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If the API changes in an incompatible manner this is listed explicitly in the "important release notes" section of each releases changelog.

Currently there are four five ways to import terminology into translate5:

  1. Importing a task with terminology into translate5 for editing
    → this is not covered here, since that terminology currently can not be searched in the termportal.
  2. Import a TBX file in the translate5 GUI in the language resources panel. For explanation of options please read below the options of "file-system based term import", as the options are the same.
  3. Provide TBX files with the terminology → use file-system based import
  4. Get TBX files from Across via crossApi
  5. SFTP-directory based

Depending on which way the terminology should be imported, the TermImport Plug-In must be configured.

The configuration files are located

Table of Contents

SFTP based term import

See TermImport: SFTP support

File-system based term import


Code Block
;;;; ATTENTION: the below variables need to be placed above the areas [FileMapping] and [CollectionMapping]

;import directory of the tbx files

;mergeTerms: Allowed values: true or false. 
;If this is true, terms will be merged as described at 
;Otherwise all terms will be added to the termCollection, if the ID in the TBX does NOT exist already in the DB
;when the ID of the termEntry of the TBX does already exist in the DB, the terms of this termEntry will always be merged

;Deletes all terms in all listed termCollections, that have a updated date older than the date configured for "deleteTermsModifiedOlderThan". 
;Every term in a termCollection has a creation date, a modification date and an updated dated. 
;The creation date and the modification date are taken from the dates as they appear in the TBX file.
;The updated date is not shown in the GUI and is changed every time a user changes the term through touching
;it in the GUI or through an import

;Deletes all terms in all listed termCollections, that have an "updated date" older than the start of the current import.
;To learn, what the "updated date" is, please read above
;possible values: true or false

;Delete all proposals in a listed termCollections, that have a creation date older than this configs value.

;Delete all proposals in a listed termCollections, that have a creation date older than the start of the current import.
;possible values: true or false

;;;; ATTENTION: the above variables need to be placed above the areas [FileMapping] and [CollectionMapping]
;mapping between tbx file and term collection name

;mapping between term collection name and customer number (NOT the id)


Code Block
;All Across TBX Export templates (as created by Across) will be used. For each of the export templates a TBX will be exported and imported into the translate5 termCollection, to that it is mapped to below in the area [FileMapping] 

;mergeTerms: Allowed values: true or false. 
;If this is true, terms will be merged as described at 
;Otherwise all terms will be added to the termCollection, if the ID in the TBX does NOT exist already in the DB
;when the ID of the termEntry of the TBX does already exist in the DB, the terms of this termEntry will always be merged

;Deletes all terms in all listed termCollections, that have a updated date older than the listed one.
;Since every term that exists in a TBX gets a new updated date on TBX-import, even if it is not changed: Simply set this date to yesterday to delete all terms, that are not part of the current import
;The updated date is a date internal to translate5 and different from the modified date of the term, that is shown in the interface

;Deletes all terms in all listed termCollections, that have a modification date older than the start of the current import.
;possible values: true or false

;Delete all proposals in a listed termCollections, that have a creation date older than this configs value.

;Delete all proposals in a listed termCollections, that have a creation date older than the start of the current import.
;possible values: true or false

;mapping between across export template name (potentially located in the crossExportFilesDir directory) and term collection a translate5 termCollection.;the termCollection will be created, if it does not exist.

;mapping between term collection name and customer number


Available Methods:GET
Specialities:Start the crossapi-system based term import for the across configuration TBX export template files with location defined in the crossExportFilesDir parameter from the crossapi.config
Availability:It is avalable only for users with system role "admin" or "api")
