Page tree

Versions Compared


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Classes and important methods are in bold, events are in italics.



saves the task (project) entity to the database


creates a DataProvider, depending from where the data comes (Zip, Directory, SingleFile)

DataProvider → creates the import archive

creates one task for each target language out of the one task (project) previously saved

creates and calls editor_Models_Import::import(DataProvider)

uses the DataProvider to get and check the import data

triggers event afterUploadPreparation

sets several data in task and in editor_Models_Import_Configuration

locks the task with state import

triggers event beforeImport

prepares the import worker workers


triggers event importWorkerQueued

prepares the import end worker workers

editor_Models_Import_Worker_SetTaskToOpen → sets the task to its initial state (open|unconfirmed), runs only on a successful import

editor_Models_Import_Worker_FinalStep (runs always, also in the case of import errors)

triggers event importCompleted → notifies the GUI that the import is done (regardless of state error)

run the workers

called workers in detail:


checks the serialized parameters


imports meta data from the import directory via editor_Models_Import_MetaData default meta data is listed below, new meta data importers can be added by plugins.

editor_Models_Import_MetaData_QmSubsegments → import XML MQM Subsegment definitions




MetaData_PixelMapping → import PixelMapping width definitions

editor_Models_Import_TermListParser_Tbx → import TBX data from the import package for termtagging and associate a new term collection to the task (if TBX provided in ZIP)

trigger event beforeDirectoryParsing


instances a editor_Models_Import_FileList → reads the available files and creates the working files (formerly review files), relais files and reference files file trees, by using

uses editor_Models_Import_DirectoryParser_WorkingFiles

trigger event beforeFileNodeCreate

uses editor_Models_Foldertree



uses editor_Models_Foldertree_SyncToFiles


trigger event afterDirectoryParsing






editor_Models_Import_DirectoryParser_ReferenceFiles → possible bug, since called also in




_Worker_FileTree Thomas Lauria

fires importMetaData to enable other code to addImporters

imports each configured Importer (added with addImporter)




checks the serialized parameters

calls editor_Models_Import_



trigger event beforeImportFiles

import work files (importFiles)

loads the found files via editor_Models_Foldertree

loops over each to be imported file and

uses editor_Models_File_FilterManager to apply filters on each file

parses each file with a suitable FileParser:



fires beforeDirectoryParsing currently used by transit plugin to create the needed import files



 uses editor_Models_Import_DirectoryParserFileParser_WorkingFilesXml uses


uses editor_Models_Import_FoldertreeFileParser_SyncToFiles

fires afterDirectoryParsing

loops over the found files

creates a file type dependent FileParser Instance for each file





uses the segment processors to save each found segmentcreates the segment processors and link them to the fileparsers

editor_Models_Import_SegmentProcessor_MqmParser stores MQM data

editor_Models_Import_SegmentProcessor_ProofRead → save the segment data

calls FileParser::parseFile


does the file based word counting



syncFileOrder → syncs the order number of the files to the newly created segments

removeMetaDataTmpFiles → triggers meta data tmp clean up methods of each meta data importer



import relais files (importRelaisFiles)

same logic as for importFiles, just using the relais files and editor_Models_Import_SegmentProcessor_Relais instead editor_Models_Import_SegmentProcessor_Review


creates the materialized view for the task

saves the task entity

fires importCleanup

used to trigger internal clean up stuff after import

triggers Transit Plugin Clean Up call

triggers $dataProvider->postImportHandler();

bound in __wakeup call of the dataProvider

weired here, since dataprovider instance is filled for import preparation outside of the worker,
but is needed for clean up after the worker is finished

fires afterImport


calculateMetrics (word and segment count)


trigger event importCleanup



  • invokes on editor_Models_Import[afterUploadPreparation]: prepares HTML via URL based visual review
  • invokes on editor_Models_Import_Worker_FileTree[beforeDirectoryParsing]: prepares visual source files
  • invokes on editor_Models_Import_Worker_FileTree[afterDirectoryParsing]: prepares and checks optional meta data for visual review (XLST etc).
  • invokes on editor_Models_Import[afterImport]: queues the workers doing the visual review parts of the import:
    • editor_Plugins_VisualReview_PdfToHtmlWorker
    • editor_Plugins_VisualReview_WgetHtmlWorker
    • editor_Plugins_VisualReview_HtmlImportWorker
    • editor_Plugins_VisualReview_XmlXsltToHtmlWorker
    • editor_Plugins_VisualReview_SegmentationWorker


  • invokes on editor_Models_Import[afterImport]: starts the termtagging by queuing the editor_Plugins_TermTagger_Worker_TermTaggerImport workers
  • invokes on editor_Models_Import_SegmentProcessor_Review[process]: sets each non editable segment to be ignored from termtagging (contrable via config)
  • invokes on editor_Models_Import_MetaData[importMetaData]: adds the editor_Models_Import_TermListParser_Tbx importer to the MetaData importer list
  • invokes on editor_TaskController[afterPostAction]: prepares HTML via URL based visual review


  • invokes on editor_Models_Import_Worker_FileTree[beforeDirectoryParsing]: reconfigures the import configuration based on the existence of a custom bconf file
  • invokes on editor_Models_Import_Worker_FileTree[afterDirectoryParsing]: queues a editor_Plugins_Okapi_Worker worker for each file which is not processable with a local fileparser or filefilter. The worker sends the file to Okapi and waits until Okapi has processed the file.
  • invokes on editor_Models_RelaisFoldertree[customHandleFile]: prepares the relais file filenames so that they match to the filenames with the added xlf suffix.
  • invokes on editor_Models_Import_Worker_Import[importCleanup]: archives the files coming from Okapi by creating the


  • invokes on editor_TaskController[analysisOperation]: queues editor_Plugins_MatchAnalysis_BatchWorker if enabled, and editor_Plugins_MatchAnalysis_Worker which is doing the analysis
  • invokes on editor_TaskController[pretranslationOperation]: queues editor_Plugins_MatchAnalysis_BatchWorker if enabled, and editor_Plugins_MatchAnalysis_Worker which is doing the analysis with pre-translation


  • invokes on editor_Models_Import[afterImport]: does segment locking based on a flexible config