASEINSENSETIVE",
    "documentSearchMode":"CONTAINS, INVERTED",
     "author":"some author",

    "timestampSpanStart": "20000121T115234Z",
    "timestampSpanEnd": "20240121T115234Z",

    "addInfo":"some add info",

    "context":"context context",
    "searchPosition": "8:1",
    "numResults": 2,
    "msSearchAfterNumResults": 25,
    "loggingThreshold": 3

So here search would be done in logical or way, so if any of source, target, document, context, author, timestamp filters returns true, result would be added to set, which then would be filtered out by sourceLang on exact match check and targetLang on groupLang check.
Search would start from position "8:1"(tm data start at "7:1" but if you wan't to start from the beggining, just avoid that param. 
numResuts:2 - so if there would be 2 segments found, search would end
"msSearchAfterNumResults": 25 - 25ms after first found segment, search would end, even if more segments was found, responce would contain "NewSearchPosition": "10:1", which can be used in searchPosition to continue search

Response example:Success:
Search filter, field: TARGET FilterType::EXACT SearchStr: ''; Options: SEARCH_CASEINSENSITIVE_OPT|;\n
Search filter, field: ADDINFO FilterType::CONTAINS SearchStr: 'some add info'; Options: SEARCH_WHITESPACETOLERANT_OPT|;\n
Search filter, field: CONTEXT FilterType::EXACT SearchStr: 'context context'; Options: ;\n
Search filter, field: AUTHOR FilterType::CONTAINS SearchStr: ''; Options: ;\n
Search filter, field: DOCUMENT FilterType::CONTAINS SearchStr: 'evo3_p1137_reports_translation_properties_de_fr_20220720_094902'; Options: SEARCH_FILTERS_NOT|;\n
Search filter, field: TIMESTAMP FilterType::RANGE Range: 20000121T115234Z - 20240121T115234Z Options: ;\n",
"ReturnValue": 0,
"ReturnMessage": "FOUND",
"NewSearchPosition": "10:1",
"results": [
"source": "Congratulations on the purchase of a <ph x=\"101\"/> machine control system.",
"target": "Gratulerar till köpet av maskinstyrningsystemet <ph x=\"101\"/>.",
"segmentNumber": 5740419,
"id": "",
"documentName": "none",
"sourceLang": "en-GB",
"targetLang": "SV-SE",
"type": "Manual",
"author": "",
"timestamp": "20170327T091814Z",
"markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
"context": "",
"additionalInfo": "",
"internalKey": "8:1"
"source": "The <ph x=\"101\"/> System is an ideal tool for increasing productivity in all aspects of the construction earthmoving industry.",
"target": "Systemet <ph x=\"101\"/> är ett verktyg som lämpar sig perfekt för att öka produktiviteten inom alla delar av bygg- och anläggningsområdet.",
"segmentNumber": 5740420,
"id": "",
"documentName": "none",
"sourceLang": "en-GB",
"targetLang": "SV-SE",
"type": "Manual",
"author": "",
"timestamp": "20170327T091814Z",
"markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
"context": "",
"additionalInfo": "",
"internalKey": "9:1"
SearchPosition / NewSearchPositionFormat: "7:1"
First is segment\record number, second is target number
The NextSearchposition is an internal key of the memory for the next position on sequential access. Since it is an internal key, maintained and understood by the underlying memory plug-in (for EqfMemoryPlugin is it the record number and the position in one record),
no assumptions should be made regarding the content. It is just a string that, should be sent back to OpenTM2 on the next request, so that the search starts from there.
So is the implementation in Translate5: The first request to OpenTM2 contains SearchPosition with an empty string, OpenTM2 returns than a string in NewSearchPosition, which is just resent to OpenTM2 in the next request.

Not found:{
"ReturnValue": 0,
"NewSearchPosition": null,
"ErrorMsg": ""
}TM not found:{
"ReturnValue": 133,
"ErrorMsg": "OtmMemoryServiceWorker::concordanceSearch::"

Here is search request with all possible parameters:
"logicalOr": 1, 



   "target":"", "targetSearchMode":"EXACT, CASEINSENSETIVE",


    "documentSearchMode":"CONTAINS, INVERTED", 

    "author":"some author",

    "timestampSpanStart": "20000121T115234Z",

    "timestampSpanEnd": "20240121T115234Z",

    "addInfo":"some add info",


    "context":"context context",




    "searchPosition": "8:1",

    "numResults": 2,

     "msSearchAfterNumResults": 25,
     "loggingThreshold": 3
All fields is optional, but some depends on other, so error should be returned in case of not providing required field

So request with this body would also work:

ParametervalueTypedefault valuepossible valuesrequireFielddescription
sourceLangstring""langs that can 
be matched to
langs in languages.xml

Filter segments on src/trg lang attribute, 

If specified lang is preffered, matching is done based on lang family,
otherwise on exact match

searchPositionstring"" (search would
start from "7:1" 
"8:1" etcpoint where to start search in tmd file
numResultsint5(0....200]points how many matches return in current request
msSearchAfterNumResults0no checksets how many ms should pass between first found segment and search stop, if it didn't reach the end yet. 
loggingThreshold-1[0...6]additional field to set log level on the run
logicalOrint00 for false, any other number as true, 
"logicalOr": 1, 
"onlyCountSegments": 1
by default source, target, document, author, context, addinfo, timestamp is combined in logical AND, but by sending here "OR" you can switch that to logical OR, any other value would left it in default AND state.
Doesn't apply to sourceLang and targetLang filters, they are always in AND state
onlyCountSegmentsinstead of returning segment, would go in search till the end of tm and return total number of segments, that returns true with selected filters
sourcestring""any string, example 
"source": "data in the segment"
sourceSearchModeSets what to look for in source of the segments, based on type of search, specified in sourceSearchMode(exact, concordance). If sourceSearchMode is not specified, returns an error.
targettargetSearchMode--//–(the same as above but for corresponding fields)
timestampSpanStartstringstring with date in format
timestampSpanEndSets filter for time.  You need to provid both timestamps, or none, otherwise request would return an error. Could be used in "OR" combination in 
"logicalOr": 1,, but, maybe, it's better to change that behaviour to similar like with langs(Always AND)
sourceSearchModestring""String with required 
(or CONTAINS, what's equal to CONCORDANCE)
words and some optional, like
CASEINSENSETIVE for non case sensetive comparison,
modifying whitespaces(result of this actions you can see in filters in responce)
INVERTED  for applying filter in inverted state, so to return false on match and true 
if no match. Logical NOT

Attributes is not case sensetive, 
Separator doen't matters

Sets type of search for corresponding field. 
If you set, for example, "authorSearchMode" = "EXACT", but don't provide any
author in request, author field would be "", so request would look for segments, 
where author equals to "". The same is true for other fields
"source": "the  text inside"
"sourceSearchMode":"CONTAINS, CASEINSENSETIVE, WHITESPACETOLERANT, INVERTED", - search would be for all segments, which doesn't contains "the text inside" in non case sensetive mode and with normalizing whitespaces.
"author": "Ed Sheeran",
"authorSearchMode" = "Exact", -search would be done on exact case sensetive matches with "Ed Sheeran" in author field
"author": "Ed Sheeran",
"authorSearchMode" = "CASEINSENSETIVE", - ERROR, search mode(Exact\Contains) is not selected

4) "author": "Ed Sheeran",  - ERROR, search mode(Exact\Contains) is not selected

5) "authorSearchMode" = "CONTAINS",- OK, filter would check if segment contains "", so every segment would return true then


Concordance search

PurposeReturns entries\translations that contain requested segment
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/concordancesearch

Required: searchString - what we are looking for , searchType ["Source"|"Target"|"SourceAndTarget"] - where to look

iNumOfProposal -  limit of found proposals - max is 20, if 0 → use default value '5' 

Code Block
Request example:
    "searchString": "The",
    "searchType": "source", // could be Source, Target, SourceAndTarget - says where to do search
    ["searchPosition": "",] 
    ["numResults": 20,]
    ["msSearchAfterNumResults": 250,]
	["loggingThreshold": 0]
Response example:Success:
  "ReturnValue": "ENDREACHED_RC",
  "NewSearchPosition": null,
  "results": [
      "source": "The end",
      "target": "The target",
      "segmentNumber": 0,
      "id": "",
      "documentName": "Te2.xlf",
      "sourceLang": "de-DE",
      "targetLang": "EN-GB",
     "type": "Manual",
     "author": "THOMAS LAURIA",
     "timestamp": "20231228T171821Z",
      "markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
      "context": "2_3",
      "additionalInfo": "",
      "internalKey": "7:1"

  "ReturnValue": 0,
  "NewSearchPosition": null,
  "results": [
     "source": "For > 100 setups.",
     "target": "Für > 100 Aufstellungen.",
     "segmentNumber": 10906825,
     "id": "",
     "documentName": "none",
     "documentShortName": "NONE",
     "sourceLang": "en-GB",← rfc5646     
     "targetLang": "de-DE",← rfc5646
     "type": "Manual",
     "matchType": "undefined",
     "author": "",
     "timestamp": "20190401T084052Z",
     "matchRate": 0,
     "markupTable": "OTMXML",
     "context": "",
     "additionalInfo": ""
 "ErrorMsg": ""

Success, but with NewSearchPosition - not all TM was checked, use this position to repeat search:
  "ReturnValue": 0,
  "NewSearchPosition": "8:1",
  "results": [
     "source": "For > 100 setups.",
     "target": "Für > 100 Aufstellungen.",
     "segmentNumber": 10906825,
     "id": "",
    "documentName": "none",
    "documentShortName": "NONE",
    "sourceLang": "en-GB",
    "targetLang": "de-DE",
    "type": "Manual",
     "matchType": "undefined",
     "author": "",
     "timestamp": "20190401T084052Z",
     "matchRate": 0,
     "markupTable": "OTMXML",
     "context": "",
     "additionalInfo": ""
 "ErrorMsg": ""
SearchPosition / NewSearchPositionFormat: "7:1"
First is segmeng\record number, second is target number
The NextSearchposition is an internal key of the memory for the next position on sequential access. Since it is an internal key, maintained and understood by the underlying memory plug-in (for EqfMemoryPlugin is it the record number and the position in one record),
no assumptions should be made regarding the content. It is just a string that, should be sent back to OpenTM2 on the next request, so that the search starts from there.
So is the implementation in Translate5: The first request to OpenTM2 contains SearchPosition with an empty string, OpenTM2 returns than a string in NewSearchPosition, which is just resent to OpenTM2 in the next request.

Not found:{
"ReturnValue": 0,
"NewSearchPosition": null,
"ErrorMsg": ""
}TM not found:{
"ReturnValue": 133,
"ErrorMsg": "OtmMemoryServiceWorker::concordanceSearch::"

Get entry

PurposeReturns entry that located in [recordKey:targetKey] location or error if it's empty
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/getentry

Required: recordKey- it's position in the tmd file, starting from 7(first 6 it's service records)

targetKey - position in record,  starting from 1

Implemented in 0.6.24

Code Block
Request example:
    "recordKey": "8",
    "targetKey": "2"
  ["loggingThreshold": 0]
Response example:
Success: {
    "source": "%Project.Progress%",
    "target": "%Project.Progress%",
    "segmentId": 7,
    "documentName": "DSGVO_v27_HIDDEN.docx.sdlxliff",
    "sourceLang": "de-DE",
    "targetLang": "EN-US",
    "type": "Manual",
    "author": "",
    "timestamp": "20220706T112459Z",
    "markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
    "context": "",
    "additionalInfo": "",
    "internalKey": "10:1"
Not found:
    "ReturnValue": 939,
    "ErrorMsg": "Requested entry not found! Next internalKey after requested is : 11;1"

Update entry

PurposeUpdates entry\translation 
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/entry

Only sourceLang, targetLang, source and target are required

This request would made changes only in the filebuffer(so files on disk would not be changed)
To write it to the disk just call request which would flush tm to the disk as part of execution(exportTMX, exportTM, cloneTM) or using SaveAllTms request 

Code Block
Request example:
    "source": "The end",
    "target": "The target",
    "sourceLang": "en", // langs would be checked with languages.xml
    "targetLang": "de", 
//additional field
    ["documentName": "Translate5 Demo Text-en-de.xlf"],
    ["segmentNumber": 8,]
    ["author": "Thomas Lauria"],
    ["timeStamp": "20210621T071042Z"], // if there is no timestamp, current time would be used
    ["context": "2_2"], // context and addInfo would be saved in TM in the same field
    ["addInfo": "2_2"], 
    ["type": "Manual"], // could be GlobalMemory, GlobalMemoryStar, MachineTranslation, Manual, by default Undefined         
    ["markupTable": "OTMXUXLF"], //if there is no markup, default OTMXUXLF would be used. 
								 //Markup tables should be located inside ~/.t5memory/TABLE/%markup$.TBL
    ["loggingThreshold": 0],
	["save2disk": 0]   // flag if we need to flush tm to disk after update. by default is true

here are data struct used for search, so you can see max numbers of symbols
  char szMemory[260];
  wchar_t szSource[2050];
  wchar_t szTarget[2050];
  char szIsoSourceLang[40];
  char szIsoTargetLang[40];
  int lSegmentNum;
  char szDocName[260];
  char szMarkup[128];
  wchar_t szContext[2050];
  wchar_t szAddInfo[2050];
  wchar_t szError[512];
  char szType[256];
  char szAuthor[80];
  char szDateTime[40];
  char szSearchMode[40]; // only for concordance search
  char szSearchPos[80]; // only for concordance search
  int iNumOfProposals;
  int iSearchTime;
  wchar_t szSearchString[2050];

Response example:success:
  "source": "The end",
  "sourceNPRepl": "The end",
  "sourceNorm": "The end",
  "target": "The target",
  "segmentNumber": 0,
  "id": "",
  "documentName": "Te2.xlf",
  "sourceLang": "DE-DE",
  "targetLang": "EN-GB",
  "type": "Manual",
  "author": "THOMAS LAURIA",
  "timestamp": "",
  "markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
  "context": "2_3",
  "additionalInfo": "addInfo2",
  "internalKey": "8:1"

"sourceLang": "de-DE",
"targetLang": "en-GB",
"source": "The end",
"target": "The target",
"documentName": "Translate5 Demo Text-en-de.xlf",
"segmentNumber": 222,
"markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
"timeStamp": "20210621T071042Z",
"author": "Thomas Lauria"

in case if similar record exists, t5memory comparing source text, 
if it's the same, t5memory would compare docName, 
if it's the same,t5memory would compare timestamps and would leave only newer one

in case if TM is alreade reached it's limit, you would get 
"ReturnValue": 5034,
"ErrorMsg": ""
"ReturnValue": 5035,
"ErrorMsg": ""

Code Block
titleUpdateEntry Pseudo code
Update entry pseudo code:update segment/import
  if we have triples equal match (candidate for exact match)
      if(added) UpdateTmIndex
    if(added) UpdateTmIndex

  sortThemByTriplesMatchesWithProposal(first have biggest match)

  foreach key untill fStop==true{
    readTmRecord // tm record is 16kB block in file, first number in "7:1"

    //compare tm record data with data passed in the get in structure
    if(NO_ERROR) set fStop = true;

  if source strings are equal
    Delete old entry - with TMLoopAndDelTargetClb
  if fNewerTargetExists -> fStop = TRUE
  Loop thru target records
    loop over all target CLBs or until fStop
      if segment+file id found (exact-exact-found!)
        update time field in control block
        set fUpdate= fStop=TRUE
        update context info
      if not fStop
        goto next CLB
    if no matching CLB has been found (if not fStop)
      add new CLB (ids, context, timestamp etc. )

  if fupdated, update TM record
  if !fStop (all target record have been tried & none matches )
    add new target record to end of tm record
    return source_string_error // errcode for UpdateTmRecord to go to the next TM record in prepared list

  loop through all target records in tm record checking
    loop over all target CLBs or until fStop
      if lang + segment+file id found (exact-exact-found!)
        if entry is older
          delete it, fDel = TRUE
        else set fNewerTargetExists=TRUE(would be used in CompareAndModifyPutData)
          goon with search in next tgt CLB (control block)
        goon with search in next tgt CLB (control block)
    if not fDel
      position at next target record

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <tmx version="1.4"> <header creationtoolversion="0.2.14" gitCommit="60784cf * refactoring and cleanup" segtype="sentence" adminlang="en-us" srclang="en-GB" o-tmf="t5memory" creationtool="t5memory" datatype="xml" /> <body>   <tu tuid="1" datatype="xml" creationdate="20190401T084052Z">      <prop type="tmgr:segNum">10906825</prop>      <prop type="tmgr:markup">OTMXML</prop>      <prop type="tmgr:docname">none</prop>      <tuv xml:lang="en-GB">           <prop type="tmgr:language">English(U.K.)</prop>           <seg>For > 100 setups.</seg>      </tuv>      <tuv xml:lang="de-DE">           <prop type="tmgr:language">GERMAN(REFORM)</prop>      <seg>Für > 100 Aufstellungen.</seg>      </tuv>      </tu>    </body> </tmx>

returns archive(.tm file) consists with .tmd and .tmi files
This should flush tm before execution

Delete entry

PurposeDeletes entry\translation 
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/entrydelete

2 ways - by id or regular

1) by id - 3 integers should be provided - recordKey, targetKey and segmentId. After deletion, tmd is rearranged, so that's why we should use segmentId - it's pseudo unique key. It's generated during import tmx, or when inserting segment without providing id, but if it's provided in update call or during reorganize when segment's id is not 0, it would be used instead of generating new. If id is not matching, t5memory would not delete the segment. 

if keys are provided, other provided fields would be ignored. All 3 keys should be provided in request to delete a segment.

if segment is deleted, it's fields would be returned in response

ps: recordKey and targetKey together forming internalKey, in [recordKey:targetKey] format(like 7:1 - first segment)

2)regular - old. Only sourceLang, targetLang, source, and target are required

Deleting based on strict match(including tags and whitespaces) of target and source

This request would made changes only in the filebuffer(so files on disk would not be changed)
To write it to the disk just call request which would flush tm to the disk as part of execution(exportTMX, exportTM, cloneTM)  or using SaveAllTms request 

Code Block
Request example:
1) new: 
	"recordKey": 8,
	"targetKey": 4,
	"segmentId": 5432125

2) old:
  "sourceLang": "bg",
  "targetLang": "en",
  "source": "The end",
  "target": "Eth dne"
  ["documentName": "my file.sdlxliff",]
  ["segmentNumber": 1,]
  ["markupTable": "translate5",]
  ["author": "Thomas Lauria",]
  ["type": "",]
  ["timeStamp": ""],
  ["context": "",]
   ["addInfo": ""] ,  ["loggingThreshold": 0] 
Responce example:
  "fileFlushed": 0,

Export in internal format

PurposeCreates and exports archive with .TMD, .TMI, .MEM files of TM
RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/


Code Block
Response example:%binary_data%

Get the status of TM

RequestGET /%service%/%tm_name%/statusParams


Would return status of TM. It could be 'not found', 'available' if it's on the disk but not loaded into the RAM yet, and 'open' with additional info. In case if there was at least one try to import tmx or reorganize tm since it was loaded into the RAM, additional fields would appear and stay in the statistics till memory would be unloaded. 

Code Block
Response example:
{//just opened tm, without import\reorganize called
    "status": "open",
    "lastAccessTime": "",
    "creationTime": "20230703T122212Z",
    "tmCreatedInT5M_version": "0:5:1"

{// after reorgainize was called 
    "status": "open",
    "reorganizeStatus": "available",
    "reorganizeTime": 100,
    "reorganizeTime": "Overall reorganize time is      : 0:00:02\n",
    "segmentsReorganized": 1112,
    "invalidSegments": 10,
    "invalidSegmentsRCs": "5005:10; ",
    "firstInvalidSegments": "123; 432; 554; 623; 659; 675; 741; 742; 753; 755; ",
    "invalidSymbolErrors": -1,
    "reorganizeErrorMsg": "",
    "lastAccessTime": "",
    "creationTime": "20230810T095233Z",
    "tmCreatedInT5M_version": "0:5:10"
}   {//not opened but available on the disk 
	"status": "available"
{//not found tm {
    "status": "not found",
    "res": 48 // 48- both tmi and tmd files are no found, 16- only TMD file not found, 32 - only TMI file not found
  The tmxImportStatus could be "available", "import" or "failed" if the import had errors. If there were at least one import to that tm, new fields would appear
{//tm in process of import
    "status": "open",
    "tmxImportStatus": "import",    
	"importProgress" : 56,    
	"importTime": "00:00:13",    
	"segmentsImported": 1356,    
	"invalidSegments": 23,    
	"invalidSymbolErrors": 2,    
	"importErrorMsg": "", 
    "lastAccessTime":  "%lastAccessTime",
    "creationTime": "20230703T122212Z",
    "tmCreatedInT5M_version": "0:5:1" 
}// in case if internal error happened, like t5memory would have error 5034 or 5035 which indicates, that tm size is reached it's limit and you should create new one to save new segments or part that left from tmx that you tried to import, status would look like this
"status": "open",
"tmxImportStatus": "failed",
"importProgress": 100,
"importTime": "Overall import time is : 0:00:19\n",
"segmentsImported": 445,
"invalidSegments": 1,
"invalidSymbolErrors": 0,
"importErrorMsg": "Warning: encoding 'UTF-16' from XML declaration or manually set contradicts the auto-sensed encoding; ignoring at column 40 in line 1; \n Fatal internal Error at column 6 in line 9605, import stopped at progress = 0%, errorMsg: TM is reached it's size limit, please create another one and import segments there, rc = 5034; aciveSegment = 1834\n\nSegment 1834 not imported\r\n\nReason = \nDocument = none\nSourceLanguage = de-DE\nTargetLanguage = en-GB\nMarkup = OTMXUXLF\nSource = in Verbindung mit Befestigungswinkel MS-...-WPE-B zur Wandmontage eines Einzelgeräts\nTarget = In combination with mounting bracket MS-...-WPE-B for wall mounting an individual component ",
"lastAccessTime": "",
"ErrorMsg": " Fatal internal Error at column 6 in line 9605, import stopped at progress = 0%, errorMsg: TM is reached it's size limit, please create another one and import segments there, rc = 5034; aciveSegment = 1834\n\nSegment 1834 not imported\r\n\nReason = \nDoc"

So you would have info about last segment which interrupted tm import

Fuzzy search

Purpose Returns enrties\translations with small differences from requestedRequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/fuzzysearchParams

Required: source, sourceLang, targetLang

iNumOfProposal -  limit of found proposals - max is 20, if 0 → use default value '5' 
Code Block
Request example:

Request example:
{ // required fields
  "sourceLang":"en-GB",    // langs would be checked with languages.xml 
  "source":"For > 100 setups.", 

 // optional fields  
  ["markupTable":"OTMXUXLF"],    //if there is no markup, default OTMXUXLF would be used. 
								 //Markup tables should be located inside ~/.t5memory/TABLE/%markup$.TBL 
  ["numOfProposals":20],   // num of expected segments in output. By default it's 5
  ["loggingThreshold": 0]

Response example:

  "ReturnValue": 0,
  "ErrorMsg": "",
  "NumOfFoundProposals": 1, 
  "results": [
     "source": "For > 100 setups.",
     "target": "Für > 100 Aufstellungen.",
     "segmentNumber": 10906825,
     "id": "",
     "documentName": "none",
    "documentShortName": "NONE",
    "sourceLang": "en-GB",
    "targetLang": "de-DE",
    "type": "Manual",
    "matchType": "Exact", // could be exact or fuzzy
    "author": "",
    "timestamp": "20190401T084052Z",
    "matchRate": 100,
     "fuzzyWords": -1, // for exact match it would be -1 here and in diffs
     "fuzzyDiffs": -1, // otherwise here would be amount of parsed words and diffs that was 
					   // used in fuzzy matchrate calculation    
	 "markupTable": "OTMXML",
     "context": "",
     "additionalInfo": ""

Not found:

"ReturnValue": 133,
"ErrorMsg": "OtmMemoryServiceWorker::concordanceSearch::"
For exact match used function that's comparing strings ignoring whitespaces. First normalized strings(without tags).
If it's the same string, then t5memory is checking string with tags and could return 100 or 97 match rate depending on result.

Then it's checking context match rate and if document name is the same(non case sensitive)

Then it's checking and modifying exactMatchRate according to code in code block below.
After that it would store exact matches only with usMatchLevel>=100. If there would be no exact matches, fuzzy match calculations would begin.
In case if there is at least one exact match, any fuzzy matches would be skipped.
In case if we have only one exact exact match, it's rate would be set to 102

For equal matches with 100% word matches but different whitespaces/newlines, each whitespace/newline diffs would be count as -1%. For punctuation, at least for 0.4.50, each punctuation would count as word token. This would be changed in future to count punctuation as whitespaces. 

For fuzzy calculation tags would be removed from text, except t5:np tags, which would be replaced with their "r" attribute to be counted as 1 word per tag. 

For fuzzy rate calculation we count words and then diffs in normalized string(without tags), using this formula: 
  if (usDiff < usWords )
    *pusFuzzy = (usWords != 0) ? ((usWords - usDiff)*100 / usWords) : 100;
    *pusFuzzy = 0;
  } /* endif */ Regarging Number Protection feature, tags from number protection would be replaced with their regexHashes from their attributes, so they would be count as 1 word each. NP with the same regex would be counted as equal
 To count diffs, t5memory go throuht both segments to find matching tokens, to find something called snake- line of matching tokens. 
 Then It marks unmatched as INSERTED or DELETED tokens, and based on that it calculates diffs.

if it's 100% rate, we add tags and compare it again
if then it's not equal, here is how match rate would be changed - probably this would never happens, because we have exact match test before fuzzy, 
and we do exact test even if triplesHashes is different(which is pre-fuzzy calculation and if it's equal, it could be flag that trigger exact test)

  if ( !fStringEqual )
    if ( usFuzzy > 3 )
      usFuzzy -= 3;
       usFuzzy = 0;
    } /* endif */
    usFuzzy = std::min( (USHORT)99, usFuzzy );
  } /* endif */

then depending on type of translation it could tweak rate
if ( (usModifiedTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_MACHINE) && (usFuzzy < 100) )
  // ignore machine fuzzy matches
else if ( usFuzzy > TM_FUZZINESS_THRESHOLD )
  /* give MT flag a little less fuzziness */
  if ( usModifiedTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_MACHINE )
    if ( usFuzzy > 1 )
      usFuzzy -= 1;
      usFuzzy = 0;
    } /* endif */
  } /* endif */
  if (usFuzzy == 100 && (pGetIn->ulParm & GET_RESPECTCRLF) && !fRespectCRLFStringEqual )
  { // P018279!
    usFuzzy -= 1;
   add to resulting set
} /* endif */
} /* endif */

At the end fuzzy request replaces tags in proposal from TM with tags from request, and if matchRate >= 100, it calculates whitespace diffs and apply matchRate-= wsDiffs
Code Block
ExactMatchRate calculation:so, before usExact is equal to 97 or 100, depending if strings with tags are equal ignoring whitespaces  and then code do some tweaks.
 pClb is struct that have proposals from TM, pGetIn is fuzzy requests data

 // loop over CLBs and look for best matching entry
  LONG lLeftClbLen; // left CLB entries in CLB list
  PTMX_TARGET_CLB pClb; // pointer for CLB list processing
  #define CONTEXT_MATCH 6
  #define SAME_DOC_MATCH 4
  #define MULT_DOC_MATCH 3
  #define NORMAL_MATCH 2
  #define IGNORE_MATCH 1
  SHORT sCurMatch = 0;

  // loop over all target CLBs
  pClb = pTMXTargetClb;
  lLeftClbLen = RECLEN(pTMXTargetRecord) -
  while ( ( lLeftClbLen > 0 ) && (sCurMatch < SAME_SEG_AND_DOC_MATCH) )
    USHORT usTranslationFlag = pClb->bTranslationFlag;
    USHORT usCurContextRanking = 0; // context ranking of this match
    BOOL fIgnoreProposal = FALSE;
    // apply global memory option file on global memory proposals
   if ( pClb->bTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEM ) // pClb it's segment in TM
       if ( (pGetIn->pvGMOptList != NULL) && pClb->usAddDataLen ) // pGetIn it's fuzzy requests segment

           USHORT usAddDataLen = NtmGetAddData( pClb, ADDDATA_ADDINFO_ID, pContextBuffer, MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE );
           if ( usAddDataLen )
               GMMEMOPT GobMemOpt = GlobMemGetFlagForProposal( pGetIn->pvGMOptList, pContextBuffer );
               switch ( GobMemOpt )
                  case GM_SUBSTITUTE_OPT: usTranslationFlag = TRANSLFLAG_NORMAL; break;
                  case GM_HFLAG_OPT : usTranslationFlag = TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEM; break;
                  case GM_HFLAGSTAR_OPT : usTranslationFlag = TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEMSTAR; break;
                  case GM_EXCLUDE_OPT : fIgnoreProposal = TRUE; break;
               } /* endswitch */
          } /* endif */
     } /* endif */ 

     if ( pClb == pTMXTargetClb )
       usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
    } /* endif *
  } /* endif */ 

  // check context strings (if any)
  if ((!fIgnoreProposal)
       && pGetIn->szContext[0]
       && pClb->usAddDataLen )
       USHORT usContextLen = NtmGetAddData( pClb, ADDDATA_CONTEXT_ID, pContextBuffer, MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE );
       if ( usContextLen != 0 )
            usCurContextRanking = NTMCompareContext( pTmClb, pGetIn->szTagTable, pGetIn->szContext, pContextBuffer );
       } /* endif */
    } /* endif */

  // check for matching document names
  if ( pGetIn->ulParm & GET_IGNORE_PATH )
     // we have to compare the real document names rather than comparing the document name IDs
     PSZ pszCLBDocName = NTMFindNameForID( pTmClb, &(pClb->usFileId), (USHORT)FILE_KEY );
     if ( pszCLBDocName != NULL )
        PSZ pszName = UtlGetFnameFromPath( pszCLBDocName );
        if ( pszName == NULL )
           pszName = pszCLBDocName;
         } /* endif */
      fMatchingDocName = stricmp( pszName, pszDocName ) == 0;
       // could not access the document name, we have to compare the document name IDs
      fMatchingDocName = ((pClb->usFileId == usGetFile) || (pClb->usFileId == usAlternateGetFile));
    } /* endif */
     // we can compare the document name IDs
     fMatchingDocName = ((pClb->usFileId == usGetFile) || (pClb->usFileId == usAlternateGetFile));
  } /* endif */

  if ( fIgnoreProposal )
    if ( sCurMatch == 0 )
      sCurMatch = IGNORE_MATCH;
    } /* endif */
  else if ( usCurContextRanking == 100 )
    if ( fMatchingDocName && (pClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1)) )
      if ( sCurMatch < SEG_DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH )
         sCurMatch = SEG_DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH;
        pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
        usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
        usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
    else if ( fMatchingDocName )
    if ( sCurMatch < DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH )
      sCurMatch = DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH;
      pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
      usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
      usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
     else if ( sCurMatch == DOC_AND_CONTEXT_MATCH )
       // we have already a match of this type so check if context ranking
       if ( usCurContextRanking > usContextRanking )
          pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
          usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
          usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       // use time info to ensure that latest match is used
       else if ( usCurContextRanking == usContextRanking )
         // GQ 2015-04-10 New approach: If we have an exact-exact match use this one, otherwise use timestamp for the comparism
         BOOL fExactExactNewCLB = fMatchingDocName && (pClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1));
         BOOL fExactExactExistingCLB = ((pTMXTargetClb->usFileId == usGetFile) || (pTMXTargetClb->usFileId == usAlternateGetFile)) &&
         (pTMXTargetClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pTMXTargetClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1));
         if ( fExactExactNewCLB && !fExactExactExistingCLB )
           // use exact-exact CLB for match
           pTMXTargetClb = pClb;
           usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
           usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
         else if ( (fExactExactNewCLB == fExactExactExistingCLB) && (pClb->lTime > pTMXTargetClb->lTime) )
           // use newer target CLB for match
           pTMXTargetClb = pClb;
           usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
           usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       } /* endif */
     } /* endif */
     if ( sCurMatch < CONTEXT_MATCH )
     sCurMatch = CONTEXT_MATCH;
     pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
     usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
     usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
     else if ( sCurMatch == CONTEXT_MATCH )
       // we have already a match of this type so check if context ranking
      if ( usCurContextRanking > usContextRanking )
        pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
        usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
        usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
      // use time info to ensure that latest match is used
     else if ( (usCurContextRanking == usContextRanking) && (pClb->lTime > pTMXTargetClb->lTime) )
       pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
       usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
       usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
      } /* endif */
    } /* endif */
  } /* endif */
 else if ( fMatchingDocName && (pClb->ulSegmId >= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId - 1)) && (pClb->ulSegmId <= (pGetIn->ulSegmentId + 1)) )
   // same segment from same document available
   pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
   usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
   usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
 else if ( fMatchingDocName )
    // segment from same document available
    if ( sCurMatch < SAME_DOC_MATCH )
       sCurMatch = SAME_DOC_MATCH;
       pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
       usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
       usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
     else if ( sCurMatch == SAME_DOC_MATCH )
       // we have already a match of this type so
       // use time info to ensure that latest match is used
       if ( pClb->lTime > pTMXTargetClb->lTime )
         pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use newer target CLB for match
         usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
         usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       } /* endif */
     } /* endif */
    else if ( pClb->bMultiple )
       // multiple target segment available
       if ( sCurMatch < MULT_DOC_MATCH )
         // no better match yet
         sCurMatch = MULT_DOC_MATCH;
         pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
         usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
         usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
       } /* endif */
     else if ( usTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_NORMAL )
        // a 'normal' memory match is available
        if ( sCurMatch < NORMAL_MATCH )
           // no better match yet
           sCurMatch = NORMAL_MATCH;
           pTMXTargetClb = pClb; // use this target CLB for match
           usTargetTranslationFlag = usTranslationFlag;
           usContextRanking = usCurContextRanking;
         } /* endif */
     } /* endif */

    // continue with next target CLB
    if ( sCurMatch < SAME_SEG_AND_DOC_MATCH )
      lLeftClbLen -= TARGETCLBLEN(pClb);
      if (lLeftClbLen > 0)
        pClb = NEXTTARGETCLB(pClb);
    } /* endif */
} /* endwhile */

  BOOL fNormalMatch = (usTargetTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_NORMAL) ||
  (usTargetTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEM) ||
  (usTargetTranslationFlag == TRANSLFLAG_GLOBMEMSTAR);
  switch ( sCurMatch )
    case IGNORE_MATCH :
      usMatchLevel = 0;
      usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1;
       usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1; // exact-exact match with matching context
       if ( usContextRanking == 100 )
         // GQ 2015/05/09: treat 100% context matches as normal exact matches
         // usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1;
         usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
          usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
        } /* endif */
    if ( usContextRanking == 100 )
      // GQ 2015/05/09: treat 100% context matches as normal exact context matches
      // usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+2 : usEqual-1;
      // GQ 2016/10/24: treat 100% context matches as normal exact matches
      usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual : usEqual-1;
      usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual : usEqual-1;
     } /* endif */
    usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
     usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual+1 : usEqual-1;
  default :
     usMatchLevel = fNormalMatch ? usEqual : usEqual-1;
  } /* endswitch */

Concordance search

PurposeReturns entries\translations that contain requested segmentRequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/concordancesearchParams

Required: searchString - what we are looking for , searchType ["Source"|"Target"|"SourceAndTarget"] - where to look

iNumOfProposal -  limit of found proposals - max is 20, if 0 → use default value '5' 

Code Block
Request example:
    "searchString": "The",
    "searchType": "source", // could be Source, Target, SourceAndTarget - says where to do search
    ["searchPosition": "",] 
    ["numResults": 20,]
    ["msSearchAfterNumResults": 250,]
	["loggingThreshold": 0]
Response example:Success:
  "ReturnValue": 0,
  "NewSearchPosition": null,
  "results": [
     "source": "For > 100 setups.",
     "target": "Für > 100 Aufstellungen.",
     "segmentNumber": 10906825,
     "id": "",
     "documentName": "none",
     "documentShortName": "NONE",
     "sourceLang": "en-GB",← rfc5646     
     "targetLang": "de-DE",← rfc5646
     "type": "Manual",
     "matchType": "undefined",
     "author": "",
     "timestamp": "20190401T084052Z",
     "matchRate": 0,
     "markupTable": "OTMXML",
     "context": "",
     "additionalInfo": ""
 "ErrorMsg": ""

Success, but with NewSearchPosition - not all TM was checked, use this position to repeat search:
  "ReturnValue": 0,
  "NewSearchPosition": "8:1",
  "results": [
     "source": "For > 100 setups.The tar",
     "target": "Für > 100 Aufstellungen.The target",
     "segmentNumber": 109068250,
     "id": "",
     "documentName": "none",
    "documentShortName": "NONE",
    "sourceLang": "en-GB",
    "targetLang": "de-DETe2.xlf",
     "typesourceLang": "Manualde-DE",
     "matchTypetargetLang": "undefinedEN-GB",
     "authortype": "Manual",
     "timestampauthor": "20190401T084052ZTHOMAS LAURIA",
     "matchRatetimestamp": 0"20231229T125701Z",
     "markupTable": "OTMXMLOTMXUXLF",
     "context": "2_3",
     "additionalInfo": "",
 "ErrorMsg": ""
SearchPosition / NewSearchPositionFormatinternalKey": "7:1"
First is segmeng\record number, second is target number
The NextSearchposition is an internal key of the memory for the next position on sequential access. Since it is an internal key, maintained and understood by the underlying memory plug-in (for EqfMemoryPlugin is it the record number and the position in one record),
no assumptions should be made regarding the content. It is just a string that, should be sent back to OpenTM2 on the next request, so that the search starts from there.
So is the implementation in Translate5: The first request to OpenTM2 contains SearchPosition with an empty string, OpenTM2 returns than a string in NewSearchPosition, which is just resent to OpenTM2 in the next request.

Not found:{
"ReturnValue": 0,
"NewSearchPosition": null,
"ErrorMsg": ""
}TM not found:{
"ReturnValue": 133,
"ErrorMsg": "OtmMemoryServiceWorker::concordanceSearch::"
}  }

Only sourceLang, targetLang, source and target are required

This request would made changes only in the filebuffer(so files on disk would not be changed)
To write it to the disk just call request which would flush tm to the disk as part of execution(exportTMX, exportTM, cloneTM)  or using SaveAllTms request 

Delete entries / mass deletion

PurposeDeletes entries\translation 
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/entriesdelete

This would start reorganize process which would remove like reorganize bad segments and also would remove segments that gives true when checking with provided filters combined with logical AND. So if you provide timestamps and addInfo, only segments within provided timestamp and with that addInfo would not be imported to new TM(check reorganize process). 
Every parameter is optional, so empty json would just start reorganize async process.
If you provide one of timestamps you would get error - please provide both. 
To add parameter you should set it's SearchMode to be EXACT|CONCORDANCE(non case sensetive)
If only searched string provided, but not search mode - you would get error.

Code Block
Request example: 
["addInfo": "ADD_INFO"],
["addInfoSearchMode" : "EXACT"],
["context": "CONTEXT"],
["contextSearchMode": "concordance"],
["author": "AUTHOR"],
["authorSearchMode": "exact"],
["timestampSpanStart": "20000121T115234Z"],
["timestampSpanEnd": "20240121T115234Z"]
Responce example:
  "fileFlushed": 0,
  "results": {

Update entry

PurposeUpdates entry\translation 
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/entry

This request would made changes only in the filebuffer(so files on disk would not be changed)
To write it to the disk just call request which would flush tm to the disk as part of execution(exportTMX, exportTM, cloneTM) or using SaveAllTms request 

Code Block
Request example:
    "source": "The endtar",
       "target": "The target",
     "segmentNumber": 0,
     "id": "",
     "sourceLangdocumentName": "enTe2.xlf", // langs would be checked with languages.xml
     "sourceLang": "de-DE", 
//additional field
    ["documentName     "targetLang": "Translate5 Demo Text-en-de.xlf"]EN-GB",
      [ "segmentNumbertype": 8"Manual",]
      [ "author": "ThomasTHOMAS LauriaLAURIA"],
      [ "timeStamptimestamp": "20210621T071042Z20231229T125701Z"],
  // if there is no timestamp, current time would be used
    [   "markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
     "context": "2_23"],
  // context and addInfo would be saved in TM in the same field
    ["addInfo": "2_2"], 
    ["type": "Manual"], // could be GlobalMemory, GlobalMemoryStar, MachineTranslation, Manual, by default Undefined         
    ["markupTable": "OTMXUXLF"], //if there is no markup, default OTMXUXLF would be used. 
								 //Markup tables should be located inside ~/.t5memory/TABLE/%markup$.TBL
    ["loggingThreshold": 0],
	["save2disk": 0]   // flag if we need to flush tm to disk after update. by default is true

here are data struct used for search, so you can see max numbers of symbols
  char szMemory[260];
  wchar_t szSource[2050];
  wchar_t szTarget[2050];
  char szIsoSourceLang[40];
  char szIsoTargetLang[40];
  int lSegmentNum;
  char szDocName[260];
  char szMarkup[128];
  wchar_t szContext[2050];
  wchar_t szAddInfo[2050];
  wchar_t szError[512];
  char szType[256];
  char szAuthor[80];
  char szDateTime[40];
  char szSearchMode[40]; // only for concordance search
  char szSearchPos[80]; // only for concordance search
  int iNumOfProposals;
  int iSearchTime;
  wchar_t szSearchString[2050];

Response example:success:
"sourceLang": "de-DE",
"targetLang": "en-GB",
"source": "The end",
"target": "The target",
"documentName": "Translate5 Demo Text-en-de.xlf",
"segmentNumber": 222,
"markupTable": "OTMXUXLF",
"timeStamp": "20210621T071042Z",
"author": "Thomas Lauria"

in case if similar record exists, t5memory comparing source text, 
if it's the same, t5memory would compare docName, 
if it's the same,t5memory would compare timestamps and would leave only newer one

Delete entry

PurposeDeletes entry\translation 
RequestPOST /%service%/%tm_name%/entrydelete

Only sourceLang, targetLang, source, and target are required

Deleting based on strict match(including tags and whitespaces) of target and source

Code Block
Request example:
  "sourceLang": "bg",
  "targetLang": "en",
  "source": "The end",
  "target": "Eth dne"
  ["documentName": "my file.sdlxliff",]
  ["segmentNumber": 1,]
  ["markupTable": "translate5",]
  ["author": "Thomas Lauria",]
  ["type": "",]
  ["timeStamp": ""],
  ["context": "",]
   ["addInfo": ""] ,  ["loggingThreshold": 0] 

Save all TMs


Flushes all filebuffers(TMD, TMI files) into the filesystem. Reset 'Modified' flags for file buffers. 

Filebuffer is a file instance of .TMD or .TMI loaded into RAM. It provides better speed and safety when working with files.

RequestGET /%service%_service/savetmsParams


Code Block
Response example:{
   'saved 4 files': '/home/or/.t5memory/MEM/mem2.TMD, /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/mem2.TMI, /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/newBtree3.TMD, /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/newBtree3.TMI'
} List of saved files

Shutdown service

PurposeSafely shutting down the service with\without saving all loaded tm files to the diskRequestGET /%service%_service/shutdown?dontsave=1Params

dontsave=1(optional in address) - skips saving tms, for now value doesn't matter, only presence

If try to save tms before closing,  would check if there is still import process going on
If there is some, would wait 1 second and check again. 
Repeats last step up to 10 min, then closes service anyway. 

Code Block
Response example:%Empty%

Test tag replacement call

PurposeUpdates entry\translation RequestPOST /%service%_service/tagreplacementParams

Required: src, trg,

Optional: req

Code Block
Fuzzy search tag replacement test:
Request example:
    "src": "Tap <ph x='1'/>View <ph x='2' />o<bpt i='1' x='3'/> get <ph x='4'>strong</ph>displayed<ph x='5'>View</ph> two strong<ept i='1' x='6'/>US patents.",
    "trg": "View <ph x='1'/> tap <ph x='2' />to<bpt i='1' x='3'/> got <ph x='4'>strong</ph>dosplayd<ph x='5'>Veiw</ph> two strong<ept i='1' x='6'/>US patents.",
    "req": "Tap <x id='123'/>View <x id='222' />o<g> get <x id='44'>strong</x>displayed<x id='51'>View</x> two strong</g>US patents."

Response example:
//'1' - request result 
//'2' - src result 
//'3' - trg result
 '1' :'Tap <x id="123"/>View <x id="222"/>o<bx/> get <x id="44"/>displayed<x id="51"/> two strong<ex/>US patents.',
 '2' :'Tap <x id="123"/>View <x id="222"/>o<g> get <x id="44"/>displayed<x id="51"/> two strong</g>US patents.',
 '3' :'View <x id="123"/> tap <x id="222"/>to<g> got <x id="44"/>dosplayd<x id="51"/> two strong</g>US patents.',

Import tag replacement test:
Request example:
    "src": "Tap <ph/>View <ph/>o<bpt/> get <ph>strong</ph>displayed<ph>View</ph> two strong<ept/>US patents.",
    "trg": "View <ph/> tap <ph/>to<bpt/> got <ph>strong</ph>dosplayd<ph>Veiw</ph> two strong<ept/>US patents.",
Response example:
 '1' :'Tap <ph x="1"/>View <ph x="2"/>o<bpt x="3" i="1"/> get <ph x="4"/>displayed<ph x="5"/> two strong<ept x="6" i="1"/>US patents.',
 '2' :'View <ph x="1"/> tap <ph x="2"/>to<bpt x="3" i="1"/> got <ph x="4"/>dosplayd<ph x="5"/> two strong<ept x="6" i="1"/>US patents.',


  "additionalInfo": "",
    "internalKey": "7:1"

Save all TMs


Flushes all filebuffers(TMD, TMI files) into the filesystem. Reset 'Modified' flags for file buffers. 

Filebuffer is a file instance of .TMD or .TMI loaded into RAM. It provides better speed and safety when working with files.

RequestGET /%service%_service/savetms


Code Block
Response example:{
   'saved 4 files': '/home/or/.t5memory/MEM/mem2.TMD, /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/mem2.TMI, /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/newBtree3.TMD, /home/or/.t5memory/MEM/newBtree3.TMI'
} List of saved files

Shutdown service

PurposeSafely shutting down the service with\without saving all loaded tm files to the disk
RequestGET /%service%_service/shutdown?dontsave=1

dontsave=1(optional in address) - skips saving tms, for now value doesn't matter, only presence

If try to save tms before closing,  would check if there is still import process going on
If there is some, would wait 1 second and check again. 
Repeats last step up to 10 min, then closes service anyway. 

Code Block
Response example:%Empty%

Test tag replacement call

PurposeUpdates entry\translation 
RequestPOST /%service%_service/tagreplacement

Required: src, trg,

Optional: req

Code Block
Fuzzy search tag replacement test:
Request example:
    "src": "Tap <ph x='1'/>View <ph x='2' />o<bpt i='1' x='3'/> get <ph x='4'>strong</ph>displayed<ph x='5'>View</ph> two strong<ept i='1' x='6'/>US patents.",
    "trg": "View <ph x='1'/> tap <ph x='2' />to<bpt i='1' x='3'/> got <ph x='4'>strong</ph>dosplayd<ph x='5'>Veiw</ph> two strong<ept i='1' x='6'/>US patents.",
    "req": "Tap <x id='123'/>View <x id='222' />o<g> get <x id='44'>strong</x>displayed<x id='51'>View</x> two strong</g>US patents."

Response example:
//'1' - request result 
//'2' - src result 
//'3' - trg result
 '1' :'Tap <x id="123"/>View <x id="222"/>o<bx/> get <x id="44"/>displayed<x id="51"/> two strong<ex/>US patents.',
 '2' :'Tap <x id="123"/>View <x id="222"/>o<g> get <x id="44"/>displayed<x id="51"/> two strong</g>US patents.',
 '3' :'View <x id="123"/> tap <x id="222"/>to<g> got <x id="44"/>dosplayd<x id="51"/> two strong</g>US patents.',

Import tag replacement test:
Request example:
    "src": "Tap <ph/>View <ph/>o<bpt/> get <ph>strong</ph>displayed<ph>View</ph> two strong<ept/>US patents.",
    "trg": "View <ph/> tap <ph/>to<bpt/> got <ph>strong</ph>dosplayd<ph>Veiw</ph> two strong<ept/>US patents.",
Response example:
 '1' :'Tap <ph x="1"/>View <ph x="2"/>o<bpt x="3" i="1"/> get <ph x="4"/>displayed<ph x="5"/> two strong<ept x="6" i="1"/>US patents.',
 '2' :'View <ph x="1"/> tap <ph x="2"/>to<bpt x="3" i="1"/> got <ph x="4"/>dosplayd<ph x="5"/> two strong<ept x="6" i="1"/>US patents.',

Configuration of service

You can configure the service in ~/.t5service/t5memory.conf


0DEVELOPcould make code work really slow, should be used only when debugging some specific places in code, like binary search in files, etc.

logging values of variables. Wouldn't delete temporary files(In MEM and TMP subdirectories), like base64 encoded\decoded tmx files and archives for import\export

2INFO logging top-level functions entrances, return codes, etc. Default value.
3WARNING logging if we reached some commented or hardcoded code.  Usually commented code  here is replaced with new code, and if not, it's marked as ERROR level
4ERRORerrors, why and where something fails during parsing, search, etc

you shouldn't reach this code, something is really wrongOther values would be ignored.  The set level would stay the same till you change it in a new request or close the app. Logs suppose to be written into a file with date\time name under ~/.OtmMemoryService/Logs and errors/fatal are supposed to be duplicated in another log file with FATAL suffices


 - Logs only things like begin\end of request etc.  No purpose to setup this hight

Logging could impact application speed very much, especially during import or export. In t5memory there are 2 systems of logs - one from glog library and could be set in launch as commandline parameter and one is internal to filter out logs based on their level, can be set with every request that have json body with additional ["loggingThreshold": 0]  parameter or at startup with flag. 
Like here 

POST http://localhost:4040/t5memory/example_tm/

sourceLang: “en”, // the source language is required for a new TM
name: „TM Name“,

This would set the logging level to INFO just before the main work of creating mem endpoint starts. DEVELOP could be used in really low level debugging, but most of the time DEBUG log is more useful, since DEVELOP would log a lot of logs.  Transaction logs have the highest level of severity but it's severity is also changes with -v parameter, so with --v=2 it would be the highest log level(this log is not used often, it's only to track something like end or start of request) but with default --v=0 it's severity is belowe WARNING

Or in t5memory.conf file in line (config file is obsolete now)
Would set the log level to DEVELOP, this would be applied only after restarting of service

gLog part - it have it's own configuration with command line flags. you can see all possible flags for t5memory with ./t5memory --help command.
main parameter here is --v and you can set it to 2 or 0(default). 
By default it set to 0,  in that case all not-errors would be avoided in logs, except startup. 
idea of --v=1 was to have logBuffer to keep log in some stream and in case of error show previous logs for that request, but it seems not so usefull, so it was not fixed and it's not working properly
--v=2 is basicaly disables that buffering, so 
In case of error or fatalError, log would be written with info about what request caused that log to happen(but that info would be truncated to 3000 symbols, this is important for importTMX), but if there are second error with the same request, new logs would not have that requests info

Some parameters combinations:
Default - --t5loglevel=2(T5INFO), --v=0,  in this case you could see only init messages and errors only, with info about requests that caused error to happen
Change only --v=2 - t5loglevel would be set by default to 2(T5INFO), so you could see T5INFO, T5WARNING, T5ERROR, T5FATAL, T5TRANSACTION messages
Debug production --t5loglevel=1(T5DEBUG), --v=2 - should be enough to have some info about issues, a lot of logs, but not as much as with Develop
Develop --t5loglevel=0(T5DEVELOP), --v=2 - all possible logs, includes entering to some functions, some step-by-step mechanisms logs(like how t5memory is parsing and hashing strings) etc. Useful only when you can reproduce issue so you don't get lost in logs from just normal behaviour or when it's crashing etc.

It's possible to change t5loglevel with some requests, so for example for some specific update request, you can set it to some lower log level and then set it back. It would affect other threads, but since in logs you have info about thread, it could be useful tool. 

Seems like --v parameter it's not quite useful, maybe should be refactored, since with --v=0 you wouldn't get any messages with severity lower than T5ERROR, except init process. 
But gLog library could be connected to some other libs in proxygen package

Here are all glog flags:
Flags from src/
    -alsologtoemail (log messages go to these email addresses in addition to
      logfiles) type: string default: ""
    -alsologtostderr (log messages go to stderr in addition to logfiles)
      type: bool default: false 
    -colorlogtostderr (color messages logged to stderr (if supported by
      terminal)) type: bool default: false
    -drop_log_memory (Drop in-memory buffers of log contents. Logs can grow
      very quickly and they are rarely read before they need to be evicted from
      memory. Instead, drop them from memory as soon as they are flushed to
      disk.) type: bool default: true
    -log_backtrace_at (Emit a backtrace when logging at file:linenum.)
      type: string default: ""
    -log_dir (If specified, logfiles are written into this directory instead of
      the default logging directory.) type: string default: ""
      currently: "/root/.t5memory/LOG/"
    -log_link (Put additional links to the log files in this directory)
      type: string default: ""
    -log_prefix (Prepend the log prefix to the start of each log line)
      type: bool default: true
    -logbuflevel (Buffer log messages logged at this level or lower (-1 means
      don't buffer; 0 means buffer INFO only; ...)) type: int32 default: 0
    -logbufsecs (Buffer log messages for at most this many seconds) type: int32
      default: 30
    -logemaillevel (Email log messages logged at this level or higher (0 means
      email all; 3 means email FATAL only; ...)) type: int32 default: 999
    -logfile_mode (Log file mode/permissions.) type: int32 default: 436
    -logmailer (Mailer used to send logging email) type: string
      default: "/bin/mail"
    -logtostderr (log messages go to stderr instead of logfiles) type: bool
      default: false
    -max_log_size (approx. maximum log file size (in MB). A value of 0 will be
      silently overridden to 1.) type: int32 default: 1800
    -minloglevel (Messages logged at a lower level than this don't actually get
      logged anywhere) type: int32 default: 0
    -stderrthreshold (log messages at or above this level are copied to stderr
      in addition to logfiles.  This flag obsoletes --alsologtostderr.)
      type: int32 default: 2
    -stop_logging_if_full_disk (Stop attempting to log to disk if the disk is
      full.) type: bool default: false



0DEVELOPcould make code work really slow, should be used only when debugging some specific places in code, like binary search in files, etc.

logging values of variables. Wouldn't delete temporary files(In MEM and TMP subdirectories), like base64 encoded\decoded tmx files and archives for import\export

2INFO logging top-level functions entrances, return codes, etc. Default value.
3WARNING logging if we reached some commented or hardcoded code.  Usually commented code  here is replaced with new code, and if not, it's marked as ERROR level
4ERRORerrors, why and where something fails during parsing, search, etc

you shouldn't reach this code, something is really wrongOther values would be ignored.  The set level would stay the same till you change it in a new request or close the app. Logs suppose to be written into a file with date\time name under ~/.OtmMemoryService/Logs and errors/fatal are supposed to be duplicated in another log file with FATAL suffices


 - Logs only things like begin\end of request etc.  No purpose to setup this hight

Logging could impact application speed very much, especially during import or export. 
You can setup the logging level from the config file or in any POST JSON request by attaching a parameter to a JSON object 

Like here 

POST http://localhost:4040/t5memory/example_tm/

sourceLang: “en”, // the source language is required for a new TM
name: „TM Name“,

This would set the logging level to INFO just before the main work of creating mem endpoint starts

Or in t5memory.conf file in line
Would set the log level to DEVELOP, this would be applied only after restarting of service

Working directory

~/.t5memoryThe main directory of service. Should always be under the home directory. Consists of nested folders and t5memory.conf file(see Config file). All directories\files below are nested

lIncludes log files. It should be cleanup manualy. One session(launch of service) creates two files Log_Thu May 12 10:15:48 2022 .log and Log_Thu May 12 10:15:48 2022 .log_IMPORTANT
Last have logs reduced to level Warning and higher. 

MEMMain data directory.  All tm files is stored here. One TM should include .TMD(data file), .TMI(index file), .MEM(properties file) with the same name as TM name
TABLEServices reserved readonly folder with tagtables, languages etc.
TEMPFor temporary files that were created for mainly import\export. On low debug leved(DEVELOP, DEBUG) should be cleaned manualy
t5memory.confMain config file(see config file)

Config directory should be located in a specific place
